In the sea of ​​karma, Chen Daoxuan casually wielded the power of laws.

The sound of rumbling continued, and the colorful sea of ​​karma seemed to be alive.

However, although those karma were broken up, they did not disappear.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to waste your efforts. I am not an incomplete enlightenment method like the Immortal Emperor. As long as the karma is not eliminated, I can live forever!"

Seeing that Chen Daoxuan really had no intention of leaving, Venerable Karma Long's somewhat helpless voice slowly sounded, echoing in the sea of ​​karma, and his location could not be heard.

Although he will not really fall, and he is not even the incomplete method of the Immortal Emperor, the existence of Chen Daoxuan makes Master Yelong very distressed.

As long as such horror exists in the Fallen Immortal Realm, he will never be able to escape from this sea of ​​karma, and he can only spend the endless years in the eyes of the sea.

Even now, because the Four Seas Dragon Clan has rebelled, he will not even be able to replenish his blood food in the future, which will be a torture worse than death for him!

"Is it......"

When Chen Daoxuan heard this, he stopped what he was doing, touched his chin and thought for a while.

Seeing that he stopped taking action, the boundless karma began to slowly gather together, and unexpectedly took the form of Lord Karma Dragon again. But when he looked at Chen Daoxuan again, his eyes were obviously more frightened.

"Your Excellency, why don't you consider my proposal again? As long as you help me get out of here, I am willing to serve you as my master."

"There is no need to reject me because of a junior who has not even reached the Immortal Realm. What do you think, Your Excellency?"

Venerable Ye Long's voice was very sincere, and even his proud head was slightly lowered to show his sincerity.

But he had other thoughts in mind!

Now it wants to get rid of Haiyan's control as soon as possible, and it is not a sudden plan. If it weren't for Zhu Wanqing's appearance, he would even have to fight to save his strength, and even lose 90% of his strength, he would use a Dragon King as a container to descend. world.

All of this... is related to the imminent opening of the ancient ruins.

Chen Daoxuan ignored his words, touched his chin and looked at the other person.

"What else are you worried about, Your Excellency?"

"Don't worry, I always keep my word. Even if the Dragon King of the Four Seas betrays me, I am still willing to spare their lives. You can rest assured and trust me."

Lord Ye Long said with a slightly proud voice.

Although he kept the Dragon King of the Four Seas because he wanted to continue to use them to control the Fallen Immortal Realm to reduce trouble, it does show that his temper is still very good, or... he didn't take the Dragon King of the Four Seas seriously at all. It is just a handy tool, and it would be a pity to throw it away.

"Be quiet."

"This pavilion master is thinking." Chen Daoxuan raised his eyebrows and sounded dissatisfied.

"What are you thinking about? I am willing to share your worries. After all, I will definitely become your right helper in the future. Just tell me your worries." Lord Ye Long asked sincerely.

"This pavilion master is thinking about how I can kill you completely."

"Since you are so sincere, can you give me some advice?"

Chen Daoxuan had no intention of hiding his thoughts. With a kind smile, he politely made a gesture of asking for advice.

He didn't need a powerful subordinate, and it was naturally impossible for him to sacrifice Zhu Wanqing as a vessel for his arrival in order to conquer a powerful subordinate.


"Your Excellency really likes to joke."

"Didn't I say that as long as the karma remains, I will remain in the world forever."

"If you really want to kill me, haha... Then how about you resolve all these karma?"

"So, your Excellency, there is no need to get into such a quarrel with me. From now on, you, the boss, and I, the second boss, will do anything wrong in the Fallen Immortal Realm."

Lord Ye Long's tone was a little helpless and funny. This man's murderous intention was too serious, but it's a pity... He is an immortal existence. It can even be said that he is not a living being, but a karma. A ray of consciousness was born in the endless years. After becoming conscious, he occupied the corpse of a dragon in the eye of the sea, and then strengthened his body by continuously absorbing the karma of the sea of ​​karma, and he became what he is today. The Venerable Industry Dragon.

As for the innate magic weapon Dinghai Shenzhu given to the Dragon King of the Four Seas, it was also a harvest he had accidentally found in this sea of ​​karma.

"Oh, thank you." Pavilion Master Chen smiled honestly and thanked Master Ye Long a little confused.

Did the other party agree to accept me?

But before he could react, Chen Daoxuan slowly raised his hands, his fingertips slid quickly, and the law chain slowly turned into a square shape with his fingertips, but there was a law chain inside that turned into a ball. shape.

Immediately afterwards, Venerable Ye Long felt a terrifying pulling force... No, it didn't seem to be a pulling force to be precise, but the space was shrinking!

His body was shrinking continuously, and finally turned into a size smaller than even a loach, and was directly included in the law box.

"You can't kill me."

"No need to waste your efforts."

"The karma will not be destroyed, and the deity will not die. If you want to offset this overwhelming karma, you must have the merit to create the world, haha..."

Lord Ye Long was still speaking harshly, feeling that Chen Daoxuan was just trying in vain.

But Pavilion Master Chen ignored him. Instead, he held the box made of law chains with one hand and pinched it casually with the other hand. Suddenly, the sea of ​​karma began to surge, and terrifying karma swept over.

"You are seeking death."

"If all the karma from the sea of ​​karma were to fall upon you, you would definitely die even if you were truly a saint!"

Seeing this, Venerable Ye Long was not surprised but overjoyed.

As long as Chen Daoxuan falls, he can continue his plan. Zhu Wanqing is still his best container, and everything will remain the same!

But when the monstrous karma turned into an endless whirlpool, surrounding Chen Daoxuan, it was not even close to Chen Daoxuan.

"This pavilion master is so scared. Okay, okay, please be quiet. I will take you back on the road later, just in time for you to go with that Ming Xin."

Chen Daoxuan had a dull look on his face, minding his own business while holding the small box, and then he took the initiative to absorb the karma!

In his current Qi sea, the original stars have now turned into small worlds long after he became an immortal!

There are even various laws operating within his Qi Sea.

The boundless karma kept pouring into his sea of ​​qi, and he randomly chose a corner to place it. In his sea of ​​qi, the boundless karma seemed extremely small, and it was not easy to find it unless you looked closely.


"What kind of monster are you!"

"Why can it absorb karma!"

"Even I would not dare to suck up karma so unscrupulously and crazily!"

Venerable Karma Dragon was dumbfounded. He really couldn't figure it out. Even if he was a being born from karma and even composed of karma himself, he wouldn't dare to do this!

Why should he!

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