The East China Sea an hour ago.

Leng Yanran was traveling in the East China Sea with her two junior sisters.

Until a master's voice sounded in my ears: "I'm going to Beihai for my master."

Turning his head slightly to look in the direction of the Immortal Palace, the master should have left.

Looking at the two junior sisters who were having a good time, it was obvious that the master had only transmitted the message to herself and not to anyone else.

She did not choose to disturb her junior sister's play, but headed directly towards the unknown island.

As she approached the island, a voice came by chance: "Young Master, I just happened to meet you, so I will leave these sea fish subordinates to you, so as not to disturb the emperor's cultivation by going to the Immortal Palace."

Dayi took advantage of the rising waves and caught a lot of fresh sea fish to send to the emperor and the young masters. No, he happened to see Leng Yanran's figure.

Leng Yanran's body froze, she would not be discovered by Dayi.

Just when she was debating whether to send Dayi away quickly, she saw that Dayi's eyes suddenly lost consciousness and became empty.

A figure had already appeared beside her, and said softly to Dayi: "Put down the sea fish, go back, and forget everything you saw today."

Her voice reached Dayi's ears, and Dayi, the Nine-Life Immortal Emperor, silently put down the fish, turned around and walked away without any unnecessary movement.

It wasn't until he returned to the island where he lived that Dayi suddenly woke up.


"Why are the wind and waves so strong today? It's just a good time to catch some fresh sea fish and send them to the emperor and the young masters."

After Dayi regained consciousness, he saw the wind and waves in the East China Sea and went directly to the sea to fish without remembering anything before.

On the other side, Leng Yanran watched the other party release the fish. Just as she was about to speak, she was pulled by the other party to a small island.

"Here, I promise you, this thing can only be used once, don't waste it."

The mysterious woman handed a small bead to Leng Yanran. The lines on the bead were somewhat familiar. It seemed that... they were the special lines that appeared on Leng Yanran's belly when she stimulated her innate charm. A little more complicated.

" did you come back?"

"Are you really a junior sister?" Leng Yanran frowned slightly, looking at the beads handed over by the other party, but did not take them immediately.

Although the other party has proven his identity several times and predicted what will happen to her in advance, she still has to be on the safe side. What if the other party is an enemy who intends to harm the master?

"Otherwise?" The mysterious woman casually untied the pale white gauze on her face, revealing that familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar face that looked more mature, it was none other than Dongfang Han.

"But the junior sister is not me, this swordsman is the third junior sister..."

'Dongfang Han' smiled at Leng Yanran, and seeing that she was a little wary, he directly stretched his hand into the void space out of thin air and took out a long sword.

It is Lingxiao Sword.

Leng Yanran still didn't take the beads given by the other party.

'Dongfang Han' was stunned for a moment, then he put his hand behind his neck and pulled up the hanging red rope, revealing the jade talisman engraved with the character "瀐".

"If you still don't believe it, forget it."

"You deserve to be left without chicken!"

"Obviously you asked this Sword Immortal to help you."

'Dongfang Han' twitched the corner of his mouth, no wonder the senior sister couldn't eat the chicken, she acted so cautiously, worrying about this and that, why should she eat the chicken!

This time, she relied on her master to cut off the long river of time and had the opportunity to come to this world. However, she could not use too much magic power, otherwise it would be corrected and transmitted back to her own time. After all, she had not yet reached the master's level at this time. I respect the place where I can step on time at will.

The moment she saw the jade talisman, Leng Yanran was already 90% sure. After all, the jade talisman made by the master himself could not be imitated by others. She could feel that the other jade talisman was real.

Then she reached out and took the bead. According to the other party, once the bead is taken, her innate charm will be unleashed to a level that even today's masters can hardly refuse.

"Remember, it must not be used within the scope of the Tiandao Immortal Palace."

"Otherwise, everything will be in vain, and I won't be able to come here a second time."

"Let's go quickly, I don't want to be discovered by Master..."

'Dongfang Han' yawned and took back his Ling Xiao Sword, then waved his hand to urge Leng Yanran to leave.

Seeing this, Leng Yanran originally planned to bow slightly with her hands raised, but when she saw the junior sister's face, she twitched the corner of her mouth. This salute was too weird, so she decided to forget it.

When she turned around to leave, she paused slightly, but it seemed to be just an illusion. Soon she left the island and headed towards the two junior sisters, hiding the bead in her personal fragrance. In the bag.

On the small island, ‘Dongfang Han’ had a wicked smile on his face and his hands were grasping, as if he was reminiscing.

"Hehe, it's not like this trip was in vain. Senior Sister's hand feels really good!"

"Go back, otherwise the master will come back soon, and it will not be fun if he discovers this swordsman."

She has no intention of staying any longer. She came here just to do a favor for Senior Sister. After all these years, Senior Sister has not been able to successfully eat the chicken. She insists on waiting until she can be as strong as Master before eating. The key to the chicken thing is the master's cultivation. It is impossible to catch up at any time!

No, I have no choice but to come and help in advance. I hope senior sister can be a little angry!

With a slight exertion of mana, he surpassed the limit of the Fallen Immortal Realm, and was instantly enveloped by the long river of time. His figure disappeared from the spot, as if he had never been there before.

"Sister, what are you doing here?"

Leng Yanran was still immersed in her own thoughts, when suddenly a voice sounded in her ears.

"You haven't left yet?" Leng Yanran blurted out instinctively.

Dongfang Han looked confused, "Where are we going?"

Only then did Leng Yanran realize that the younger junior sister's future body should have left.

"It's nothing. Senior sister is a little unwell and is going back to practice."

"You two keep playing."

Leng Yanran said hello casually and went back to the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

Dongfang Han scratched his head, why is senior sister acting weird?

Without thinking much, he plunged into the East China Sea and accompanied his second senior sister to catch sea fish.


The figure of Chen Daoxuan carrying a small box appeared over the East China Sea.

Looking at her two apprentices who were still playing, Yanran had returned to the Immortal Palace.

Inadvertently, his eyes looked towards the unknown island.


I don't know whether he was talking to himself or to Dongfang Han who left. Then he swayed and returned directly to the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

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