In the main hall, North Sea Dragon King Zhu Haoguang frowned and thought for a long time.

I couldn't help but curse secretly: "Old fox..."

This guy is indeed on the side of Pavilion Master Chen, but he is afraid of changes, so he still maintains a semi-neutral level.

All we could see was whether Pavilion Master Chen was willing to intervene in the affairs of the Dragon Clan.

But judging from the performance of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, it was not difficult for him to judge that the strength of Pavilion Master Chen was far from what he had seen!

Otherwise, Zhu Quance's temperament would make it impossible for him to switch sides midway. Even if he risked the venerable's wrath upon finding out, he would still come to discuss the matter with him.

"Donghai, it seems that Pavilion Master Chen of Tiandao Immortal Palace has shown some tricks recently?"

"The previous visions of heaven and earth were indeed terrifying... If it is said that its strength is higher than that of the Venerable, I think there is no problem, but it is hard to say how big the gap between the two is."

Just as he guessed, the Dragon King of East China Sea had the same view as him.

But since he visited the Tiandao Immortal Palace once, he finally understood what kind of terrifying existence Pavilion Master Chen is!

Those who are noble or disrespectful may not be much better than the ant-like Immortal Emperor in front of Chen Shengren. They are just dying quickly and slowly.

"That's all, I'll tell you when I ask you about it when I get back."

Zhu Haoguang debated for a moment whether he should go to the East China Sea to verify it in person, but finally gave up the idea.


The two people seemed to be having a seamless conversation, but little did they know that at this moment, within the eyes of the sea, in the oppressive space filled with karma, a pair of scarlet eyes flashed with a fierce look.

"Haha... playing these little tricks in front of me."

"Even the method of enlightening the Immortal Emperor was given by me. You still want to keep secrets in front of me?"

"Tiandao Immortal Palace...something I have never heard of!"

"Sage Chen, haha, you blew the sky. There is still someone who dares to be called a saint these days. Is he worthy of it?"

"When I come to this world, I will use this Heaven-Breaking Dao Immortal Palace to perform surgery!"

"Just enough to establish your authority and avoid trouble."

A dull voice whispered in the karma space.

The space here seems to be boundless, filled with thick karma. Even the figure of the Venerable is covered by the karma, and his form cannot be seen clearly.

Only his scarlet eyes could be seen.

Here, the strongest person in the Immortal Realm is no more than the Immortal Emperor, and he still takes a sideways approach.

Even if someone really takes the step above the Immortal Emperor, to him, it's just a meager thing and can be wiped out with a wave of his hand!

As for the plans of the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the North Sea, he thinks it is just child's play and will not affect his coming to this world at all.

If you accept the method of enlightenment passed down by him, or use the magic weapon he provided, how could he not leave any means behind?



"Hey hey-"

In the karmic space, those karmic obstacles seemed to feel the emotional fluctuations of this venerable person. The karmic obstacles gathered together and turned into abstract faces, constantly making strange noises.


The Venerable roared, and the face formed by karma was instantly washed away. This annoying voice had troubled him for an unknown number of years.

But it doesn’t matter, in a few years, it will be time to be free!

Now that the Dragon King of the North Sea has rebelled, he is not prepared to wait for ten years. If he finds an opportunity, he can take action in advance and come to this world!


Time passes day by day.

In the blink of an eye, seven years later.

In the past seven years, the Tiandao Immortal Palace has been peaceful.

Every once in a while, Dayi would send some fresh sea fish to the Tiandao Immortal Palace for the emperor's second disciple to enjoy.

Although it was just some miscellaneous errands, Dayi was very happy to do them.

During this period, he even felt that he had lost a moment of memory several times.

It was because he passed by the island where the mysterious woman lived again in order to fish.

But Yi himself didn't know this, he just thought that it was all the sequelae after recovering his sanity, and he would probably be fine after a hundred years of cultivation.

On an unknown island.

The mysterious woman opened her bright eyes from sitting cross-legged in meditation, and slightly raised her eyes to look in the direction of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

"It should be, this is the time."

"Do you want to intervene...forget it, the risk of intervening is too high, it is better to be more cautious, everything is safe."

The mysterious woman only looked in the direction of the Tiandao Immortal Palace for a moment, and then quickly withdrew her gaze.

She didn't want to be discovered right now, so it was best to complete everything without anyone noticing.

"With my current state, I should not be discovered."


In the Immortal Palace of Heaven.

After seven years, the three ginseng fruits lived up to expectations, and two of them had taken root and sprouted.

Only the ginseng fruit that Leng Yanran took care of may have had some slight influence on it after being taken out and buried again, and it has not grown at all yet.

Leng Yanran felt extremely guilty about this, but Chen Daoxuan didn't care.

"That's all. Anyway, two plants have been planted. I am already very satisfied with the result."

Chen Daoxuan was just taking a risk at the beginning. The worst-case scenario was that he would not be able to cultivate three ginseng fruits successfully.

Now two ginseng fruits have begun to take root and sprout, which is already very good.

"It's all the disciple's fault..."

"Master, please punish me!"

Leng Yanran lowered her head and whispered.

"Okay, then I will punish you as a teacher..." Chen Daoxuan actually nodded, and then said. When he heard that he was going to be punished, Leng Yanran lowered her head and bit her red lips. She was not nervous, but Excited!

When Dongfang Han and Li Yourong heard this, they immediately pricked up their ears and curled their lips at the same time.

This is not a punishment, it is clearly a reward for senior sister!

"I'll punish you. I'll exempt you from punishment next time." The master's voice fell, and Leng Yanran was stunned.

She originally planned to surrender and accept the punishment, but when she heard this punishment that was so terrifying and unacceptable to her, she suddenly became anxious!


"Master, no!"

Leng Yanran hurriedly shook her head like a rattle.

Dongfang Han and Li Yourong opened their mouths and gave a thumbs up to the master. Good guy, it has to be the master!

For Senior Sister, this is really the cruelest punishment!

But it’s okay to give them this kind of punishment. They don’t mind it. They will be exempted from it once!

"What words!?"

"Why can't I be a teacher?"

Chen Daoxuan snorted, a little unhappy at Yanran's words.

"Yes, Master, it's possible!"

Dongfang Han instinctively spoke to help his master prove it.

"Little Junior Sister... I think you are going to be tortured more..." Li Yourong muttered silently after hearing what the Young Junior Sister said.

Dongfang Han also realized that he had almost spilled the beans, so he quickly said politely: "I mean, how can it be impossible for Master to be in such a state? Master can do anything!"

"Forget it, forget it, I can't explain...Master is really good at it anyway!"

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