Fantasy: Return of the Disciple, Starting with Recruiting the Demon Clan Empress

Chapter 564 The Land Immortal Emperor’s heart is too dirty

On this day, the entire Fallen Immortal World became lively.

Nearly ninety-nine percent of the powerful people above the Immortal Emperor realm have gathered in the East China Sea.

This time, even the Immortal King Realm is not qualified to go to the small island where the Tiandao Immortal Palace is located, and can only look at it from a distance on the coast of the East China Sea.

The shores of the East China Sea are overcrowded, and many great masters have gathered together. The name of Saint Chen of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace has long been famous in the Fallen Immortal Realm, shocking the world!

First, in the previous Immortal Martial Arts Conference, Saint Chen of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Palace sat high above the Immortal Emperor. His three disciples directly took away the top three places in the Immortal Martial Arts Conference!

Later, there were rumors that Saint Chen personally came to the South China Sea to kill the Immortal Emperor. However, only a few people could know the authenticity of this news, and most people only heard some fragments of it.

What really made the name Chen Shengren resound throughout the world was the painting of heaven and earth not long ago.

Establish a mind for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living people, carry on the unique teachings of the past saints, and create peace for all generations!

These words are engraved in the hearts of the creatures in the immortal world, and countless powerful people are impressed by them. After seeing these four sentences of Hengqu, many powerful people feel that their realm has improved, and each of them consciously worships them. Chen Shengren is a teacher, but I have never met him.

Not to mention that there are many Immortal Emperors coming this time. It is not easy for many creatures in the Fallen Immortal World to see the Immortal Emperor. Generally, they only have the opportunity to pay homage from a distance during the Immortal Martial Arts Conference. ,

At this time, outside the Tiandao Immortal Palace, there are already tables in the air, almost full, and everyone who can take a seat is the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Lord, and even the Immortal Lord!

Just as everyone was waiting attentively, a pale golden emperor's Taoist rhyme came, and then they saw a Nine Phoenix chariot coming from the horizon. Wherever the chariot passed, traces of flames were left, which stayed in the sky for a long time. Not extinguished.

"Welcome to the Immortal Emperor, the Human Emperor!"

Those powerful people who arrived early, whether they were from the human race or from other ethnic groups, when they saw the arrival of the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, they all quickly stood up and paid homage respectfully.

The conflict between ethnic groups only lies in ethnic groups, not the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor has already been superior to all living beings. Even if they are monsters, demons, or even the underworld, they must be respectful when they see the Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor. Pay homage, otherwise even if you are killed, you will only bring it upon yourself, and even your own Immortal Emperor will have to apologize and can only say that his teaching is incompetent.

After the arrival of the Human Emperor, the Immortal Emperor Zhanzhi of the Demon Clan was next, sitting cross-legged on a black jade unicorn, appearing in everyone's field of vision accompanied by the Immortal Emperor's aura.

"Welcome to Zhixian Emperor!"

The person who was slightly behind him was the Golden Crow Immortal Emperor of the demon tribe. Emperor Yi did not ride on a fancy mount, but came directly in the three-legged Golden Crow true form.

In his opinion, he is a three-legged golden crow, and he is of the highest bloodline in the world. What mount can be worthy of him?

But...when he thought about being rejected when he offered to be a mount for Senior Chen, he inevitably felt a little inferior...

"Ma De... How come this guy is one step ahead of this Immortal Emperor?" Seeing that Zhan Zhi had arrived, Emperor Yi couldn't help but cursed inwardly. Why does this guy have the upper hand in everything? But later I will definitely beat him in the treasure presentation part!

Thinking of this, Jinwu no longer struggled too much. Under the worship of all living beings, he slowly stood not far away from the two immortal emperors.

"Everyone, please be patient. Your Majesty the Emperor should be busy with some important matters." Dayi saw that the three Immortal Emperors had arrived, but the spiritual mist covering the Immortal Palace had not dissipated, so he stepped forward and stopped the three of them casually and said .

