"No!" Hearing that Zhu Wanqing actually exchanged that wish for the life of the fourth child, the Dragon King of the East China Sea raised his hand to stop him without holding back.

But when Zhu Wanqing turned to look at him, Zhu Quance was stunned again, slowly took his hand back, and said no more.

Yes...that wish was given to Zhu Wanqing by Chen Shengren. How does she want to use it? What qualifications does she have to interfere?

However, even if the fourth child survives, he will feel regretful knowing that Wan Qing wasted this wish.


Zhu Wanqing glanced at her uncle, then bowed respectfully to her husband, her face filled with prayers.

She didn't want to have such a vast future at this time, she just wanted her father to be safe.

When he was prostrating, Zhu Wanqing had already taken off the jade talisman from his neck, held it above his head with both hands, and handed it to his husband.

"As you wish." Chen Daoxuan reached out and took the jade talisman from his palm, then gently held it, and the jade talisman shattered into little bits of mysterious light.

The stars gathered directly towards the North Sea Dragon King who was lying in a pool of blood.

Soon, the bowl-sized blood hole in his chest was completely filled, and there was still some remaining starlight that was slowly repairing the damage caused by the North Sea Dragon King, allowing him to reduce some of the painstaking efforts to recuperate his injuries.

Seeing this, Zhu Wanqing hurriedly stepped forward, held up his father's head, and called softly.

Chen Daoxuan was not too concerned. Since he had taken action, the North Sea Dragon King would definitely not fall. After all, in the eyes of Pavilion Master Chen, people who had died just a few days ago could not be considered completely dead. Everything could still be saved, let alone the North Sea Dragon King. I have one breath left, but I haven’t completely burped yet.

On the contrary, it was Ming Xin that attracted Pavilion Master Chen's attention.

Looking slightly sideways, he looked at the Immortal Emperor of the Nether Clan who was already a little at a loss, Ming Xin.

He had some impressions of this guy, and it seemed like... he had given him a slap?

"Chen, Pavilion Master Chen..."

"I just happened to hear something going on in Beihai and came to check out out of curiosity."

"There is no other meaning..."

Ming Xin also noticed something was wrong at this time. If the Venerable was really as powerful as he said, and could easily crush Chen Daoxuan, how could Pavilion Master Chen smash his incarnation to pieces with just a slap, as if he didn't care at all!

"For another reason, this pavilion master is hard to believe." Chen Daoxuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Isn't this just a coincidence.

I originally thought it was a tiring job, and my beautiful dreams were disturbed.

But this Ming Xin is an Immortal Emperor after all, and he is worth his money.

As for the Lord Ye Long, he naturally couldn't let him go, but before that, he needed to reassure Xiaohaihai a little bit, and then he could become the Lord Ye Long after his father woke up.

"I... really have no intention of becoming an enemy of Pavilion Master Chen."

Ming Xin felt shuddered when she saw Pavilion Master Chen's kind smile, and she repeatedly held up her hands to explain.

"I don't believe it." Pavilion Master Chen shook his head slightly.


"How can you prove that I am willing to do everything." Ming Xin said, while looking at the eye of the sea from time to time, praying that the venerable Lord could give Chen Daoxuan like an ant as he said. Although he is usually crushed, Haiyan remains extremely calm, and even his karma no longer appears.

"This pavilion master needs something, and you happen to have it." Chen Daoxuan walked towards Ming Xin with a kind smile on his face.

Hearing this, Ming Xin was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and quickly sacrificed his imperial weapon.

It was a strange flying sword that matched his realm. It was an imperial weapon with one pattern.

"You want imperial soldiers?"

"No problem. As long as you let me go, I will give you the imperial soldiers. I will voluntarily cut off contact with the imperial soldiers."

Ming Xin did not hesitate, holding the flying sword in both hands, and wanted to exchange it for his life.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

"Is this pavilion master someone who wants to take away people's favor?"

"You are trying to trap the master of this pavilion into injustice!"

Chen Daoxuan waved his hands slightly and smiled.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea remained silent. In fact, he really wanted to accuse Ming Xin of his actions, but after thinking about it, he thought it would be better for him to keep his mouth shut.

It was clear that Chen Shengren's smile was so kind and sunny, but Zhu Quance felt that it looked a bit perceptive for no reason.

"So...what do you want?"

"As long as you ask, nothing will be a problem."

Ming Xin was relieved when she heard that the emperor's soldiers were not wanted. She quickly cast a look of awe and asked.

"This pavilion master only wants...your life." After the words fell, Chen Daoxuan's palms were already raised towards Ming Xin. Ming Xin instantly grabbed his neck with both hands, but he couldn't catch anything. .

Chen Daoxuan did all this without using magic power, but with the power of rules. As an Immortal Emperor, Ming Xin could not resist at all.

Feeling that her neck was about to be pinched, Ming Xin's eyes were blood red, as if they were about to jump out.

"I am the Immortal Emperor...immortal."

"Pavilion Master Chen, there is no need to be so quarrelsome with me..."

Ming Xin's only hope at this time is the immortality of his land immortal emperor, even if the other party can kill him.

Even after he is resurrected, killing him thousands of times would be a waste of time. Apart from making him weaker, it will not lead to his real death at all!

"Confidence is often the most harmful thing."

"But I really don't have time to spend time with you, so..."

"Fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, please do me a small favor." Chen Daoxuan chuckled lightly, and then called out a name as if talking to himself.

Hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was startled for a moment. He felt a little familiar. Where had he heard it before?

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank... He remembered!

There are records in the ancient books left by our ancestors that Zhen Yuanzi was a powerful person in ancient times. He was only inferior to the ancient saints and was the top existence among the ancient gods!

But...those ancient powers no longer exist now...

Immortal Emperor Mingxin was even more confused. He didn't know who Zhen Yuanzi was, let alone what Chen Daoxuan's actions meant.

"It's a small thing." An old voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Following that old voice, Ming Xin suddenly trembled and looked at Chen Daoxuan in horror.

He felt as if he had been cut off from destiny and couldn't sense where destiny was at all!

If he falls now, he has no chance to be reborn with the help of destiny!

"Don't worry, this pavilion master is very knowledgeable in this area, and I will ensure that you die in good graces!"

Chen Dao With a slight tap of his finger, a chain of laws rushed directly to Ming Xin's chest, immersed in his body and shattered all his meridians and five internal organs. He was so dead that he couldn't die anymore!

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, I'll treat you to tea another day." Chen Daoxuan casually threw Ming Xin's body to one side and muttered as if talking to himself.


PS: I’m writing slowly today. I should finish the next chapter before 9:30.

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