Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 19: The Six Bells Ring, And The Disciples Of Absolute Beginning Gather!

"Have you heard? Something serious has happened in the Inner Sect!"

"What kind of event?"

"I don't know, but lately the Gate of Absolute Beginning, regardless of whether it is the Inner Sect or the Outer Sect, has been strictly prohibited from entering and leaving!"

The Gate of Absolute Beginning, Outer Sect.

In the handyman's house.

Xia Qingwei heard the discussions of the other handyman disciples, and couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity in her heart.

"Something big happened in the Inner Sect?"

At this moment, Xia Qingwei thought of Gu Shaoshang inexplicably.

Before Gu Shaoshang, he gave her a ray of real water and gangsha, saying that he was going to do a big thing.

And now, in the Inner Sect of the Absolute Beginning Gate, a big event happened.

"I don't know if the senior brother's work has been done."

Xia Qingwei couldn't help thinking.

Gu Shaoshang is not here, otherwise, it can be seen that Xia Qingwei's favorability with him has increased to 50.

Except for the handyman's house.

In the inner Outer Sect of Taichu Gate, every hall is eagerly seeking.

Everyone knows that a major event happened at the Absolute Beginning Gate.

Moreover, it was a major event that alarmed all the high-level members of the Absolute Beginning Sect.

The source of this matter was because of an Outer Sect disciple.

But what exactly is the big deal, but almost no one knows.

Under such circumstances, it took two full days before there was any movement in the Absolute Beginning Gate.

This movement made it difficult for the entire Absolute Beginning Gate to calm down again!


"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"


Suddenly, a series of bells rang at the gate of Absolute Beginning.

Everyone in the Outer Sect of the Gate of Absolute Beginning can hear it very clearly.

One by one, the bells rang through the gate of absolutism.

And this bell sounded from the Great Hall Of The Sect on the Taichu Peak.

This bell also has a history.

"The bell of the beginning is ringing!"

"Six beeps in a row?"

"When the bell rings in the beginning, it means that something great is about to happen!"

"Every three years during the initiation ceremony, the bell in the beginning of time will ring three times, which means to summon the disciples."

"It is said that different sounds represent different meanings."

"The nine bells represent the life and death of the Absolute Beginning Sect, which is rare for thousands of years."

"The sound of the six bells is no small matter. It is said that it is like the handover of the head of the sect. It is the sound of the six bells, which means to summon all the disciples!"

"I heard that when the Absolute Beginning Gate was still a Sacred Land, when the holy son Holy Maiden was established, six bells would ring to summon disciples to witness together!"

"What happened now? Why are there six bells?"

"Could it be that the contemporary head is going to abdicate?"

Many disciples couldn't help but start guessing.


Among the Inner Sect, on top of the main peaks, there are Inner Sect and True Inheritance disciples, all heading towards the Taichu Peak one after another.

As they went, they accompanied God to ask each other.

"Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know, but it must be a big deal."

"I don't know, does it have anything to do with the vision two days ago?"

There are disciples going to the Taichu Peak from all over the Taichu Sect. The six Taichu bells are a notification and a rally.

Even, there are still a steady stream of disciples outside, rushing back one after another.

Many disciples even saw some Elders from Closed Door Training, and all rushed to the peak of Taichu.

The entire Absolute Beginning Gate seemed to be very lively.

All the inner disciples gathered in Taichu Peak with doubts.

'Ye Tian', also in this situation, set off from Star Peak.

There are also speculations in the heart of 'Ye Tian'.

"The bell rang six times in the early days, so it can't be related to Gu Shaoshang?"

................................................... .....

Outer Sect.

Handyman's house.

Six bells rang, I wonder if the Inner Sect could hear it, and the Outer Sect could hear it too.

It's just that the disciples of the Inner Sect are all assembled.

Disciples of the Outer Sect do not have such authority.

Therefore, when they heard the bell, they could only guess differently, but they didn't know what happened, and they couldn't go there.

The disciplines of the Handyman's House are also discussing.

Even so, it has nothing to do with them.

Inner Sect Outer Sect, seems to have become two worlds.


Suddenly, a divine rainbow came from the Inner Sect and landed directly in the handyman's courtyard.

There was a faint coercion descending on the handyman's courtyard.

"A strong man from the Inner Sect?"

"A master of the Inner Sect, why did you come to the Handyman's House?"

"Is it the Elder, or the Elder of the Inner Sect!"

The person who came was not wearing inner discipline clothing, but someone guessed based on his appearance.

In the divine rainbow, a person appeared.

He glanced around: "I am the Elder of Taichu Peak, and I am here to take 'Xia Qingwei' to Taichu Peak by order of the sect master."

"Where is Xia Qingwei?"

"Xia Qingwei?"

The handyman disciples were surprised: "Why did you come to find Xia Qingwei, that beggar girl."

"Elder brothers came to look for them before, and now there are even Inner Sect Elders here. What's so special about Xia Qingwei?"

"Could it be that Xia Qingwei is going to ascend to the sky in one step?"

Handyman disciplines whisper, puzzled.

But there are also guides.

Soon, Xia Qingwei stood in front of the Inner Sect Elders, a little stiff and at a loss.

This Tai Chu Peak Elder remembered the sect master's entrustment, and his face was kind.

"But Xia Qingwei?"

"Huh?" Xia Qingwei's voice was soft, and she still didn't know what happened.

The Elder had already sized Xia Qingwei up a bit: "It also looks ordinary, but for some reason, 'that' called her to attend the ceremony."

Even though he was thinking this way, the Elder didn't show it, but said kindly: "You don't have to be nervous, I'm here to take you into the Inner Sect this time."

"Inside the gate, there will be a ceremony, and the protagonist in it will call for you to watch the ceremony, so I'm here."

"A ceremony, do you want me to watch it?"

At this moment, a figure immediately appeared in Xia Qingwei's mind.

"Elder brother?"

(I'm looking for an evaluation ticket, just a few tickets away from the breakthrough of 500, please support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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