The Dragon King of the West Sea was sitting next to Zhu Quance, with a sneer and embarrassment on his face.

He had already learned the whole story from the two people's mouths, but he did not expect that Venerable Ye Long, who was so terrifying to the dragon clan all over the world, would be captured by Chen Shengren like a little loach without causing even a single storm.

As for the fourth child's life, it was naturally Chen Shengren who saved him.

Of course... before he learned what had happened, the Dragon King of the West Sea had already endured a mixed doubles fight. At this time, his whole body was bruised and swollen, but he did not dare to take the initiative to use magic power to heal the scars.

Not for anything else... mainly to let the fourth child vent his anger. Although he was not the main cause of the previous incident, he was more or less used as a gunman. Now that the venerable has been captured, isn't that what he can do? Are you letting him be the punching bag?

Coupled with what he just said about your venerable master...ahem, it's not unjust to be beaten.

At the banquet at the Beihai Dragon Palace, Zhu Wanqing looked at the main hall. All the powerful sea clan masters from the southeast, northwest, and four sea dragon palaces were already present.

There are seven Immortal Lords alone, and there are twenty or thirty Immortal Lords. No one under the Immortal Emperor is qualified to enter the hall.

In the past, although she had the title of the sixth son of the North Sea Dragon Palace, when she saw these powerful people from the sea clan, she still needed to respectfully say "senior".

But it was different today. Zhu Wanqing was sitting on the Dragon King's throne. The three Dragon Kings looked at each other. Including his father, King Zhu Haoguang, they all got up and came to the front of the hall, standing in front of many powerful people from the sea clan.

Seeing this, the powerful men of the sea clan also stopped pushing their cups and cups and waited quietly.

"I am Zhu Quance, the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

"I am Ao Ligui, Dragon King of the West Sea."

"I am Zhu Haoguang, the Dragon King of the North Sea."

"Together we represent the South China Sea. Today we worship Zhu Wanqing, a disciple of Saint Chen from the Tiandao Immortal Palace, as the Lord of the Four Seas and the Lord of the Sea Clan!"

"If there is anyone who is unwilling or has two minds, the three of us will attack them together!"

The three dragon kings swung their dragon robes, knelt down on one knee, and raised their hands above their heads. Their voices came from the Beihai Dragon Palace and resounded throughout the entire Beihai!

At this moment, all the great masters of the sea clan looked serious, stood up, straightened their clothes, and then bowed their heads!

Even His Majesty the Dragon King knelt down on one knee and saluted as a courtier, and they could only express their loyalty by prostrating themselves to the ground.

For a time, the entire Beihai, even those sea creatures who had not opened their spiritual wisdom, felt the feeling in their hearts, and they all faced the direction of the Beihai Dragon Palace, as if they were worshiping their supreme being!

The Dragon King did not call him the Sixth Son of Beihai, but called him a disciple of Saint Chen. This status was a supreme existence in the Fallen Immortal Realm, and even the Immortal Emperor could only bow his head!

Zhu Wanqing stared blankly at everything in front of her and sat up straight nervously.

It wasn't until the mother beside her gave her a gentle push that she reacted and said, "Excuse me."

From then on, Zhu Wanqing seemed to be in a dream. He thought that he would definitely die when he returned to the Dragon Palace, but he inexplicably became the Lord of the Sea Clan, respected by the world, and his status was even higher than the Dragon King!

And all of this is naturally because of Sir... To be precise, she seems to be able to change her name to Master now.

Half a month later, the Dragon Palace banquet ended, and Zhu Wanqing's reputation as the leader of the Hai Clan had spread throughout the world.

And after the discussion of the three dragon kings, although they could not complete their original goal of ruling the Fallen Immortal World, now that Haiyan has no karmic obstacles, it is time for Sihai to reappear in the world.

After some discussion, the three dragon kings decided to let Zhu Wanqing inform Chen Shengren about this matter and ask Chen Shengren what he meant. After all, on the surface, there may be many immortal emperors controlling various forces in the Fallen Immortal World, but in fact, each immortal The Emperor knew very well in his heart that there was only one person in the Fallen Immortal Realm who truly had the right to determine life and death, and that was the being in the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace.


On the other side, the Immortal Emperors, including the Human Emperor, also received news that the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas had elected a Lord of the Sea Clan.

At first, several Immortal Emperors had thoughts about suppressing the Hai Clan.

But as another news came from the Immortal Lord, all the Immortal Emperors chose to remain silent.

Just because, another news came from Tiandao Immortal Palace, a very simple sentence: 'Pavilion Master Chen of Tiandao Immortal Palace will recruit another disciple in East China Sea in half a month. ’

Combined with the fact that the Sea Clan suddenly elected a junior who had transcended the ninth level of the Tribulation Realm to be the co-leader of the Sea Clan, the Immortal Emperor understood everything even if he did not get accurate name information.

Immortal Emperor Golden Crow and Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi immediately began to prepare congratulatory gifts.

And they also sent out their Immortal Lords in a tacit understanding to invite the other party's Immortal Lords to drink and talk. In fact, they wanted to find out what the other party had prepared, so that they could dominate the other party at the apprenticeship banquet!

After Immortal Emperor Dayi got the news, he immediately came to the outside of Tiandao Immortal Palace and hired coolies to arrange the scene.

After all, this is the Emperor's apprenticeship banquet. Even if only the Immortal Emperor and above can participate, the number of people coming will not be small, and absolutely no one dares to be absent. Even if the Emperor himself does not care, several other Immortal Emperors It is also impossible for his powerful men to be absent from such an important occasion.

Even... if there is really a powerful person who dares not to give face to the emperor, Dayi said that he would be happy to go and see who is not to give face to his emperor!


Ten days later, the Tiandao Immortal Palace has been almost decorated, and everything that needs to be prepared is ready.

Pavilion Master Chen walked out of the main hall and couldn't help but sigh: "Sure enough, sleeping every day is still not enough. It's really refreshing to move your body occasionally."

When he walked out of the main hall, Li Yourong happened to see his master and hurriedly approached him.

"Master, where is Aunt Lan?"

"The banquet will be held in a few days. It can't be done without Aunt Lan!"

Hearing this, Leng Yanran, who was practicing beside her, also slowly stopped practicing, came to the master to see the ceremony, and asked doubtfully: "Master, have you been with Elder Ao Lan in the hall these days? ?”

She originally thought that the master had gone out, but he actually walked out of the main hall, and Elder Ao Lan might not have been seen for a long time!

"Ahem, I have discussed the banquet with Elder Ao Lan carefully."

"By the way, how are you all prepared?"

"Have the invitations been sent out? How are the locations arranged?"

Chen Daoxuan changed the topic very calmly, and sure enough... Yanran's mind was distracted when she heard the master's question, and she reported all the current situation very seriously.

"Yeah, well done."

"Thank you for your hard work." Chen Daoxuan smiled and rubbed the eldest disciple's head, and Yan Ran felt happy, "It's not hard if you can help the master, it's all what a disciple should do."

In the master's casual compliment, he had already forgotten the original thoughts in his heart.

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