Three days later, there are only two days left before the January period.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea and the Dragon King of the West Sea have already said goodbye and left. They will return to their respective places to make preparations before heading directly to the East China Sea to meet up.

As for Nanhai, it is still led by the three Immortal Lords.

"Let's get going." North Sea Dragon King Zhu Quance looked at the hundreds of boxes filled with treasures of heaven and earth, nodded with satisfaction, and told everyone to get ready to leave.

As for why not use a space ring to install it?

If it were packed with a space ring, who would have known that the Dragon King of the North Sea had given away hundreds of boxes of heavenly materials and earthly treasures this time!

This has almost wiped out all the details of his Beihai Dragon Palace. After all, it is Zhu Wanqing's apprenticeship. He has to spend a lot of money on Beihai Dragon Palace, not for anything else, just so that Chen Shengren can take care of him in the future.

After all the preparations were completed, Zhu Wanqing and her mother sat on a palace together, and this palace was pulled by nine dragons from the Immortal Emperor Realm. Each one was ten thousand feet tall and looked very majestic!

It's no worse than the Nine Phoenix Palace of the Human Emperor and Immortal Emperor!

After getting Zhu Wanqing's consent, the deep voice of the Dragon King of Beihai resounded through the team: "Let's go!"

With a sudden change, the Dragon King of the North Sea transformed into his golden dragon true form, taking the lead, followed closely by the palace held by the nine Immortal Emperor Realm real dragons, surrounded by dozens of real dragons guarding the palace!

At the rear of the true dragon team are other sea clan powerful men. Even if they are in the Immortal Lord Realm, as long as they are not dragon clan, they can only follow behind the palace and cannot cross.

This is the rule of the Sea Clan. The dragon is the leader of the Sea Clan. Even the Immortal Lord cannot go beyond this rule. It has been passed down for thousands of years. The Sea Clan has long adapted to this rule, and the Immortal Lord has no intention of it. I am dissatisfied and feel that this is how it should be.

Soon, the team that could astonish even the Immortal Emperor appeared on the surface of the North Sea, moving forward among the waves and clouds.

Suddenly... an ascension channel appeared directly in front of the team!

"Someone happens to ascend?"

"But my dragon clan has no intention of giving way today." The Dragon King of Beihai just glanced at the ascension passage, then grunted, swung his tail over, and controlled his strength a little, intending to hit the person who had just ascended to the ground. Thousands of miles away, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead. If he can ascend, he must have reached the immortal realm. His attack did not bring magic power, but only physical power. If the opponent can die, then he can only It's his fault for his poor cultivation.

Without thinking much, he just swung his tail out!


"Someone attacked me just after I ascended!"

An exclamation sounded. Chi Yun returned to the Tianxuan Realm this time, practiced in seclusion, and finally succeeded in overcoming the tribulation and ascending. Before he had time to be happy, he ascended from the northern domain of the lower world to the North Sea. He felt a strange scene before his eyes before he could see it clearly. A powerful force is coming towards me!

Without any time to think, Chi Yun quickly sacrificed the Immortal Emperor Corpse of the Dragon King of the South Sea. Although it had not yet been refined to the point where it could be controlled, the Immortal Emperor's corpse was enough to withstand any attack!

Bang! ! !

With a loud noise, the terrifying aftermath shook Chi Yun to the point where he briefly lost consciousness. However, fortunately, the Immortal Emperor's corpse was there to resist him, so he did not suffer any trauma, but his mind was groggy.

"..." The North Sea Dragon King couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the slightly familiar voice.

"No, it can't be such a coincidence, right?"

When the North Sea Dragon King saw the figure clearly emerging from the space passage, he suddenly froze.

And...the other party suddenly summoned the corpse of the giant old man. It was no longer gone. It was definitely the old corpse cultivator next to Chen Shengren!

The body of the third child was refined into a magic weapon by Saint Chen and given to the old man!

Zhu Haoguang panicked. Before his daughter was sent to the Tiandao Immortal Palace to become a disciple, he was stunned by the deacon of the Tiandao Immortal Palace! seems that the deacon didn't see him!

Zhu Haoguang quickly transformed into a human form, stepped forward, and put a ray of magic power into it to help him wake up.

As soon as he woke up, Chi Yun quickly looked around and shouted: "Who! Who attacked me secretly? If you dare, kill me. Let's see if my master doesn't beat you into a coward!"

"Sir, please don't worry!"

"The thief has been brought to justice!" Zhu Quance said with a mocking smile on his face.

Chi Yun also noticed this somewhat familiar guy.

He slightly bowed his hands and said, "I see, you are the Immortal Emperor of the Sea Clan, right?"

"Thank you for your generous action. I will remember this favor."

"If I have the chance, I will definitely repay you, Jie Jie Jie..." Chi Yun is not a fool. It was obviously this guy who just attacked him. Don't wait for him to find the opportunity and deal with it hard!

The Dragon King of the North Sea wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. This corpse cultivator seemed not to be a good person... After all, who would be a good person to smile like that?

After a short conversation, Chi Yun also learned about the current situation. The Dragon King of Beihai was actually going to lead a team to the Tiandao Immortal Palace, and sitting on top of that palace were actually the four disciples that the eldest master was planning to accept!


"Disrespect, disrespect!"

"If you have the opportunity in the future, please take good care of me!"

"Ahem...I was just rash, I didn't expect that we are a family!"

"Then what, please wait for me for a moment. Can I kowtow to Fourth Aunt Grandma first and make her look familiar?"

After hearing this, Chi Yun immediately shouted: Damn it, the pavilion master is actually going to accept four disciples!

Originally, he thought that even if he faced the Immortal Emperor, it didn't matter. In front of him, everyone was equal. Only the aunts of the Tiandao Immortal Palace could get his respect. As for people outside the Tiandao Immortal Palace, no matter what their realm, they had Just kill yourself and let the master of the pavilion do business with the other party!

However... the eldest master of the pavilion wanted to recruit four disciples, but he didn't even notify him. This old guy would not have been able to catch up if he hadn't ascended!

Hiss... My heart suddenly hurts. Is this the feeling of falling out of favor?

After Chi Yun made some coquettish moves, the misunderstanding was finally resolved. He kowtowed a few times outside the palace to express his support to the fourth aunt in the future, and went directly to the direction of Tiandao Immortal Palace with Beihai Dragon Palace.

In these last two days, all the Immortal Emperor forces have already set off.

Each Immortal Emperor has also prepared enough congratulatory gifts and wants to show off this time. If they can get Chen Shengren's satisfaction, the future will be easier.

In the entire Fallen Immortal World, almost everyone's eyes have been focused on the East China Sea at this time, waiting for the feast after one day. This time, not only the Land Immortal Emperor, it can be said that except for the two Ming Xin who were taken care of by Pavilion Master Chen and the Dragon King of the South China Sea, all the Immortal Emperors will be present!

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