Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 556 Report from the Immortal Palace one month later

The sea of ​​karma is very vast, even bigger than the four seas.

It's more like...the outer wall of Falling Immortal Realm. These karmic obstacles are forced outside Falling Immortal Realm, forming a layer of isolation.

Not only is it to prevent the Fallen Immortal World from being affected by these karmic obstacles, but it is a bit like wrapping up the Fallen Immortal World with karma to prevent external enemies.

Although he already had this speculation in his mind, Chen Daoxuan did not change his approach. He did not stop until all the karma was absorbed into his endless sea of ​​energy.

Even if he absorbs the entire sea of ​​karma into his sea of ​​qi, the proportion of karma in his sea of ​​qi is extremely small, so small that it can be ignored, just like a grain of sand falling into the sea, it is difficult to detect at all.

In fact, he could also directly kill the Karma Dragon Master, but he still chose to absorb the Karma for another reason.

"This pavilion master's sea of ​​energy seems to be... of great use."

"Find an opportunity to try to do some good deeds..."

After feeling the incomparable karma in the sea of ​​qi, Chen Daoxuan left this sea of ​​karma holding a small box transformed by the law of space in one hand. To be precise... there is no karma here, only What remains is a vast, empty space.

"Monster...what kind of monster are you!"

"This is impossible. Even the ancient saints will never be able to absorb this boundless karma. This is the karma that will destroy the world. No one can absorb it!"

"Even this deity is only the condensed form of less than one ten thousandth of this endless karma!"

Lord Ye Long looked a little crazy at this time. He witnessed Chen Daoxuan taking the sea of ​​karma into his body. This shock to him can be said to have subverted his cognition!

It's like a big eater who can eat a hundred steamed buns. Suddenly he saw a thin and weak man and casually ate a mountain of steamed buns... No, a mountain of 10,000 steamed buns!

This made him already have self-doubt. Who is riding the horse and is the karma incarnation?


Eye of the North Sea.

Seeing that her husband had not come out for a long time after entering it, Zhu Wanqing couldn't help but feel a little worried on her face.

"Will something happen to you, sir?" Zhu Wanqing asked his father.

"It should be fine." The Dragon King of the North Sea gently patted the back of his daughter's hand and comforted him. At this moment, he had recovered 90% of his injuries, and the remaining 10% would need some time to recover.

Zhu Quance heard the conversation between father and daughter and said casually, "Don't worry, the husband you are thinking about has a good temper. He will come back after killing people later."

Although he didn't know how powerful Chen Shengren was, he could tell that Chen Shengren's strength was definitely not comparable to that of Lord Ye Long!

While everyone was talking, a figure dressed in simple white clothes appeared in Haiyan, holding a mysterious-looking small box in his hand. The box was composed of law chains and was still flowing slowly.

And there is a small black loach in the small box... huh? Black...little...fuck!

" this?" Zhu Quance bowed his hands tremblingly to greet Chen Shengren, and then pointed to the small box.

When the Dragon King of Beihai saw the box, his pupils shrank. It seemed that Chen Shengren was much better than that venerable one!

This is not a kill, but a capture alive!

"This pavilion master just caught fresh seafood. What, Xiaodong, if you are interested, I will give it to you?" Chen Daoxuan smiled softly and handed it forward.

"No no no!"

"I can't do it, I can't do it!"

"Chen Shengren, please stop scaring Xiaolong..."

Zhu Quance was so frightened that his hair stood on end. This horse was the Lord Ye Long who had put them in despair. He didn't dare to take it if it was given to him!

If this thing escapes, the first one to kill them will be the Dragon Kings!

While speaking, the Dragon King of the North Sea gently pushed his daughter's back and winked at her crazily!

Zhu Wanqing blushed for a moment, then gritted her teeth and knelt down in front of her husband with a plop.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan just watched quietly with a chuckle on his face, neither blocking nor dodging.

Zhu Wanqing is a girl with a simple and kind mind. Even at the last moment, she only used her wish to save her father. However, he still likes this girl. He even gained a lot of Origin Points because of this girl. !

If she were to become a disciple, she would still be willing to accept this disciple.


Zhu Wanqing called her sir. Seeing that her husband was just looking at her quietly, waiting for her next words, she bit her lip and felt a little confused.

The two Dragon Kings on the side were so anxious that they stamped their feet when they saw this. They could only wink desperately to cheer her up. This child, if she doesn't seize the opportunity, she will really be gone!

"Sir, he passed on knowledge to Wan Qing, saved Wan Qing from danger, and even brought his father's life back from the gate of hell."

"Wan Qing has nothing to repay, so I can only pledge myself..." After Zhu Wanqing finished speaking nervously, she lowered her head, not daring to look at her husband.

"Uh..." Beihai Dragon King was stunned.

"Promise...your body?" The Dragon King of East China Sea was also stunned.

That’s not what they were taught!

I thought Wan Qing was too nervous to talk about his apprenticeship, but you are holding back a big move?

"In this case, I, the Pavilion Master, will accept it..."

"..." Chen Daoxuan finished his words and was about to reach out to help the other person up, but he was suddenly stunned.

"?" A question mark slowly appeared on his head.

"What are you talking about?"

Don’t you want to become a disciple?

When he was in the Eye of the Sea, his consciousness even covered Beihai, and he could hear the conversation just now among the people outside. He already knew that the two Dragon Kings had taught Wan Qing to become a disciple.

No...what is this pledge of one's body to one another?

" said it wrong!" Zhu Wanqing's eyes turned red anxiously. She was so nervous just now that she said what was in her heart!

"Wan Qing wants to stay with your husband, continue to do your duties as a student, and take care of your husband."

"Just now...sir, don't get me wrong."

Zhu Wanqing lowered her head, even more afraid to look at her husband.

"I will report to Tiandao Immortal Palace in one month."

Chen Daoxuan twitched the corner of his mouth. He didn't misunderstand this. It was clearly you, the girl, who spoke your mind!

He didn't want to stay too long. After leaving a word, his figure disappeared in front of everyone, along with the body of the Immortal Emperor Ming Xin.

"Farewell to Saint Chen!" The two dragon kings' eyes suddenly lit up, and they greeted him excitedly.

"Congratulations, sir!" Zhu Wanqing still didn't react, but he still said his congratulations.

"Why are you still calling me Sir? It's time to change your name to Master!"

"You kid... My father thought you were enlightened. It's a pity."

The Dragon King of the North Sea grinned and rubbed his round belly, "Let's go back to the Dragon Palace, I'm going to have a big banquet!"

After the three people left, halfway through, the Dragon King of the East China Sea muttered silently: "I feel like I forgot something."

"No matter what he forgot, what does it have to do with you and me?" Beihai Dragon King left with a smile. Zhu Quance said yes when he saw this, and hurried to follow. From now on, the Beihai Dragon Palace will jump over the dragon gate. He But he had to work hard to establish a good relationship. Fortunately, his judgment was not wrong this time.

Inside the sea eye barrier, the Dragon King of the West Sea was still unconscious lying on the cold ground. It seemed that the cool wind blowing through the sea eye made him shiver and tighten his dragon robe...

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