The Dragon King of the West Sea suddenly lost his mind and abducted Zhu Wanqing, catching Zhu Quance and Zhu Haoguang off guard!

Without any delay, Zhu Quance grabbed the already furious Beihai Dragon King and rushed towards the eye of Beihai immediately!

It's just that now they have been cut off from the Dinghai Divine Pearl. It can even be said that they have become a state of incomplete soul, and their realm has directly regressed back to the ninth level of the Immortal Lord Realm.

With the speed of the Immortal Lord Realm, it was naturally too late to stop the Dragon King of the West Sea.

At this time, the world is no longer as peaceful as before.

The huge waves were rising without wind, and waterspouts thousands of feet high were everywhere on the sea surface.

Several Immortal Emperors suddenly felt something in their hearts and were slightly startled!

"What kind of monsters are those Immortal Emperors of the Sea Clan planning to do?"

The Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor frowned slightly, feeling uneasy instinctively in their hearts for some unknown reason.

It seems that a big crisis is about to come to the world!

"I am reporting to the Immortal Emperor that there seems to be a big move in Beihai. I would like to ask the Immortal Emperor to give instructions on how to deal with it. Do you need your subordinates to go and investigate?"

Outside the Golden Crow Palace, the Demon Clan's Immortal Lord Fu Hai hurriedly turned into a stream of light and came over, raising his hands to His Majesty Di Yi and asking.

"Go and do what you have to do."

"Don't worry about this matter." Although Jin Wu was instinctively uneasy, when he thought of Senior Chen from Donghai, he instantly shook his head.

He didn't believe it. Could there be a second Senior Chen in this world?

As long as the second Senior Chen doesn't appear, there is no danger. Everything is just a betrayal of Senior Chen who was wiped out in a snap of his fingers!

Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi did the same thing as him, impatiently waving his hands to drive away the Immortal Lord who came to report.

Concentrate on cultivating the low-grade spiritual root seeds brought back from Senior Chen.

"Senior Chen should be able to solve it, right?" Zhan Zhi felt a slight sense of uneasiness in his heart and murmured unconsciously.

Then he was slightly stunned, and he quickly raised his hand and slapped himself in the mouth. The slap was very crisp, with a "snap!" sound.

"Zhan Zhi, Zhan Zhi, you must never have such thoughts that question Senior Chen's strength in the future, otherwise it will be fatal."

After reminding himself aloud, Zhan Zhi continued to focus on cultivating his spiritual roots.

In Hades, feeling the sudden movement in the world, Ming Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

"It seems that the Sea Clan still can't sit still!"

"This should be the trump card that gives the Sea Clan confidence..."

"This is the turning point for this Immortal Emperor!"

Ever since Ming Xin deliberately let Dayi go last time, he knew that he had rebelled. Although the other immortal emperors have not come to trouble him yet, there is no guarantee that one day the ancestor Dayi will return to the underworld to finish him off. !

There has been no news from the Hai Clan since last time, as if they were trying to distance themselves from him.

Today, he will not wait any longer. He must be tied up with the Sea Tribe and become a grasshopper on a boat!

As soon as he thought this, the figure slowly disappeared into the underworld and went straight to the direction that caused uneasiness in his heart, Beihai!

Opportunities are often accompanied by dangers, and Ming Xin will find opportunities for himself in this danger today!


Heavenly Palace.

Dongfang Han saw the sudden storm and waves in the East China Sea, and out of curiosity, he took out his sword and rode the waves.

He had such a great time that he even enthusiastically invited his two senior sisters to play together, saying that it would be better to relax and relax while practicing in seclusion every day.

Li Yourong naturally didn't care, and even planned to take advantage of this outing to catch some sea fish to fill his stomach.

On the contrary, the senior sister Leng Yanran agreed to her invitation without any hesitation, which made Dongfang Han feel a little strange.

On weekdays, the senior sister is dedicated to cultivation. Unless she is playing with her master, she refuses all entertainment activities!

But this time, he agreed so readily?

"Hehe, it seems that after practicing for a long time, Senior Sister will also want to go out and play!"

Dongfang Han didn't think much. When the three of them saw their master lying on the wicker chair of Enlightenment, they didn't bother him. They turned into three streams of light and rushed out of the shrouding spiritual mist of the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

The three of them were riding on the waves. When Dongfang Han got the better of it, he threw the two of them away and rushed into a waterspout several thousand feet high to experience the joy of being spun around. These dangerous things, In her opinion, isn't it just like a playground?

Li Yourong and the senior sister laughed innocently, then put up a magic barrier and plunged into the East China Sea, treating the vast East China Sea as a buffet selection, and they were very happy.

"..." Leng Yanran saw that the two junior sisters were not paying attention to her, and she slowly looked towards an island with her peripheral vision.

After biting her lip and thinking for a moment, she controlled her body and approached the island inadvertently, as if she was wandering without a destination.

Dongfang Han and Li Yourong naturally didn't pay attention to senior sister's actions, and they didn't even pay attention to senior sister at all.

It is already difficult for the senior sister to come out with them. It would be very difficult to want the senior sister to play with them.

Not long after, Leng Yanran's figure was very close to the unknown island, less than five miles away. At her speed, she could reach the island in a few breaths at most.


"It will be discovered before the time comes."

A voice rang in Leng Yanran's ears, causing her to hurriedly step forward. She took a deep look at the island and stood for a moment as if looking at the scenery.

Leng Yanran's pupils shrank until she saw a figure appear on the trail. He only smiled at her for a moment and then disappeared again.

But he soon turned around pretending to be calm and headed back in the direction of the two junior sisters.

Another sentence rang in my ears: "Don't worry, if you come back after Master leaves, it should be... today."

Hearing this, Leng Yanran nodded casually, with a hint of expectation rising in her heart.

Since the last time her master slashed the river of time with her sword, she has received a message...

She didn't believe it at first, but it wasn't until one of the events in her transmission actually happened that she completely believed in the other party's existence.

Since she said that the master would leave today, she was not in a hurry to return to the Tiandao Immortal Palace. She happened to be hanging out with the two junior sisters on the East China Sea. When the master left, her opportunity would come.

Dongfang Han and Li Yourong on the side were having a great time, and naturally they didn't notice anything strange about the senior sister.

On the nameless island, the mysterious woman no longer sat cross-legged and meditated, but just waited quietly for the master to leave the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Even with her current state, she would not dare to show up before her master left, otherwise the risk of exposure would be too great!

But... it's coming soon, today, the world is stormy, and that unlucky venerable man is going to die!

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