Under the Black Wind Cliff, a woman in light blue armor was carefully navigating through the mountains and forests.

After a while, she came to the bottom of the Black Wind Cliff, and she frowned as she looked at the towering cliff above.

She hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and climbed towards the cliff.

She is superb, she is like a monkey, and the simple small gap in the cliff wall can become her foothold, but in a moment, she climbed dozens of meters up.


Several small stones suddenly flew in the distance and hit the woman, and the woman nimbly avoided most of them, and the last one was really unavoidable, so she waved her hand and smashed it.


The trees in the woods shook, and then three figures came out, quickly climbed the cliff, and chased after the woman.

The woman quickened her speed, no longer slowly looking for a foothold, her hands were like eagle claws, and she grabbed five holes in the cliff wall, and rushed to the top of the mountain.

Although the woman's speed was fast, the three figures behind her were even faster, and after a while, the three figures gradually approached the woman, sending out a blue-black shockwave to attack the woman.

Boom, boom! The

woman tried to dodge, and her upward crawl speed was forced to slow down a lot.

At the bottom of the cliff, more than a dozen figures jumped out one after another at this time, each of them was of good strength, and quickly climbed up the mountain, as if they were going to besiege the woman.

If you look closely, these besiegers of women are men and women, and their appearance is no different from ordinary people, but their eyes are red, and their mouths occasionally hiss, as if they have lost their minds.

"Get out of here!" the

woman was entangled by three figures, unable to move forward, and shouted angrily, her hand glowed with blue light, knocking a figure out of the air.

With this momentum, she climbed up some distance again.

The figure that was knocked out rolled in the air, stretched out his hand and grabbed at the wall, and the blue-black spiritual power formed a giant palm, dragging the body back to the cliff.

Then three figures surrounded the woman again, and the blue-black spiritual power on her body surged, forming a sharp mang to slash at the woman's body.

The woman seemed to have injuries in her body, and after less than a moment of fighting, blood was already spilling from the corners of her mouth.

More than a dozen figures under the cliff gradually caught up, gradually sealing the woman's way.

At this time, she had climbed to a height of seven or eight hundred meters, but when she looked up, the top of the cliff was still towering into the sky, as if there was no end.

"Are you going to die?"

she was desperate in her heart, her spiritual power was running out, but she didn't plan to sit back, she gathered the remaining spiritual power into her hands and slapped it hard at the opponent in front of her.

With a snap, her palm hit the other party, and spiritual power gushed out, knocking the other party off the cliff.

Then he felt a strong wind blow in the back of his head, and she knew that she couldn't hide, so she closed her eyes in relief.

Suddenly, she felt a flower in front of her, and a man appeared in front of her.

This man was wearing a white disciple's robe, and although he did not look strong, he had a majestic bearing.

"Let's go!" The

man in white was Chen Mu, he grabbed the woman's shoulder, activated the instant talisman, and disappeared in place in an instant.

A hundred meters away, the figures of him and the woman reappeared.

At his feet was a brush formed by the condensation of his spirit, through which he was able to fly through the air for a short time.

The dozen or so figures chasing and killing the woman were stunned for a moment, and soon found Chen Mu and the two of them a hundred meters away, and immediately chased them up.

"What's wrong with these people, why are they chasing you?" Through

the Divine Soul Induction, Chen Mu found that the strength of these people who came up after him had reached the True Spirit Realm, but unlike the ordinary True Spirit Realm, the spiritual power of these people was very violent, and they seemed to be stimulated by some kind of power.

"My name is Wei Shuang, and I am an Imperial soldier!

These people have all been eroded by the alien demon seed and turned into demon slaves, so they will come to hunt me down.

Wei Shuang quickly calmed down and explained.

Chen Mu harnessed the brush, flying much faster than the chasing demon slave, and reached the top of the mountain in a few moments.

"Then can these people still be saved?" Chen

Mu asked the question as he landed on the top of the mountain.

"There is no cure! After becoming a demon slave, self-consciousness has been erased, and even if it is rescued, it is just a walking corpse. As she

spoke, a trace of sadness flashed in Wei Shuang's eyes.


Chen Mu put Wei Shuang on the ground, then waved his hand and threw out more than a dozen spirit stones, pinching the magic trick in his hand, and after a while, a defensive array formed on the ground.

"You take a break, I'll take care of the rest. Soon

, more than a dozen demon slaves rushed up, hissing and screaming, and pounced on Chen Mu.

Since he knew that these people were incurable, he didn't spare his hand, and took out the magic baguette, like a god descending from heaven, unstoppable.

After the Divine Soul Realm was raised, the power of the Burning Heart Flame skyrocketed, and it had a powerful suppressive effect on these mentally incomplete demon slaves.

The demon slaves seemed to see something very terrifying, and one by one they either stood on the spot, or wailed, or looked around, and their strength was not one out of ten.

Bang bang..! Boom...!

Chen Mu took a stick one by one, and in less than a stick of incense, all the demon slaves who had just been invincible fell to the ground, and none of them were spared.

Out of curiosity, Chen Mu left a demon slave and didn't kill him, grabbed him, and injected spiritual power into his body, wanting to feel what the so-called alien demon seed was.


Wei Shuang was shocked when she saw Chen Mu's movements, and immediately shouted.

It's a pity that it's too late, Chen Mu's spiritual power has already entered the demon slave's dantian.


Chen Mu felt that the demon slave's dantian was like a burning furnace, and his spiritual power had just come into contact with it, as if it had been ignited, and his whole body began to stir.

"Is this the use of demonic energy?" Although

Chen Mu was not shocked, his body could not move the Ming King Heart Sutra, his heart was like a rock, and ten thousand laws did not invade.

A stream of golden liquid spiritual power flowed out of his dantian and entered the demon slave's dantian, suppressing the demonic qi inside.

Only then did he discover that there was actually a drop of black blood in the demon slave's dantian, and this blood and the cultivator's dantian were fused together, completely indistinguishable from each other.

When Chen Mu's attention was focused on this drop of blood, this drop of blood actually trembled slightly, as if there was a will to travel through time and space from a distant place and want to come down.

Chen Mu felt a trace of unease, snapped, and smashed the Demon Slave's Heavenly Spirit Cover with one palm.

As soon as the demon slave died, the dantian in his body lost its activity and began to collapse.

The blood in his body lost its energy source, and finally stopped trembling, and only a piece of will came out and entered Chen Mu's mind.

"You... I'll go find you..."

With a snap, the Demon Slave Dantian shattered, and the blood inside disappeared into the spatial turbulence.


"Childe, Childe, are you okay?"

Under Wei Shuang's call, Chen Mu woke up from his daze and gasped heavily, feeling palpitations.

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