Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 18 Changing Fate Again! Purple Fate! (For Collection)

Gu Shaoshang was still in a dream.

He was brought by Li Fangying himself to an Immortal Cave.

Before parting, Li Fangying returned his 'junior brother' one by one.

You know, Li Fangying is the head of Taichu Sect!

If it weren't for the decline of the Absolute Beginning Gate today, it would also be the master of one Sacred Land!

It is such an identity, but now he calls Gu Shaoshang a "junior brother"

How can this feeling not make Gu Shaoshang feel dreamy.

Before that, he was just an Outer Sect disciple.

Even if you want to enter the Inner Sect, you only have three chances per month.

"It's really a monstrous great chance and great adventure!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help feeling sorry for this, and at the same time he rejoiced again: "Fortunately, this opportunity was cut off by me."

"If it's not the case, it's the lonely star of the evil spirit who enjoys the treatment I have now."

"Then, under his destiny of being the lone star of the Heavenly Fiend, the entire Tai Xuan sect will be wiped out."

"Now, this great opportunity has been cut off by me. Can the lone star of that day bring down the Tai Xuan sect?"

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang looked at himself.

Immediately, a list of attributes was displayed, along with his own life script.

【Name】: Gu Shaoshang

【Realm】: Body Tenth Stage

【Fate】: Die young (black)

[Number of Destiny]: The posture of the master (blue), the extraordinary chance (purple)

[Special]: During physical evolution, Innate one Qi

【Life Script】: Supporting role

[Recent turning point]: (acquired the inheritance of 'Lu Xianzhi' and became the fifteenth peak master of the Tai Xuan Sect, with a high position and authority...

Two and a half months later, the Taichu Sect was destroyed and died. )


Seeing the own attribute, Gu Shaoshang frowned.

His fate, from the original "died early" to "died young", is already a change.

Moreover, there is an extra purple fate in his fate, which represents Gu Shaoshang's current luck is extraordinary.

However, in his life script, there is still a death date!

"What's going on, this opportunity of the lone star of Tiansha has been cut off by me, why is the sect of Taichu still being destroyed?"

This is what makes Gu Shaoshang hard to understand.

However, he didn't wonder for too long before he thought of the reason.

"That's right, although the lone star of the evil spirit did not get this opportunity, his fate of 'the lonely star of the evil spirit' still continues to radiate influence."

"Even if he didn't become the head junior and didn't receive Lu Xianzhi's inheritance, if he stays in the Taichu Sect, he will still bring disaster to the Taichu Sect!"

Thinking of this, Gu Shaoshang's eyes shone brightly.

"To verify this point, just go and read the life script of Tiansha Lone Star."

"As for now, let's digest the inheritance of 'Master Lu' first."

"Then... is the coronation entry, becoming the fifteenth giant of the Absolute Beginning Sect!"

"Following that, we will target and suppress the lone evil star of that day, and even if we cannot destroy him, we will also drive him out of the gate of Absolute Beginning!"

Gu Shaoshang collected his thoughts and concentrated on digesting the inheritance from 'Lu Xianzhi'.

................................................... .

At the beginning of the door.

Although Gu Shaoshang went to Closed Door Training, Taichu Gate was not calm either.

Too many inner disciplines, I can't sleep at night.

Li Fangying, the leader who is rare to see, and Elder, the master of each peak, all met in one night.

But what is even more curious is Gu Shaoshang who is in the midst of inheritance attention!

There were various speculations, but they were immediately suppressed, because the peak masters of each peak were restraining the disciples, and asked them to return to the Immortal Cave to practice quietly.

It wasn't until the next day that all the inner disciples also found out that all affairs inside the door were temporarily cancelled!

All the activities and actions that should have been cancelled.

Masters of the peaks, still let disciples be honest.

But in this case, inner disciples, how can they be calm?

Whether it is a true disciple or an inner disciple, they are all guessing what will happen.

Absolute Beginning Sect, there is a rhythm that is gestating something for a while.

"Old Yan."

On the star peak.

In an Immortal Cave.

'Ye Tian' called Old Yan, and asked unwillingly: "Before we went to Lanjiang, the disciple who came back from Lanjiang we saw was that Gu Shaoshang, right?"

In the mind of 'Ye Tian', Old Yan sighed, "That's right, it's him."

'Ye Tian' couldn't help clenching his fists: "That is to say, he took away the real water gangsha that should belong to me?"

Old Yan sighed again: "It should be."

'Ye Tian' was even more reconciled: "Zhenshui Gangsha, that's what Yanlao you planned to create the invincible foundation for me, but was cut off by that Gu Shaoshang."

'Ye Tian' clenched his fists, with a strong expression of unwillingness on his face: "Also, when Gu Shaoshang accepted that inheritance, I faintly felt as if I missed something."

"Of course I missed it." In his mind, Yan Lao sighed: "That inheritance is known as the strongest inheritance in this era."

"Being able to get the calamity of creating the law shows that this inheritance is envied by heaven."

As Old Yan said, he also persuaded him: "Boy Ye, don't be too entangled. Now that Gu Shaoshang has been inherited, the overall situation is settled. In the future, he will definitely be valued in the Taichu sect."

"Based on your current situation, it is not suitable for you to make enemies in this Absolute Beginning Gate, so even if you are unwilling, you have to suppress it."


'Ye Tian''s dissatisfaction turned into depression, and he sighed: "Old Yan, I understand."

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