Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 538 The extreme pull between the two dragon kings

Zhu Quance's figure appeared outside the magnificent Beihai Dragon Palace.

When the Dragon Palace guards saw the Dragon King of the East China Sea, they immediately knelt down and paid homage!

Without any notification, Zhu Quance walked boldly towards the Beihai Dragon Palace. The maids on both sides followed him quickly, not daring to show any signs of neglect.

The Sihai Dragon Clan is actually divided into two factions.

Donghai and Beihai, now named Zhu, are from the same lineage.

Nanhai and Xihai, now with the surname Ao, are of the same lineage.

Naturally, the relationship between the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the North Sea is closer, and they move around the most on weekdays.

In a moment, Zhu Quance had arrived in the main hall of the Dragon Palace. The North Sea Dragon King who was sitting on the throne of the Dragon King immediately waved away the sea maid who was waiting for him, stood up, opened his arms and greeted her with a smile.

"Brother, why are you interested in coming to Beihai today?"

The North Sea Dragon King stepped forward with a smile and said casually.

"Nothing to do, just walk around."

Zhu Quance chuckled and responded in a neutral tone.

It's just that the two of them are also mature. When Zhu Quance said that he was just here to walk around, the Dragon King of Beihai immediately understood what he meant.

It was obvious that the conversation that followed was not suitable for anyone to listen to.

He didn't believe that Zhu Quance would come all the way to Beihai because he was idle and bored. In addition, the situation was quite tense now. After the death of the Dragon King of South China Sea, the remaining three Dragon Kings were all on tenterhooks.

"Everyone, stand down." The deep voice of the Dragon King of Beihai sounded in the hall. Naturally, many guards and maids had long been accustomed to these things. They moved quickly and neatly and quickly evacuated the hall. They also helped His Majesty the Dragon King to hold the door to the hall. Bring it.

When there were only two people left in the hall, Zhu Quance just found a place to sit down.

Upon seeing this, the Dragon King of Beihai did not return to the dragon throne. Instead, he sat beside Zhu Quance without saying a word, quietly waiting for him to reveal his intention.

"Hao Guang..."

"The time His Holiness has given us is running out."

Zhu Quance pondered for a moment and said casually with a tone that could not detect his emotions.

"Brother, there are still nine years left before the time set by His Holiness."

"You also watched Wan Qing grow up. This child's life is miserable. Can't we just let her play for a few more years and face it?"

"If my brother is here today to urge this matter, please come back. I know this matter well!"

Beihai Dragon Palace Zhu Haoguang heard his words, but he groaned, thinking that he was urging him to sacrifice Wan Qing's child to the venerable earlier, so that the venerable could come as soon as possible.

Even if this ending cannot be changed, at least it will make that day come later!

"You and I are of the same blood, and I, Wan Qing, regard you as my own."

"Could it be that I'm here to urge you?"

"What I mean is... have you ever thought of other ways?"

Zhu Quance wasn't angry, he just waved his hand to show that he didn't mean that, and asked tentatively.

He didn't believe that Zhu Haoguang didn't have any thoughts when he saw Chen Shengren's strength in Nanhai, and after Chen Shengren achieved enlightenment through literature that day?

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

The North Sea Dragon King rubbed his round belly, looking confused as if he didn't understand.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was known for his scheming. Even if he understood what the other party wanted to ask, he did not dare to tell him clearly before he was sure of the other party's purpose.

After all, who knows what Zhu Quance is thinking, and whether he will convey the thoughts he said today to His Holiness?

Donghai and Beihai do belong to the same lineage, and both have the surname Zhu, but that was a long time ago. At their generation, they are at most closer than other Dragon Kings. When it comes to heart-to-heart trust, there is really no such thing. .

"What do you think of Saint Chen's strength?"

Neither of the two old foxes wanted to be the first to show off their cards, but Zhu Quance was still probing from the side.

"Killing the Immortal Emperor is like killing a chicken or a sheep. His strength is unfathomable." Zhu Haoguang replied without much thought.

However, he also noticed a small detail. Zhu Quance's name for Pavilion Master Chen has now become Chen Shengren.

Obviously, he is very afraid of Pavilion Master Chen!

That's right, after all, the Tiandao Immortal Palace is built on the East China Sea, and Zhu Quance should feel the most about the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"Then if we face the Venerable, who do you think is better, fourth brother?"

Zhu Quance continued to ask.

"What do you mean, brother?"

"There are no outsiders here now, so you might as well say it clearly."

The Dragon King of the North Sea narrowed his eyes slightly. This question was already a bit dangerous. If he answered it, he would be almost equal to the team and would offend one of the two people.

Whether it is Pavilion Master Chen of the Tiandao Immortal Palace or the irresistible Lord, he, the Dragon King of the North Sea, cannot afford to offend him!

"I have met Wan Qing's child."

"Now the child is in the East China Sea, temporarily staying in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace."

"Chen Shengren... seems to like this child Wan Qing quite a bit."

Zhu Quance chuckled lightly, seeming to be talking about some unimportant household matters.

But his words made the North Sea Dragon King's pupils shrink!

Although it was not stated explicitly, these words were enough to show that Zhu Quance had made his own choice!

Firstly, he met Wan Qing, and secondly, Wan Qing temporarily stayed in Tiandao Immortal Palace, which meant that he had personally visited Tiandao Immortal Palace and visited Pavilion Master Chen!

Then it was pointed out that Pavilion Master Chen was quite fond of Wan Qing.

Now the problem is placed in front of him.

Zhu Haoguang gritted his teeth and thought to himself that this old guy was really impeccable in what he said!

Although it can be seen that he chose Chen Shengren's thigh, there is no flaw in it!

But now he is in trouble...

If you continue to insist on sacrificing Wan Qing's child to allow the Lord to come, you will offend Pavilion Master Chen.

If we don't sacrifice the late Qing, Gu Yan and the Venerable, I am afraid that this Immortal Emperor's cultivation will not be preserved, and it will be difficult for the Hai Clan to turn around.

But if he was really asked to choose, he would of course be inclined to hug Pavilion Master Chen's thigh tightly. No matter what, Wan Qing was still his own flesh and blood. Even though he had been prepared in his heart many years ago, if there was a way, Who would be willing to sacrifice their own child to Haiyan!

"If I choose Pavilion Master Chen, what will my eldest brother do?"

Zhu Haoguang simply stopped pretending, stared directly into the opponent's eyes, and showed off his cards.

"Fourth, you know me."

"You and I both belong to the same lineage as Zhu, so I am of the same mind as you."

"By the way, if you are still worried about anything, I have a suggestion for you. You might as well come to our East China Sea and see it with your own eyes. You will understand."

"But you know this matter and I know it. It's better not to make it public for the time being, so as not to cause any accidents."

"That's it. Let's take our leave."

Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, saw that the other party had confessed, and it was time for him to show some sincerity. Even so, he did not say anything too harshly, at least leaving a way out for himself.

After the words fell, before Zhu Haoguang could reply, his figure slowly disappeared into the hall.

Only Zhu Haoguang was left thinking about his words...

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