After running around for several days, Xiaohaihai never stopped.

Knowing her fate, she looked away.

Since this day will come sooner or later, there is no way to avoid it.

But on the way, she still had some doubts... When did she appear on the island?

It was obvious that when she left the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace, she was still practicing under the Enlightenment tea tree.

That’s all, if you can’t think clearly, don’t think about it.

On the way, Xiaohaihai would occasionally pull out the small jade charm given to him by his husband from his chest and look at it and caress it.

It was as if her husband was by her side, making her no longer afraid of the fate she was about to face.

In another two days, Zhu Wanqing's figure had arrived in Beihai.

As soon as she stepped into Beihai territory, there were soldiers of the Sea Clan and guards of the Sea Clan coming to greet her.

"My subordinates, please see the Sixth Princess!" The one who came to greet her this time was a soldier from the Sea Clan in the Immortal Emperor Realm.

Zhu Wanqing couldn't help but smile bitterly when she saw this, and sent the Immortal Emperor Realm to greet her. His father was obviously afraid that she would run away again!

Speaking of which, Beihai Dragon King Zhu Haoguang did have this idea in order to prevent Wan Qing from suddenly changing his mind and running away after returning to Beihai.

But the reason why he sent Immortal Emperor Realm soldiers to bring Wan Qing back this time was not to send her to the Eye of the Sea for sacrifice, but to have a showdown with Wan Qing... and then carefully plan how to deal with it. !

"Let's go back to the Dragon Palace." Zhu Wanqing looked far away in the direction of the East China Sea. After she looked back, her expression was a little relieved. These days in her heart were like a big dream.

Now that I have woken up from the dream, it is time to face reality.

Before the soldiers could clear the way, she took the lead in the direction of the Dragon Palace.

The guards of the Sea Clan quickly followed behind. The Immortal Emperor Realm general originally planned to take out the palace and control it, but seeing that the Sixth Princess didn't seem to be interested, he just followed behind her silently.

At the same time, she was always worried whether the Sixth Princess would suddenly run away.

After a while, they will observe whether the Sixth Princess has used the secret technique of the Dragon Palace to escape, leaving behind a false body.

After all, the last time the guards who followed the Sixth Princess out went out because of the Sixth Princess's escape, they ended up in a sea-filling eye. Even His Majesty the Dragon King was extremely angry because he thought they were being filled in too slowly!

He didn't dare to make the same mistake again.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. After escorting the Sixth Princess to the main entrance of the Dragon Palace, the guards stood guard outside the Dragon Palace. Without the Dragon King's order, they did not dare to enter without authorization. Only the Immortal Emperor soldier followed the Sixth Princess. Behind him, he walked towards the main hall of Dragon Palace.

When they arrived at the Dragon King's hall, the North Sea Dragon King was still serving as usual, being served by many sea tribe maids, and felt very uncomfortable.

Feeling the return of his daughter, Zhu Haoguang also quickly waved away the maid, straightened his dragon robe slightly, and put on the most kind expression as possible.

After all, he will have a showdown with his daughter later, and what he is about to say may arouse her strong dissatisfaction!

Although it was the unanimous acquiescence of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, and he had no way to change it before, if he did not take the initiative to send Zhu Wanqing as a sacrifice, the sage of the sea tribe would have other means to complete it, and even let others The Dragon King of the Three Seas forcefully completed this matter, leaving the Beihai Dragon Palace in despair!

Now with the appearance of Pavilion Master Chen from Tiandao Immortal Palace, he finally saw a turning point, and it was time for a showdown with his daughter!

"Father." Zhu Wanqing came to the center of the hall and saluted his father on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty." The Immortal Emperor Realm soldiers bowed their hands and knelt down to pay homage.

"Today, the King will discuss some family matters with the Sixth Princess. If you have nothing else to do, please step aside."

After speaking, the Dragon King of the North Sea stood up with a smile, stretched out his hands, shook back the broad sleeves of his dragon robe, and stepped forward with a charitable smile on his face.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After hearing this, the maids and sea clan powerful men in the hall bowed their hands and resigned, walked out of the hall, and closed the door behind them.

"Stop standing there. Are you tired from running all the way?"

"Come, come and sit."

"Did you suffer during these days?"

"Did those soldiers disrespect you on the way back?"

The Dragon King of Beihai stepped forward and pulled his daughter to the dragon throne while asking questions here and there with concern.

When Zhu Wanqing was born, he was extremely happy to feel that his daughter's blood was extremely pure and far superior to that of the Dragon King of the Four Seas, and he doted on her even more!

It was only later, when Zhu Wanqing was ten years old, that the venerable master said that he wanted Zhu Wanqing to be a sacrifice for his coming. After that, the Dragon King of Beihai intentionally or unintentionally had some separation from his sixth daughter. So that you won’t be able to let go of it when the time comes.

But all her requirements were naturally met.

The spacious Dragon King's throne was not crowded at all when he took his daughter to sit on it. After all, he usually liked to take his two maids to accompany him on this Dragon King's throne.

"Thank you for your concern, my father. Wan Qing did not suffer during the journey, and the soldiers did not cause any difficulties to Wan Qing."

Seeing Zhu Wanqing's return this time, his father changed his usual concern for her and smiled bitterly, as if he understood something in his heart.

But since she decided to return to Beihai Dragon Palace, she naturally had no intention of escaping.

"You left suddenly without even saying a word to your father."

"Your mother has been very worried these days."

Zhu Haoguang started chatting with her about family affairs, thinking about how to talk to his daughter so that it wouldn't be such a big blow to her.

After all, in the sudden showdown, she had actually been chosen as a sacrifice by the Lord of the Sea Tribe, and it would probably be difficult to accept it on anyone else.

Zhu Wanqing dealt with his father's words one after another, but his thoughts were not there.

She could feel that her father seemed to want to say something, but was waiting for the right moment to speak.

"By the way, father, have you pardoned those guards for their dereliction of duty last time as Wan Qing requested?" Zhu Wanqing suddenly remembered that he had left a message conch for his father before leaving.


"Ahem, Wan Qing, my father really has no intention of blaming them for this matter. He is already prepared to do as you say."

"It's just...the men moved too fast at that time, and my father didn't have time to stop them."

"But don't worry, your mother has made proper arrangements for their family and will enjoy extremely high treatment."

Hearing this, the North Sea Dragon King cleared his throat slightly embarrassed and explained unnaturally.

These words were not heard by the guards outside the door, otherwise they would have couldn't help but murmur. It was clear that His Majesty the Dragon King thought they were slow in their actions at that time...


"It's not my father's fault, it's all caused by Wan Qing himself."

Zhu Wanqing was silent for a moment. Seeing his father's embarrassed look, he could only sigh and feel a little guilty.

Seeing this, the Dragon King of the North Sea also felt unhappy. In his eyes, the lives of several sea clan guards were no more precious than seaweed, but his daughter was the apple of his eye. Wan Qing was so kind, but fate was playing tricks on people!

Fortunately, there is now a solution!

The Dragon King of Beihai simply stopped covering up and gently held his daughter's hand. His expression was extremely serious and he said with a trace of regret in his eyes: "As a father, I want to confess something to you. I don't ask for your understanding. This is just the truth." Things are things you should know and should not be kept hidden.”

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