As Chen Daoxuan waved his karma to one side like dust and mist, a huge, almost boundless figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The body of Lord Karma Dragon is pitch black, and there are even wisps of karma emerging from under the dragon scales. His body is hundreds of thousands of feet long, and the karma lingering around him looks extremely terrifying. Coupled with his blood-red eyes, Even if he just looked at him, the Immortal Emperor would not be able to resist at all.

But at this time, Venerable Yelong and Chen Daoxuan looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They were obviously so different in body shape. In front of it, Chen Daoxuan's human body was as small as an ant. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was even big. .

However, after seeing that figure, Venerable Ye Long felt fear for no reason.

This guy obviously only exudes the aura of the Immortal King Realm, but... who in the Immortal King Realm can be safe and sound among the karma, and can easily sweep away the karma like dust!

Moreover, when he looked into Chen Daoxuan's eyes, he seemed to be pointing directly at the avenue, shocking his heart!

"You were the one causing trouble outside just now, right?"

"Living dead, is this thing a statue?"

Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows and asked. Seeing that the other party was slow to speak and didn't even make the slightest move, he couldn't help but complain.

"You are my true self just now, but...what is your identity?"

"I don't believe that a person like you can still be born in the Immortal World."

"This is simply impossible. Your strength is not enough to support your cultivation."

Lord Ye Long was silent for a long time before he asked in a deep voice.

At this time, it has no time to pursue the matter where the other party ruined its chance of coming.

Even... after he met Chen Daoxuan, he was not willing to be his enemy at all. Even he couldn't see through Chen Daoxuan's strength!

As for saying that he is a saint, Lord Yelong naturally doesn't believe it, but at least the opponent's strength will not be inferior to his own.

"Oh, as long as it's you."

"Lest you kill the wrong person and be embarrassed."

Chen Dao

"Don't move around. If you hit it crookedly, it will be very painful."

As he spoke, Pavilion Master Chen used his hands as a spear, aiming at the head of the venerable man. The power of the law was condensed crazily at his fingertips, and the light became more and more dazzling. In the end, it even reached an extreme, suddenly turning colorless, and the entire karma was... The sea suddenly disappeared, leaving only the figure of Chen Daoxuan and the huge body of Lord Ye Long.

Seeing the opponent's weird posture and terrifying momentum, Venerable Ye Long's heart suddenly rang with alarm bells!

This blow is enough to kill him!

Terror...unprecedented terror swept through his heart!


"As long as you are willing, I, Lord Ye Long, can serve as your master and help you manage and rule the world!"

"At your level, you will have to practice hard for thousands of years. You must have a subordinate who can take advantage of you!"

"Those Immortal Emperors are too weak and are not worthy of working for you, but I can..."

Lord Ye Long panicked. He had already felt that the other party's strength was far superior to his own!

Although he didn't know the origin of the other party, he knew that giving in at this time was the best choice!

But... Pavilion Master Chen obviously has no interest in a subordinate who takes advantage of him. He is more interested in how much the Lord Ye Long is worth!

Thinking that this was a being above the Immortal Emperor, Chen Daoxuan couldn't help but feel a little excited. Could this thing allow him to break through two or three major realms in a row?

After all, the source points he needed to break through recently were massive. Even if he killed all the Immortal Emperors in the Fallen Immortal Realm, it would not be enough for him to break through two major realms, only one.

"take it easy......"

"Take a deep breath..."

"It's my first time, so I'm bound to be a little nervous. It's not gone."

Chen Daoxuan smiled, but this time, he was not comforting himself, but really comforting the other person.

"Biu!" Chen Daoxuan opened his mouth gently to dub, and the power of law brewing to the extreme at his fingertips instantly exploded and shot out!

Ye Longzun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately wanted to teleport to avoid it, but the power of the laws of this world seemed to be locked, and he couldn't even teleport.

Suddenly he could only flick the dragon's tail, turning his body to avoid the fatal blow, and blocking the dragon's tail and body in front of his head. Even if he was seriously injured, it didn't matter. He was born in the midst of karma, and there are boundless things in this sea of ​​karma. Karma can help him repair his body infinitely!


"Can't hide!"

Ye Longzun originally heard the other party say not to hide, otherwise it will be very painful if he hits it wrongly. He thought that this blow was a precise magical power, but he did not expect that the magical power immediately began to amplify countless times after it left Chen Daoxuan's fingertips. The terrifying power of law swept towards him like a torrent!

The first thing to touch was the tail... The moment it touched the power of the law, the tail began to evaporate!

Next comes the body...

Lord Karma Long stared with his eyes wide open and watched his body evaporate and dissipate inch by inch starting from the tail. Before he even had time to cry out a painful cry, the body of hundreds of thousands of feet of karma was completely swept away by the power of the law, like It had never existed before. There was only nothingness left in front of Chen Daoxuan. Even the karma in front of him was swept away by the power of law that Chen Daoxuan exploded with a finger and shook the surroundings.

When the karma space returned to calm, Chen Daoxuan's finger, which was compared to a gun, still had a trace of white mist, which seemed to be the remaining power left when the power of the law exploded.

He raised his hand to his mouth, "Huh--" and blew lightly, and the white mist was blown away.

That is to say, Dongfang Han was not here, otherwise when he saw the master filling the cup like this, he would definitely ask the master to teach him this magical skill of filling the cup!


Chen Daoxuan clicked his tongue lightly, seeming a little dissatisfied.

It's not that he's dissatisfied with his show of skill just now, but he's dissatisfied with the fact that the system didn't issue a reminder.

This Venerable Karmic Dragon is not completely dead...

Otherwise, the kill reminder would have sounded, and his huge sum of money would have arrived!

In the sea of ​​karma, there are only boundless karma floating and tumbling irregularly at this time, and there is no trace of Lord Karma Dragon at all.

"Pretending to be dead?"

"We have to find a way to kill this guy completely..."

Chen Daoxuan frowned and muttered.

Secretly, a will has been scattered among the karma after being broken up. Venerable Karma Long can indeed condense his body with the help of karma, but if Chen Daoxuan doesn't leave, his condensed body will have to be scattered.

It's just that he didn't expect that this guy would actually find out that he was not dead, and even find a way to kill him completely?

How much hatred and resentment?

This guy is so murderous! ! !

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