Seeing that his daughter had obviously misunderstood, the Dragon King of Beihai quickly explained!


When Zhu Wanqing heard what his father said, he obviously didn't expect it. He slightly raised his head and looked at his father.

"Absolutely true!"

"As a father, I can promise you that I will never sacrifice your life!"

"Even your uncle has already discussed it with my father. You don't need to intervene in this matter. We will complete everything!"

Seeing his daughter's confused expression, the Dragon King of Beihai quickly said with a solemn expression!

Zhu Wanqing fell into a brief silence.

Although she was kind-hearted, she was not a fool. She immediately understood that all this must be related to her husband!

After all, before she left Beihai Dragon Palace this time, her father had not changed her mind, but since she returned from staying in Tiandao Immortal Palace for a while, everything has been different...

Could it be that...sir's strength is far superior to that venerable one?

Before she could continue to ask her doubts, the Dragon King of Beihai paused slightly and said with a smile: "Your uncle and second uncle are already here."

"Today, in front of you, I will explain the situation to your two uncles, so that you can feel at ease!"

When Zhu Haoguang finished speaking, two figures slowly appeared outside Beihai Dragon Palace.

It is the Dragon King of the East Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Naturally, the Dragon Palace guards did not dare to stop him in the slightest, and the two of them arrived in front of the main hall.

The guard said that His Majesty the Dragon King had just dismissed everyone, but Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, ignored him at all and pushed directly through the hall and stepped inside, followed closely by the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Seeing this, Beihai's guards only dared to close the palace door. After all, they were His Majesty the Dragon King, and they had no guts to stop him!

"Wan Qing is back?" Zhu Quance had just arrived in the hall. He didn't even have time to say hello to his fourth brother. He saw Zhu Wanqing's figure first and his eyes lit up.

Although the Dragon King of the West Sea didn't know much about the current situation, he still had a kind smile on his face.

No matter what, the Four Seas Dragon Clan is one family, and this cannot be changed.

"Uncle, second uncle." Zhu Wanqing stood up from the Dragon King's throne and slightly cupped his hands towards the two of them.

Originally, the Dragon King of the West Sea had already nodded in agreement with a casual smile, but Zhu Quance on the side turned slightly sideways.

Not to mention that the Dragon King of the West Sea couldn't understand this move, even the Dragon King of the North Sea, Zhu Haoguang, Zhu Wanqing's father, was a little confused.

"Your Majesty, my uncle will not accept today's courtesy. Please sit down."

"Besides, Fourth Brother, please stand up and speak."

Zhu Quance smiled and narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the fourth North Sea Dragon King and said.

"???" Several big question marks slowly appeared on the Beihai Dragon King's head. This was in the Beihai Dragon Palace. It would be a bit too rude to ask him to stand up from the Dragon King's throne to speak, right?

"My king only wants to do one thing today."

"If from today onwards, Wan Qing is willing to take over our Sihai Dragon Clan, I, Zhu Quance, will be willing to obey Wan Qing's orders!"

"Everything depends on Wan Qing's thoughts!"

Zhu Quance glanced at the other two dragon kings, and finally his eyes fell on Zhu Wanqing.

Among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, he is the only one who has personally visited the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

I have seen with my own eyes the horror of Chen Shengren!

Saint Chen should no longer be a figure in this world, let alone the mysterious venerable. Even if the venerable comes, Saint Chen can easily kill him, even like crushing an ant to death.

When he returned to Donghai these days, he had already thought everything through!

Now the Dragon Clan has only two options to choose from.

Or, surrender to that mysterious venerable. When the time comes, because Zhu Wanqing is used as a sacrifice by the mysterious venerable, which angers Shengren Chen, all the dragon clans in the world will be reduced to ashes, and the mysterious venerable can only be treated like Kill like ants!

Or, choose to hug Chen Shengren's thigh tightly, and the first step to hug Chen Shengren's thigh tightly is Zhu Wanqing!

Among the dragon clans in the world, only Zhu Wanqing still has a good friendship with Chen Shengren. The reason why these so-called dragon kings are still alive is not that Chen Shengren failed to kill them, but that he is not interested in them for the time being!

There are two roads, no matter how stupid you are, you still know which way to choose!

For a moment, the Dragon King of the West Sea and the Dragon King of the North Sea looked at each other with big eyes. Hearing what the elder brother said, they were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Zhu Wanqing who was even more confused.

But their actions showed their decision!

He stood up and slowly came to the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Only Zhu Wanqing was left sitting on the throne of the Dragon King!

"Father, two Qing can't stand it."

Zhu Wanqing sat blankly on the throne of the Dragon King. She originally thought that after returning to the Dragon Palace, she would be sent to the Eye of the Sea as a sacrifice, but now the result is that she never dared to think about it in her dreams. of!

She was about to get up, but her uncle Zhu Quance stopped her sternly: "Wan Qing, now the fate of our dragon clan is in your hands according to the original plan!"

"Today, if you agree to take charge of the Four Seas Dragon Clan, my eldest uncle, second uncle, and your father will not have any other ideas!"

"Your father must have told you about the Venerable in the Eye of the Sea, but now, that is not a problem you need to worry about!"

Zhu Wanqing was stupid... completely stupid.

The scene before her eyes was completely different from what she had imagined!

Diametrically opposed!

She thought she would face death after returning to the Dragon Palace, but now her two uncles and her father put her on the throne of the Dragon King, allowing her to take charge of the Dragon Clan!

She also said that the Venerable didn’t need her to worry at all!

" won't work."

"When the time comes, our Four Seas Dragon Clan will..."

Zhu Wanqing instinctively waved her hand in astonishment and refused.

"Shengren Chen will smooth everything for you!" Zhu Quance's eyes flashed. He had seen from the last time he went to Tiandao Immortal Palace that Sage Chen really liked Wan Qing's love for talents.

If something unexpected happens to Wan Qing, the Dragon Clan will face the wrath of Chen Shengren, which is far more terrifying than the Venerable!

During this period, after leaving Beihai, he also went to the West Sea. He did not leave the Dragon King of the West Sea aside because his surname was not Zhu.

After all, no matter what, the four of them have been friends for so many years. Even if Saint Chen or that Venerable becomes the overlord of the world in the future, there will always be someone to control the world!


"No, sir cannot be involved in this matter!"

"Too dangerous!"

Zhu Wanqing was still a little confused at first, but after hearing her uncle say sir, she immediately shook her head and refused with a serious face, and planned to stand up and refuse the throne that controls the dragon clan in the world!


Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, opened his mouth slightly and looked at his gifted little niece.

too dangerous?

Who is at risk?

Don’t you know that gentleman’s strength?

Even if you don't know his strength, you can at least see those land immortal emperors plowing the fields in the Tiandao Immortal Palace! ?

Where does the danger come from?

The biggest danger in the entire Fallen Immortal Realm is whether Mr. Chen in your mouth is good or not!

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