Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 558 You should see less of that kind of thing in the future

In the Tiandao Immortal Palace, Leng Yanran held the personal sachet on her waist.

The bead given to her by Dongfang Han was temporarily stored in her personal sachet.

She didn't have time to take a closer look just now, but she could also feel that this bead seemed to be completely consistent with her own strength, but it was stronger by countless levels!

She could even feel her own breath in the bead. If the bead was not made by her own hands, it would be difficult for her to tell the difference.

"Future body..." Leng Yanran murmured, then smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, she failed to succeed even after eons. She had no choice but to ask her future junior sister to help her with such a treasure when she relied on the master's sword to cut through the river of time.

After being reminded, she also knew that it was invalid to use it on the master in the Tiandao Immortal Palace.

And you only have one chance, so you have to be patient and wait for the opportunity.

If this opportunity is wasted, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for a second time.

Just as she was immersed in her thoughts, a voice sounded behind her: "Master, you haven't encountered any trouble or anything strange since you left, right?"

Leng Yanran suddenly came back to her senses, nervously pulled down her skirt to cover her personal sachet, then turned around and saluted quickly: "Master."

" seem to have something on your mind?"

"You might as well talk to your teacher." Chen Daoxuan chuckled, holding a small box in his hand. The inner industry dragon master was already numb, especially after arriving at the Tiandao Immortal Palace, he had completely understood why he It would be such a complete defeat!

This is not a monster at all. It is impossible for any monster to live in such a blessed place and cave!

Three Thousand Avenues seemed to be born from this young man's residence, just like the origin of Tao!

He didn't understand why such a terrifying existence appeared in the Fallen Immortal Realm!

No wonder the other party has no intention of subduing him. In the eyes of the other party, he is just a joke from beginning to end.

As for begging for mercy?

After the previous conversation, Lord Ye Long also knew that he could not give what the other party wanted at all, and the other party just wanted to simply kill him...


"Master, is this trip going well?"

Leng Yanran replied calmly.

"Well...just some small things."

"In addition, inform others that in one month, the master will accept another apprentice."

Chen Daoxuan casually picked up the small box in his hand and waved it in front of his disciples, indicating that this was the source of the trouble for this trip.

"Master wants to accept another disciple!?" Leng Yanran was shocked when she heard this.

Then he thought of Beihai, where Master was going on this trip, and guessed: "Small seafood?"

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you."

"You Rong has a lazy temperament, but Yan'er has an out-of-the-box personality, but she is still down-to-earth, which makes me worry less."

Chen Daoxuan said casually and rubbed Yanran's hair.

"Don't worry, Master, Yanran will definitely handle this matter!" Hearing Master's praise, Leng Yanran suddenly felt as if she had been given a shot of blood. Cultivation is not important, what is important is that she can help Master, and that she can help Master Please share some things!

Upon seeing this, Chen Daoxuan chuckled and turned around and walked towards the small pavilion.

Leng Yanran bowed and bowed, but she heard the master's plain voice: "Use your mind more on the right path, don't always look at those...cough, you understand."

When Yanran saw him just now, her first reaction was to cover up the sachet around her waist. What was in the sachet?

Last time, he found a bunch of portraits related to himself, as well as double portraits of Yanran and Yanran... That's really a boss!

Therefore, he did not check the items in the disciple's sachet, otherwise it would be embarrassing to see them.

But for the sake of his disciples, he still had to remind him.


"Master, you misunderstood." Leng Yanran instinctively shook her head to defend herself.

"Then you just saw my master coming back, why are you so nervous?"

"You're still holding the sachet around your waist." Chen Daoxuan paused in his steps and asked curiously with a slightly sideways glance.


"Master, you are right. Disciples will pay attention to it in the future and must look at it less."

Leng Yanran was silent for a moment, and finally put the hat on herself. She couldn't bear the blame!

"Uh, can't you just watch it?" Chen Daoxuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing more. He looked less at the pleasure and more at the harm to the body, so he stopped caring about it. Yanran must have known it well and would not delay. Cultivation and business.

Seeing Master go to the small pavilion, Yan Ran could only grit her teeth and swallow it in her stomach. She would rather let Master misunderstand it than be discovered by Master!

First, Axiang and her maids were sent, instructing them to decorate the Immortal Palace well during this period.

After asking Ao Lan what dishes to prepare for the banquet, Yan Ran left the Tiandao Immortal Palace and went to find the two junior sisters to inform them to catch some fresh sea fish according to Ao Lan's dishes.

As for spiritual fruits, there is no shortage of spiritual fruits in Tiandao Immortal Palace. There are millions of miles of spiritual fields, and now there are even so many spiritual fruits that there is no place to pile them up. They are collected by Ao Lan and made into wine.

In the small pavilion, Chen Daoxuan looked at the small box in his hand.

The Lord Ye Long was cowering like a loach inside, not daring to look at him.

Recalling his speculations about the sea of ​​karma, he always felt that the sea of ​​karma seemed to have some other purpose.

"I have to ask fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi for clarification."

"I always feel that this is about my pavilion master's sudden fortune..."

Chen Daoxuan thought for a while, and this time he did not plan to use his soul to go to that destiny space, but planned to take the Karma Dragon Venerable with him to let fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi take a look.

"Fellow Taoist Zhen Yuanzi, this pavilion master has something urgent to ask you. Please open your mouth...please open the transmission channel."

Chen Dao

As his words fell, a teleportation vortex appeared outside the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and the scene inside could not be seen clearly.

Chen Dao

This time I did not pass through the regular space and see those gods.

Instead, he arrived directly at the small space where Zhen Yuanzi was.

As soon as he entered, before he could offer any courtesy, he heard Zhen Yuanzi say helplessly: "Fellow Taoist, can you explain it differently next time? I always feel that your statement makes me feel ashamed."

"God opened his mouth in such a hurry. Fellow Daoist Chen, please don't bully Pindao because he is old and doesn't understand what this means. It's not like Pindao has never seen flowers in ancient times."

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