"Listen to uncle first..."

"Uncle can't guarantee too much, but as the Six-Life Immortal Emperor, I must see it much more clearly than you."

"That Venerable is indeed superior to the Immortal Emperor, but my uncle can still feel his limits. Although it is not comparable to the Immortal Emperors like us, it is enough to make people despair."

"But Chen Shengren is different..."

"Uncle, I don't know anything about the details of Saint Chen!"

"My uncle can even assure you that if Chen Shengren were to deal with the venerable person in Shanghai's eyes, there would only be one outcome."

"Within three moves, I, the Sea Clan, can summon all the creatures from all over the world to throw a grand banquet for the Venerable!"

Zhu Quance was silent for a moment and understood Zhu Wanqing's worries, so he opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing this, the North Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King couldn't help but shrink their pupils!

They only think that Chen Shengren is extraordinary, at least he can compete with the Venerable!

I never expected that Big Brother would have such a high rating!

You know, among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, it is recognized that the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Zhu Quance, is the most cautious. Since he can make this judgment, he can't be wrong!

Even...he could say this with extreme caution!

As for who among the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas is the most stubborn and who is the most reckless, the three of them now know it very well, so they don't bring it up to whip the corpse...


Zhu Wanqing was stunned and asked in disbelief.

"Absolutely true!"

"Now, Wan Qing, you just need to tell your uncle one thing!"

"Do you think that Saint Chen will kill the Sea Clan Venerable for you?"

Zhu Quance nodded heavily and looked at his niece carefully as he asked each word.


"No, it will definitely happen!"

"Sir, he said that he would grant Wan Qing's wish!"

Zhu Wanqing said unconfidently, but suddenly thought of something, pulled out the small jade charm hanging around his neck, and vowed.

"One wish!!!"

Zhu Quance's eyes suddenly widened!

Even the Dragon King of the North Sea was shocked. His daughter never mentioned this to him just now!

The Dragon King of the West Sea narrowed his eyes slightly. He also knew the horror of Saint Chen's wish!

The three of them looked at each other and looked at each other.

The only thing I was worried about before is now completely free of accidents!

"As long as Xiao Liu puts forward this wish, His Majesty is not worth mentioning!" Beihai Dragon King murmured excitedly.

As a father, how could he be willing to let his daughter be used as a sacrifice? Now he finally sees a turn for the better!


"No, this wish cannot be changed!"

Zhu Quance, after thinking for a moment, stopped him.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

The Dragon King of the North Sea narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Dragon King of the East Sea with a dangerous look.

This guy wouldn't take Wan Qing's chance of survival in exchange for some benefit!

"Fourth, calm down."

"Do you know what Pavilion Master Chen can bring with a wish?"

"The vitality of my Four Seas Dragon Clan?"

"No, no, no, the vitality of my Four Seas Dragon Clan is not worthy of using this wish. It is simply a waste of resources!"

"This wish must not be used on that venerable man, he is not worthy!"

Zhu Quance had a serious look on his face, but when he looked at the Dragon King of Shangbeihai, he continued to analyze without fear!

Hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Chen Shengren seems to have an extremely high status in Zhu Quance's heart!

Just a verbal promise made him value it so much that even the life and death of the Dragon Clan in the Four Seas was not worthy of that sentence!

"Wan Qing, please tell my uncle, are there any restrictions on this wish that Shengren Chen can give you?" Zhu Quance asked seriously.

"No, there are no requirements. Sir, as long as it's reasonable and doesn't go against your will, it's fine."

Zhu Wanqing didn't expect that his uncle would be so afraid of his husband, but he still answered honestly.

At this time, her heart was still like a dream. Not only did she no longer need to be sacrificed to the Venerable Haiyan, but her uncle even allowed her to take charge of the Four Seas Dragon Clan?

These two levels of reversal were really incomprehensible to her!

But she knew that all this was because of...Mr.

"Brother...what do you mean?" After a moment of silence, the Dragon King of Beihai suddenly understood!

His face lit up and he looked at the Dragon King of the East China Sea who was mid-sentence.


"Wan Qing, you can become a disciple of Saint Chen!"

"Be taught by Saint Chen and enjoy the blessing of Saint Chen. By then, everything will disappear and be worth mentioning!"

"Wan Qing, as the Lord of the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, will also be able to protect the Four Seas!"

Zhu Quance nodded heavily and said in a loud voice, looking at Zhu Wanqing.

"Become Mr.'s disciple..."

Zhu Wanqing was stunned.

It's not like she hasn't thought about this problem.

During these days in Tiandao Immortal Palace, it is naturally impossible to say that I do not envy Fairy Leng and the others.

But because she knew her fate, she could only suppress her envy in her heart, and she didn't want her husband to face the unknown danger.

Now that her uncle is so sure that her husband's strength is far superior to that of His Holiness, she has started to think about it again!

If you can become a disciple of your husband, you can stay with him day and night...

As for using that wish to let the husband follow me... ahem, maybe the husband will say that the wish is unreasonable and waste the wish instead!

"That's it!" The Dragon King of Beihai looked at his daughter, the joy on his face couldn't be suppressed at all.

But he didn't wait for Zhu Wanqing to speak.

The Dragon King of the West Sea suddenly shook his body and raised his head suddenly.

Before Zhu Quance and Zhu Haoguang could react, they only felt a sense of emptiness all over their bodies. The six Dinghai Divine Pearls seemed to have been cut off from each other, and the realm of the Immortal Emperor fell instantly!

Before the two of them could recover from their surprise, the Dragon King of the West Sea came to Zhu Wanqing's side in an instant, raised his hand and grabbed Zhu Wanqing's neck, ducked again, and disappeared!

"not good!!!"


"How dare you!"

The Dragon King of the North Sea was shocked and angry, and wanted to stop him, but the strength of the Six Lives Immortal Emperor was no longer there, so naturally he could not stop the Dragon King of the West Sea.

Zhu Quance was shocked at first, but he did not lose his mind. His first reaction was to grab the fourth child beside him and rush out of the Dragon Palace in an instant.

“Go to Sea Eye!!!”

"It's the venerable one who did it!"

Zhu Quance knew that Lao Er didn't dare to do this, so that venerable man must have manipulated Lao Er!

Unexpectedly...this plan was actually learned by His Holiness.

Now things have gone bad. If Zhu Wanqing dies in the hands of the Venerable, and the Venerable comes to the world with the help of her, then the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas will only become the minions of the Venerable!

Otherwise, you will have to bear the wrath of both parties!

This... doesn't give them the slightest chance to choose! ! !

As they expected, the Dragon King of the West Sea's eyes were empty and lifeless, and his pupils were as dark as the boundless sea of ​​karma.

After capturing Zhu Wanqing, he rushed directly into the Beihai Sea Eye Barrier immediately, and the guards were beaten to death by him with a casual blow.

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