The will in the blood is too strong.

Chen Mu felt that he should not be weaker than the Fu Ancestor who inherited his own runes.

I don't know if the pavilion master of the Heavenly Pavilion has such a strong strength.

"I'm fine. Miss Wei, why did you climb up from under the Black Wind Cliff?"

Now that the crisis has been resolved, Chen Mu asked Wei Shuang for a detailed understanding of the situation.

"This matter is a long story, I was originally going to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range to hunt demon beasts, but I didn't expect to be ambushed by a man in black on the way.

The man in black was hooded and couldn't see his face, but I knew he was human.

He was so strong that he easily injured me, and it took me a lot of effort to hide in the forest, and then a large number of demon slaves appeared to search for me.

I knew that this direction was where the Heavenly Pavilion was, and it took me a day and a night to get here, and the other roads were blocked by demon slaves, so I had to try to climb up from the cliff.

Wei Shuang looked tired, not like he was lying.

"Okay, then you go to the stone house to rest first, and I'll notify someone from the Law Enforcement Hall to pick you up. As

the so-called artist is bold, Chen Mu did not doubt that he had him, and brought Wei Shuang into the stone room.

Then he activated the communication rune on the stone table, briefly explained the situation to the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, and asked them to send someone up.

There was a demon slave who invaded the territory of Wentian Pavilion, and this matter aroused the great attention of the Law Enforcement Hall, and Wang Jun immediately replied to him, and he would come over in person later.

After turning off the communication, the stone room was quiet, and Wei Shuang looked at the various equipment in the stone room, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Are you asking the Heavenly Pavilion disciple?"

Wei Shuang couldn't help but speak.

"Well, I was punished for reflecting on the wall here because I made a mistake.

Chen Mu knew that Wei Shuang would inevitably be confused, so he simply explained the reason why he was here.

"I see!" Wei

Shuang nodded, pointed to an analytical instrument next to the stone table, and asked curiously.

"What is this??"

She could see that there were a large number of arcane runes in the instrument, as well as the veins of spiritual power flowing, so she deduced that this was a magic weapon, but she had never seen such a strange magic weapon.

"Hmm... It's a magic weapon, I invented it myself.

Chen Mu knew that he couldn't say a few words clearly, so he had to explain two sentences vaguely.

Seeing that Chen Mu didn't say anything in detail, Wei Shuang didn't want to be bored, so he nodded and didn't say more.

"By the way, since you are an Imperial soldier, you should be very aware of the situation outside, right?How has the war between the Empire and the Alien Demons been going recently?"

Chen Mu saw that Wei Shuang had no intention of resting, so he chatted casually.

Wei Shuang glanced at Chen Mu in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to be interested in the battle situation.

Then she thought about it, and looked worried.

"The situation is not good, the army of alien demons is pressing forward step by step, and it has already advanced more than a thousand kilometers towards the empire.

More than half a month ago, the king of Zhenxi led the mountain army, as well as the remnants of the soldiers who had broken through the city, to block the eastward march of the alien demons at Canglan Pass, but the alien demons were violent, and the mountain army was only barely resisting, and the pressure was very great.

Chen Mu frowned.

"Hasn't the imperial capital sent troops to support him?"

"No! It is said that the emperor was assassinated three months ago and seriously wounded, and now he is dying soon.

Several princes with great power are now co-opting factions and vying for the throne.

It is also reported that there were rebels in the north, who occupied the city and established themselves as kings.

Now there is chaos in the government and the opposition, and the war on the front line seems to have been forgotten by them.

Wei Shuang felt a little dry mouth, saw a kettle on the stone table, poured himself a glass of water and took a sip.

"What about Heavenly Court, so many things have happened, does Heavenly Court not care?" Chen

Mu looked puzzled.

"Heavenly Court? Heavenly Court hasn't sent anyone over to the Panhuang Continent for hundreds of years.

Although the royal family of the Haotian Empire were all descendants of the Celestial Race, their bloodlines were getting thinner and thinner, and Heavenly Court was becoming more and more alienated from them.

The celestial and human races all lived in the Nine Heavens founded by the Heavenly Emperor, and the spiritual energy in it was ten times more intense than that of the Panhuang Continent, so they didn't bother to care about the life and death of these ordinary people in the Panhuang Continent. Although

Chen Mu had heard a little about Heavenly Court before, it was the first time that he knew that Heavenly Court had been separated from the Panhuang Continent for so long, and his mood became heavy.

Although the battle on the front line has nothing to do with him, living in this world for so many years, especially experiencing the battle of Absolute Sword City, has made him have a trace of pity for the suffering of the people.


Outside the stone house, a figure landed in the air, it was Wang Jun.

Chen Mu and Wei Shuang walked out of the stone house and bowed to Wang Jun.

"I've seen Hall Master

Wang!" "I've seen seniors!"

Wang Jun nodded and set his eyes on Wei Shuang.

"Are you an imperial soldier?" "You are

under the command of Wei Shuang, the commander of the Haori Cavalry of Dongshan City, my father... Zhenxi Wang Weishan.

After Wei Shuang finished speaking, Chen Mu couldn't help but turn his head to look at her.

Unexpectedly, this one turned out to be the daughter of the King of Zhenxi, no wonder she knew so clearly about the military affairs of the empire.

"Oh, are you the daughter of the King of Zhenxi?" Wang

Jun also showed a surprised expression.

"Yes!" Wei

Shuang did not deny that she had her own considerations for reporting her family.

Wang Jun nodded, and then noticed more than a dozen corpses lying on the edge of the cliff.

He walked over to a corpse and examined it closely.

"It's indeed a demon slave! I didn't expect thousands of years to pass and the demon slave reappeared!" there

was a hint of worry in his tone.

"Chen Mu, you killed the demon slave and saved Wei Shuang this time, which can be regarded as a meritorious service.

I will make the decision to allow you to be free from this day onwards.

Here I will ask the law enforcement disciples to come up and clean up, and now you can leave at any time.

"Thank you, Master. "

Chen Mu doesn't really matter, but it's better to have freedom than not to have freedom.

"Okay, Wei Shuang, you can leave with me!" Wei Shuang

did not refuse, beckoned to Chen Mu, and then was taken up by Wang Jun and disappeared into the air.

Chen Mu returned to the stone house, packed all the equipment he had made during this time into the ring, and left the Black Wind Cliff.


After returning to Baolai Peak, Chen Mu's courtyard had accumulated a thick layer of ash because it had not been inhabited for a long time.

Chen Mu started his hands and cleaned the courtyard well.

Not long after, Hou Tian came to the door.

Because Chen Mu couldn't have contact with outsiders on the face of the Black Wind Cliff, Chen Mu's "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" was broken.

Hou Tian was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do, he bought off the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, so as soon as Chen Mu was released, he received the news.

Chen Mu knew his intention, and handed over the sixth episode of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" that had been prepared a long time ago, as well as the seventh episode.

After Hou Tian received the main plate, he was very satisfied with Chen Mu's efficiency, and showed Chen Mu the sales and business list during this time.

"Master Mu, this is the second quarter of this year, and the sales in the third quarter, as for the fourth quarter, it is still being calculated, and the results will come out in a few days.

I couldn't contact you before, so my earnings have always been in my custody, and now I'm handing them over to you. "

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