Naturally, the three Immortal Emperors did not have any complaints, nor did they dare to complain.

But soon, the water in the East China Sea began to surge, and everyone looked down.

A mighty figure named Zun Hai Clan slowly began to appear above the sea level, but everyone was not nervous at all. Today was invited by Saint Chen, so naturally no one dared to take action today.

Zhu Quance's figure appeared surrounded by the powerful men of the sea clan and greeted the land immortal emperor. Seeing this, the Human Emperor and others only nodded slightly in response and did not pay much attention.

The Immortal Emperor of Tianming and the Immortal Emperor of the Sea Clan have never been in contact with each other, and they are even afraid of each other.

Another half an hour later, the mighty Beihai Dragon Palace team also arrived at the Tiandao Immortal Palace. The hundreds of exquisite treasure boxes were very conspicuous, especially the palace that was pulled by the nine Immortal Emperor Realm true dragons, which made everyone even more excited. They all marveled at the strength of the Hai Clan.

The Dragon King of the West Sea also followed the team and happened to meet him on the road.

When Zhu Haoguang arrived, everyone exchanged pleasantries.

The Human Emperor and the Immortal Emperor didn't pay much attention. He just glanced at the Nine Dragons Palace briefly, then closed his eyes and stopped paying attention.

Zhan Zhi and Jin Wu, on the other hand, looked at each other.

"Fellow Taoist, you have come all the way, are you tired?" Immortal Emperor Golden Crow was about to speak with a kind smile.

"It's been a hard journey coming from Beihai. Just now, this Immortal Emperor has reserved a place for you in advance. Come and rest for a while!" Zhan Zhi's figure had already moved forward, and he stopped the opponent's shoulder very familiarly. Go to the front row where you were just now.

Jinwu was dumbfounded when he saw this, everyone is the Immortal Emperor, why can you be so shameless! ?

"Uh... Fellow Taoist, this king is from the West Sea." Ao Li, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was confused by the sudden enthusiasm.

I thought that the Land Immortal Emperor would be difficult to get along with. If I had known that the Land Immortal Emperor was so enthusiastic, wouldn't they have established diplomatic relations with the Land Immortal Emperor a long time ago? Why shrink around!

"Then you didn't tell me earlier? Get out of the way..." When Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi heard this, the smile on his face suddenly froze. Just when Jin Wu saw that he was one step behind, he quickly came over and simply He pushed the Dragon King of the West Sea towards Jin Crow.

He turned back to the team, looked at the other Dragon King, and put on a smile again, "Fellow Taoist, thank you for your hard work all the way from Beihai. Just now, this Immortal Emperor has occupied a place for you in advance... ." Still using the same words, still using the same movements, he hugged the confused Beihai Dragon King and walked forward.

On the other side, the Dragon King of the West Sea was dumbfounded. Is this so realistic? ?

"Haha... Fellow Taoist, we..." However, there was the Land Golden Crow Immortal Emperor beside him, so Ao Li raised his hands and performed a Taoist ritual, preparing to establish a good relationship, but this was still the case. He's a friendly person, he doesn't follow others' influence, he only cares about currying favor with the fourth child.

"I'm warning you, don't get close to this Immortal Emperor." Jinwu stared at him, then pushed him away, and quickly caught up with Immortal Emperor Zhan Zhi, accompanying the North Sea Dragon King...


"It seems that it is right not to establish diplomacy with the Land Immortal Emperor. These guys have a dark mentality. They probably have more thoughts than my elder brother." The Dragon King of the West Sea froze in place, the corners of his eyes twitching.

It’s no wonder that the two of them admitted their mistake at the beginning. After all, the Dragon King of the North Sea and the Dragon King of the East China Sea were deprived of their cultivation realm by the Venerable, and they have not fully recovered yet. Only Ao Li still has the complete aura of the Six-Life Immortal Emperor, so they are causing trouble. There was a misunderstanding.

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