Chen Daoxuan was not surprised when he heard that Xiaohaihai wanted to say goodbye.

"Remember, take that jade talisman with you."

"If you have a wish that you want to realize in the future, you can activate the jade talisman at any time."

Pavilion Master Chen wiped away the embarrassment in Cai Cai's heart and gave instructions seemingly casually.

"The student took note of it, thank you sir!"

Zhu Wanqing raised her hand and grasped the small jade charm she hung as a necklace around her neck, and nodded heavily.

She had no intention of using this jade talisman, just treating it as a gift from her husband.

She can’t, let her husband help her solve all the problems that the Sea Clan is currently facing, right?

He might even become an enemy of the venerable person who made his father and the Immortal Emperors fear him.

Although her husband's strength was extraordinary, His Majesty's strength was unknown, and she didn't want him to take this risk.

Then she would rather choose to sacrifice herself to Haiyan.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Yan'er and the others?"

Chen Daoxuan asked softly when he saw that the other party no longer said anything and was ready to leave.

During this period of time, Xiao Haihai had already gotten along with everyone. She usually played with Yan'er and ate with the second child, Li Yourong. Apart from her eldest disciple, Leng Yanran, who was devoted to practicing, she had little communication. Other than that, everyone else is already familiar with it.

"No way..."

Zhu Wanqing glanced at the people who had spent time together under the Wudao tea tree. Although there was reluctance in his eyes, he still did not intend to say goodbye to everyone.

After all, this farewell was an eternal farewell. She was afraid that she could not help but break her guard and let her husband see the joke. If she aroused his questioning again, then, with his character, he would definitely go to Haiyan in person to talk to that unknown person. Meet the venerable master who has exactly what kind of strength he has.

"Well, be careful along the way." Pavilion Master Chen saw this and said no more.

Zhu Wanqing fumbled around in her arms for a while, took out a delicate little sachet, held it in her two smooth and white hands and handed it over.

"Sir, this is a small gift from Wan Qing to you..."

"When you smell this sachet, you will think of Wan Qing and the little seafood."

Zhu Wanqing lowered her head and spoke in a low voice, not daring to look at her husband.

If she could make her husband remember her, she would be very happy.


"It smells pretty good."

Pavilion Master Chen chuckled, and then thought about it. Since the other party gave him a gift when they parted, he should give him something as well.

But he didn't know what to take out for a while, and he happened to be holding the novel in his hand, so he simply handed it over.

"This novel is called Lord of the Heavenly Palace. You can take it back and read it to relieve your boredom."

After Chen Daoxuan finished speaking, Zhu Wanqing looked at the book in his hand, said no more, turned around and left.

Watching Zhu Wanqing reach the edge of the isolating spiritual mist, Pavilion Master Chen slightly raised his finger to sketch, and the spiritual mist spread out into a passage, and Zhu Wanqing also left through it.

After leaving the Immortal Palace, Zhu Wanqing was reluctant to look back at her husband and saw him raising the sachet in his hand and waving it to her.

Xiao Haihai also smiled and picked up the book given by the gentleman, waved his hand, turned and left without daring to stay any longer.

Isolate the spiritual mist and cover the Tiandao Immortal Palace again.

Zhu Wanqing, who was rushing back, had a flash of light on his face, and he had no regrets in this life.

Originally, she planned to return directly to Beihai without stopping for a moment, but when she passed an unnamed island, she stopped dead in her tracks.

There was a woman standing on the island looking at her. Even though she was covered by a veil, she could still tell who the other person was. How could she not be able to tell them apart after spending so much time together day and night?

Strange... I was practicing under the Enlightenment tea tree just now, why did I appear here?

"Go back, Xiaohaihai, don't be afraid, there will be another chance to meet you in the future."

The figure waved his hand to her, and the voice sounded in her ears.


Zhu Wanqing always felt that the other party seemed to know what happened to her when she suddenly wanted to return to the Dragon Palace, so she simply did not dare to say more, bowed slightly and continued to return in the direction of Beihai.

The mysterious woman shook her head slightly and smiled bitterly. Her temperament was indeed not stable in everything. Just when she saw the fourth child crying miserably, she couldn't help but show up.

But it doesn't matter, Lao Si will return to the Dragon Palace during this trip. Before the arrival of the Sea Clan Venerable, Master will not come into contact with Lao Si and will not be aware of her existence.

"Since the fourth child has returned to Beihai, it should be just a few days away." The mysterious woman watched Xiaohaihai leave, then took a deep look at the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and then disappeared without a trace.

After being far away, Zhu Wanqing always felt that something was wrong just now.

"Why don't I feel even a breath?"

"That's right, now she is in the human fairyland. If she restrains her aura, it is normal for me not to feel it."


Heavenly Palace.

A moment after Zhu Wanqing left.

Dongfang Han quit his cultivation state, moved his body, took off his Lingxiao Sword from the branches of the Enlightenment tea tree, and carried it to his master.

"Master, is the little seafood gone?"

Dongfang Han was not in a deep level of cultivation just now, and he was very clear about everything just now.

"Well, let's go."

Chen Daoxuan responded casually and put away the small sachet.

"Hey, Master, do you like Yan'er like this or Xiaohaihai like that?" Dongfang Han asked with a smirk as he approached the Master.

"Be serious." Chen Daoxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and slapped him while scolding.


"It hurts, Master. Yan'er is not a senior sister, so I'm afraid of the pain!"

Dongfang Han jumped up immediately, covering his round buttocks and bulging his mouth in frustration.

"If you don't act seriously as a teacher, you will have to take out the Hongmeng Ruler." Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but grimace when he saw that his little disciple was becoming more and more lawless.

"Master, you have wronged me!"

"Jian'er is serious!"

"Just now Jian'er was clearly asking you, do you prefer small seafood, which gives you sachets, or Jian'er, who gives you a pat on the back and pinches your legs?"

"What did you think?"

Dongfang Han pursed his lips in grievance, rubbing his roundness to dispel the pain.


"Day by day, let's see if your senior sister and second senior sister can practice well. Get up and take a rest after practicing for a while!"

"Go and continue practicing!"

Chen Daoxuan was silent for a moment, but he could not lose his dignity as a master, let alone admit that he had gone astray. It was clearly this girl who deliberately guided him!

Let Dongfang Han go back to Enlightenment and continue practicing under the tea tree.

In this regard, Dongfang Han could only look at his master with resentment, but he still returned to the Enlightenment tea tree and continued to cross his legs and run his skills to stabilize his newly skyrocketed cultivation level.

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