Hearing the young disciple's shocking remarks, Chen Daoxuan turned his head silently and expressed that he didn't understand anything.

Li Yourong looked at the junior sister. Although he had already determined that 90% of the junior sister would succeed early, now that he heard these words, he was convinced. Sure enough, the one who suffered the most punishment was the junior sister!

Ao Lan turned around and chuckled when he heard this. He didn't say much to hide his merit and fame.

As a senior vixen, Bai Ling'er's eyes switched back and forth between Dongfang Han and the master of the pavilion, and finally looked at Leng Yanran, "Tsk, the young master didn't seem to notice it at all!"

Just as she thought, Leng Yanran didn't think about it at all after listening to her junior sister's words.

I just feel that the junior sister said this because she admires the master.

So she didn't dwell too much on this, and naturally no one would delve into the matter.

"Since we can't grow this ginseng fruit, we'll divide it."

Chen Daoxuan looked at the ginseng fruit in his hand that had not been successfully cultivated and grown, and did not feel at all how valuable this innate spiritual root was.


"Long live Master!!!"

"Bah, bah, bah, master, I will never die!!!"

"Uh... Bah, bah, bah, what's that about, Master? Master, you know!"

Li Yourong heard her master say that she wanted to divide the ginseng fruit, and tears of emotion flowed from the corner of her mouth. In the past few years, every time she smelled the refreshing fragrance of the ginseng fruit, she couldn't help but want to dig out her own piece and eat it secretly. , but when I thought about the whip that Master said would last for ninety-nine and eighty-one days, I could only endure it.

Today I can finally taste the delicious taste of this innate spiritual root!

Because I was so excited, I didn’t even know how to flatter the Master. I said long live the Master, which also meant cursing the Master...

Chen Daoxuan naturally didn't care about this, he just raised his hand and hit the second disciple's head.

"Oops -" Li Yourong screamed in pain, but when he thought about being able to eat ginseng fruit, he smiled and said that the pain was nothing! ?

Everyone around them also became interested when they heard that they were going to share the top-quality innate spiritual root ginseng fruit.

Leng Yanran and Dongfang Han also gathered around. Although they were not foodies like Li Yourong, the fragrance of ginseng fruit was really moving.

Ao Lan, Li Shenruo, and that Bai Ling'er, the three of them stood there. After all, these top-grade innate spiritual roots must be divided among the direct disciples first. With their identities, how could they dare to step forward?

Pavilion Master Chen originally planned to divide the ginseng fruits equally according to the number of people present, but suddenly he had an idea.

He casually scratched the ginseng fruit suspended in front of his palm a few times, and the entire ginseng fruit was cut into pieces of different sizes.

"Yourong, you come and share."

Chen Daoxuan casually created a jade plate, placed the divided ginseng fruit on it, and handed it to his second disciple Li Yourong.

He would see today whether his two disciples would be greedy and give out small pieces, or whether they would be fair and equitable with the feelings of their masters in mind.

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Li Yourong, wondering how she would divide it up.



Li Yourong was stunned for a moment, then responded in a playful voice, took the jade plate, and looked at everyone present with tangled eyes.

However, she took the lead in picking out the largest piece and slowly pushed it to the master with her spiritual power.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan chuckled and took the piece. At least his second disciple had no problem with respecting his master.

The biggest piece of it was given to him as the master.

But then, Li Yourong gave two slightly larger pieces to Leng Yanran and Dongfang Han, his two senior sisters.

"Second junior sister doesn't seem to be that greedy." Leng Yanran took the slightly larger piece, feeling warm in her heart.

Dongfang Han was also a little surprised, but he still took the piece of ginseng fruit and thanked Second Senior Sister, "Hey...Thank you, Second Senior Sister."

I thought that Li Yourong would take out the largest piece of the remaining ones, but unexpectedly, she used her spiritual power to push the large pieces to Ao Lan, Bai Ling'er and Li Shenruo.

Yu Youwei, who came over out of curiosity, also got a piece. Even Zhu Wanqing, who had been silent, had a piece floating in front of her.

"Second Young Master, this is the best innate spiritual root. You can't use it." Bai Ling'er looked at the ginseng fruit in front of him. It would be false to say that he was not moved. Even the Immortal Emperor would covet such a divine object. Otherwise, the three of them now Even as an Immortal Emperor, the first thing he would do after returning to his residence would be to plant those low-grade spiritual root seeds.

No matter how many low-grade spiritual roots there are, they can never compare to this innate top-grade spiritual root. There is a huge difference!

Yu Youwei sniffed her nose, her eyes brightened, and she took the ginseng fruit piece. As long as the owner didn't say that he couldn't eat it, what could she say?

Ao Lan and others wanted to refuse. This kind of divine object was indeed too precious, and the ginseng fruit had not yet been cultivated and matured, so this was the only one.

"It's just a spiritual fruit, no need to worry about it." Upon seeing this, Chen Daoxuan spoke directly.

Naturally, everyone stopped refusing and thanked him.

After some carving, only some small pieces of ginseng fruit were left on the plate.

"Yes, but I have underestimated Yourong."

Chen Daoxuan laughed.

I didn’t expect that my second disciple, even though he was a glutton, could actually do things like Kong Rong gave away pears!

Divide the big ones among everyone.

"Hey, that's right!"

When Li Yourong was praised by his master, his little face raised to the sky, his eyes narrowed and he responded with a smile.

"Tell me, why did you give up all the big ones to others?"

"Aren't you salivating over this ginseng fruit for a long time?"

Chen Daoxuan continued to ask.

"Hehe... Yourong is not a fool!"

"Give the big ones to you. If you eat the little ones quickly, you can eat a few more pieces!"

"Usually you all say I'm naive, but sometimes I'm quite witty!"

Li Yourong narrowed his eyes and smiled, and revealed the reason why he did this.

"..." Chen Daoxuan took the ginseng fruit and was about to bring it to his mouth, but he froze.

"..." Leng Yanran and Dongfang Han, who originally had soft eyes, thought that their previous views on Li Yourong were not perfect, but now they are silent.

Even Ao Lan and others were speechless by these words.

"Good guy...I thought Kong Rong was giving the pear to you so that you could eat it faster!" Chen Daoxuan twitched the corner of his mouth, and now he completely accepted his fate. Well, it seems that his second disciple is I can't get rid of this gluttonous habit.

But in the end, no one fought with her.

When the ginseng fruit enters your mouth, the fragrance instantly fills your mouth and nose. After swallowing it, the ginseng fruit turns into its pure essence and blends into the body.

Even the soul feels much clearer at this moment!

Leng Yanran's eyes changed, and she quickly crossed her legs and began to absorb the skills, not daring to waste them.

Everyone followed suit, but Pavilion Master Chen smacked his lips slightly: "I feel like it doesn't taste very good..."

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