After killing the Immortal Emperor Ming Xin of the Nether Tribe, Pavilion Master Chen also got his wish and heard a touching reminder.

[Ding, the host kills the Immortal Emperor with one life and gets the reward: 1,000 billion origin points. 】

In an instant, another one trillion source points arrived.

"Tsk... It seems that after we return, we will have to ask Tongzi to change the counting units."

"That's too many zeros, it's dazzling."

Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but complain in his heart, but he didn't forget to look at Ming Xin, who was thrown aside and was sleeping soundly: "Thank you, Lao Tie."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea was dumbfounded.

How can anyone say thank you after killing the other person?

Are you being polite or not...

But...Sage Chen must have been talking to the ancient gods just now! ?

That was an ancient god recorded in ancient books. Even in ancient times, he was a giant, and few people could compare with him.

Even the ancestor of their dragon clan, Ancestral Dragon, would not be enough to look at in front of that person.


At this time, the Dragon King of the North Sea also woke up and slowly opened his eyes. He was a little confused when he saw his daughter's face full of anxiety.

He had already reversed a whole body of mana, his heart was cut off, and he lost the immortal emperor's ability to resurrect. How could he still be alive?

Could it be...this is the power of family affection!

After seeing Chen Daoxuan, he understood that it was obviously not the mysterious power of family affection... but Chen Daoxuan who took action to save him.

On the other side, not far from him, lay Ming Xin's body.

Under the long brim of the hat, his face could not be seen clearly.

When Chen Daoxuan saw the Dragon King of the North Sea waking up, he smiled at him. Out of curiosity, he took two steps forward, and a breeze blew open the brim of Ming Xin's hat with his hand.


"It's so ugly, it looks just like Chi Yun."

Seeing Ming Xin's appearance, Chen Daoxuan immediately understood why he kept covering it up with his robe. It turned out to be ugly...

But Chi Yun is obviously much more confident than him. Even though he looks ugly, he at least dares to show his true colors.

Tianxuanjie: Chiyun sneezed for no reason...

"Father, are you okay?" Zhu Wanqing raised her hand and wiped her face to stop her tears.

"'s okay, don't cry, don't cry."

"There's not even any injuries's just that the meridians in the body are not running smoothly."

"Thank you Pavilion Master Chen for coming to the rescue!"

The Dragon King of the North Sea comforted his daughter while feeling the situation inside his body, but he could also guess who saved him, so he handed over his hand and thanked her.

"It's all promised by this pavilion master, it's not worth mentioning." Chen Daoxuan smiled and nodded.

The Dragon King of Beihai still doesn't quite understand what he said. What does a promise mean?

But after seeing the somewhat unpleasant expression on the Dragon King of the East China Sea, he suddenly froze.

He grabbed his daughter's arm and asked with some disbelief: "You, you didn't trade that wish for your father's life, did you?"

"Wan Qing, won't be so stupid, right?"

Zhu Wanqing lowered his head and said nothing after hearing this.


"Pavilion Master Chen, can you regret this?"

"Let me do whatever I want again...can I withdraw my wish?"

The corners of the North Sea Dragon King's eyes were twitching wildly. His daughter was just kind, but why couldn't she turn her head?

Become a disciple!

Why don't you become a disciple?

As long as he becomes a master, Pavilion Master Chen will be his daughter's master, and he can still watch his apprentice's old father die in front of his eyes!

How could this wish be so wasted! ! !


"It's not impossible."

Chen Dao

"Uh... is it so real?" Beihai Dragon King was also stunned. He didn't expect Pavilion Master Chen to be such a real person!

He died once and it was already painful enough for him. If he died again now, I'm afraid it would be a little hard to accept...

"No, no, no, I won't retreat, sir, I won't retreat." Zhu Wanqing shook his head like a rattle, saying that as long as he could save his father, that would be fine.

How could she think so much? How could she have the mind to calculate gains and losses just at the critical moment?

"This pavilion master will go and deal with the matter first, so I won't joke with you anymore."

Chen Daoxuan chuckled and waved his hand slightly to indicate that he was just joking.

As for the 60,000 Origin Points, although he can't get it, there is still a windfall waiting for him on the other side!

The guy who asked him to surrender actually doesn't come forward now, but can he hide?

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Daoxuan walked towards Haiyan step by step.

"Sage Chen, no, there are endless karma in this sea eye, and... there is also the terrifying Karma Dragon Venerable!"

"Don't ever enter it!"

When the Dragon King of the East China Sea saw this, he quickly reminded him.


"Your Majesty?"

"Is it that thing just now?"

"Can that thing still hurt people?"

Chen Daoxuan had an expression of incomprehension and escaped directly into the eyes of the sea.

In his opinion, karma can be dismissed with a wave of the hand. How can it hurt others? Isn’t this a fantasy?


The Dragon King of the East China Sea stretched out his hands and froze in mid-air. Chen Shengren's world seemed to be different from theirs...

The Dragon King of Beihai also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Pavilion Master Chen was just joking. feels so bad to waste this wish like this!

"Wan Qing... you will follow my father's instructions later. As soon as Pavilion Master Chen appears, you will do this... this... and this... again... ..."

"Understand?" Beihai Dragon King warned with a serious look.

"No, after adding more fire, it will have to be like this...and this...and this..."

Zhu Quance on the side also came forward and put forward his opinion with dazzling eyes.

"Isn't this... too embarrassing?"

Zhu Wanqing was a little embarrassed, her face turned red after listening to her father and uncle's suggestions.

"No shame!" the two said in unison.

Pavilion Master Chen exists, there is nothing to be ashamed of!

Now, if Pavilion Master Chen wants to keep a dragon as a pet, the Dragon King of the East China Sea can go directly to the Tiandao Immortal Palace to report, and he will definitely shake hands, roll around, and pick up bones!

Even that terrifying Venerable is not as good as Pavilion Master Chen. In front of him, there is no shame in anything you do!

At this time, the Dragon King also understood that since the venerable man was beaten away, he had not come out to retaliate for half a day. Instead, Pavilion Master Chen entered the sea eye excitedly to settle accounts with him.

Then it is not difficult to see which one of the two is stronger and which one is weaker!


At this time, Pavilion Master Chen had already arrived at the Sea of ​​Karma after entering the Eye of the Sea.

When he looked up, he was surrounded by karma, and there were even karma surrounding him, but he couldn't get close.

"It's so smoky..."

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows slightly, seeming a little bored with these karma, and waved his hand casually.

In an instant, the karma rolled away in one direction like dust swept by a storm, leaving a pure land in front of him.

Not far away, a pair of big blood-red eyes were blinking at him. Just this hand made the Evil Dragon Venerable stupid.

This guy... actually chased Haiyan!

Karma cannot even contaminate his body!

Monster... This horse is the real monster, there are many more monsters than him! ! !

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