"After you've purchased everything, follow me back to the Shrine.

The deacon who led the team was a middle-aged woman who had escaped from the Cultivation Base of the Third Stage days, but she was dressed in a particularly neat and easy way, and looked around vigilantly.

Gu Shaoshang followed at the end of the team, and the group left Fangshi in an orderly manner and walked towards the cliff.

And walking with Gu Shaoshang at the end is a young man named Hai Fan, who is also a collateral child of the Hai Clan just like Gu Shaoshang's superficial identity.

It's just that his Realm is only in the Dao Embryo Realm, and the reason why he was selected is because he cultivated the Glazed Body.

Back then, the Sea Clan's shrine was built on the surface of the East China Sea, and it is said to be extremely large and splendid.

It's just that with the emergence of the place of the devil's burial, the shrine was naturally eroded and swallowed up. The Hai people had no choice but to evacuate here, and built a new shrine on the cliff.

And there was a Body Tempering spiritual spring in the original shrine, all the children of the Sea Clan can enter the spiritual spring to exercise their bodies after they reach adulthood, and activate the blood in their bodies.

But now because there is no spiritual spring, even cultivating the glazed body has become a very difficult thing.

11 It is precisely because of this that even many children of the same family have not been able to cultivate the glazed body, so after Haifan cultivated the glazed body, he also has the quota to enter the place of the magic burial.

As the only collateral in the team, Haifan naturally has a good impression of this good "companion" of Cultivation Base, and chatted non-stop along the way.

And because Gu Shaoshang didn't know the specific situation in the Hai Clan, he could only pretend to be taciturn.

Only when Haifan was talking would he nod his head, indicating that he was listening.

"Although the place of the devil's burial is very dangerous, the opportunities are endless. It's the first time for you to enter Haishang. As long as you follow Lord Deacon closely and don't wander around, there will be basically no danger.

Gu Shaoshang nodded.

Compared to the mercenary regiment's rampage, the Sea Clan people who could control Devilish Qi were at least relatively safe in the Devil's Burial Land, if not at ease.

"And I heard that Lord Neptune will personally preside over the expedition ceremony this time!"

Unconsciously, Hai Fan's eyes revealed incomparable joy, and he clasped his hands on his chest and said, "This is the first time I've seen Lord Neptune!"

Gu Shaoshang followed up and said, "Me too."

Gu Shaoshang is also full of curiosity about Power, the strongest of the Sea Clan, who can have such a vision.

Only after entering the Sea Clan did he know the more detailed story of the bald man.

Back then, the Sea Clan was influenced by the Land of Demon Burials, and was almost reduced to a second-class force, just like the original Sacred Land.

But this Sea Emperor withstood the pressure on his own, and was able to make up his mind to dig a tunnel!

You must know that this is a time-consuming and expensive matter, but it may not necessarily be rewarding.

Once there is a problem, it is very likely that the entire Sea Clan will fall into a situation beyond redemption!

But even so, he actually made this decision against all opinions.

Finally, after spending countless hours and Spirit Stones, opened the tunnel to the center island, and got a way to control the Devilish Qi there.

Using this method, they established a region for cultivating monsters within the Demon Burial Ground, and obtained monster materials from there.

You must know that every time the mercenaries enter the magic burial place, they can only exchange for that little thing at the price of blood and life, and even this little thing is priceless.

The Sea Clan is able to harvest a large amount of monster materials very easily, which not only meets the needs of their own people, but also sells the excess materials in the square market.

It is by this method that the Sea Clan can still stand tall after leaving the sea.

So even as an opponent in the future battle between the two worlds, Gu Shaoshang still thinks that the Sea Emperor is a very courageous existence.

"I don't even know what Realm Lord Neptune is."

Haifan thought for a while, and said, "At least it's in the Holy Realm...No! It should be in the Real God Realm!"

Gu Shaoshang didn't smile, but nodded his head pretending to be very appreciative, also showing the kind of admiration that the Hai people have for the Sea Emperor.

The group returned to the Jingu not long after, and Gu Shaoshang followed at the end of the group, looking around.

In fact, in his opinion, the scale of this shrine is already quite grand, at least not much worse than Lingshan.

But even so, it seems that the Hai people are still a little dissatisfied.

From their point of view, the current shrine is completely different from the shrine on the sea!

Gu Shaoshang, who is not from the Hai tribe, naturally couldn't understand it, but he could more or less guess it.

After all, the original East China Sea can be called the beginning of all things. There are countless kinds of strange beasts in the sea, as well as inexhaustible Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

As the overlord of the sea, the wealth of the Sea Clan can be imagined.

So even though this shrine is very stalwart, it is still not as good as one-tenth of the original.

The teenagers stood on the martial field of the shrine, Gu Shaoshang quietly counted, and found that there were five or six teams that set off together, each team had about ten people, and each team was led by a deacon who had transcended the realm.

In front of everyone is a high altar, and the brazier above is burning something. 220

Everyone didn't dare to speak, but just waited quietly. After a long while, the sound of horns came from a distance.

With the sound of the horn, everyone looked sideways at the direction of the shrine.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help showing excitement, and some teenagers couldn't help but shed tears.

Naturally, Gu Shaoshang could not imitate such essence, but he still cooperated to show his expectations and longings.

Then, as the sound of the horn stopped, a stone gate on the shrine slowly opened.

A golden chariot pulled by eight white horses flew out of the stone gate, drew a wavy line in the air, and finally landed on the altar slowly.

The car door opened, and a shirtless, long-haired man came out and slowly raised his hands in front of everyone.

At the same time, the children of the Sea Clan below all burst into enthusiastic shouts.

"Welcome to Lord Sea Emperor!"

The man swept across the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "God bless the Sea Clan!"

Looking at this scene, Gu Shaoshang thought to himself: "This is probably the power of idols.

At the same time, Gu Shaoshang subconsciously used the system to look at the man above him, and his expression changed instantly!

"Fake Neptune!?".

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