Fantasy Script: I, The Supporting Role Of Destiny!

Chapter 295: Symbols Controlling Devilish Qi!

When Gu Shaoshang looked up, his expression changed instantly.

Because under the observation of the system, the man on the top actually only has the second stage of detachment!?

Not even as strong as the leading deacon!

But from the attitudes of the people below and the gazes of those deacons, Gu Shaoshang can be very sure that this is not for himself.

"Could it be that the Sea Emperor really only has this strength?"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but gasped, feeling as if he had noticed something.

"No, it may be a fake body!"

Gu Shaoshang thought about it, the Sea Clan was also one of the strongest forces in the entire dark foreign land before it declined.

Then the Sea Emperor will naturally be like the Emperor of the Emperor Clan and the Buddha of Lingshan, at least have the strength to enter the Holy Realm, otherwise it will not be able to support such a powerful force.

And now that such rumors have surfaced, the Imperial Clan is only sending spies to investigate continuously, and at the same time continue to persecute them on the surface.

If the Emperor of the Sea is really just a detached state, then the Emperor Clan can completely crush it with strength, so why give them time to negotiate?

Almost instantly, Gu Shaoshang was sure that the man on stage was just a stand-in.

But since the children of the Sea Clan didn't know about it, Gu Shaoshang naturally couldn't point it out at this time, and immediately bowed his head respectfully.

The fake Sea Emperor's eyes slowly swept across the crowd, and finally walked towards the burning brazier above, and then grabbed a piece of black charcoal from the flames with his bare hands.

At this time, the charcoal was still burning, but his hand grasped it, but he didn't seem to feel any pain or burning.

Then a wave of Spirit Power gushed out from the fake Sea Emperor's hand, and the charcoal cracked and fell in an instant.

After doing all this, the fake Sea Emperor opened his arms and shouted "God Bless the Sea Clan" twice, and then sat back in the chariot under the eyes of everyone adoring.

Then several deacons stepped forward, picked up the broken charcoal, and put it into the urn next to it.

One of them took out a short knife from his sleeve, cut the palm of Own lightly, and let the blood flow down the fingertips into the urn.

Other deacons - take the dagger and do so until the charcoal is completely covered in blood.

Looking at this scene, Gu Shaoshang below couldn't help but frown a little. It was like some large-scale cult ritual.

Fortunately, this weird scene didn't last too long, several deacon injected Spiritual Qi into the urn respectively, and the charcoal quickly absorbed the blood.

With the disappearance of the last trace of red, these charcoals turned into powder one after another.

"Line up and step forward one by one.

The Hai Clan disciples below quickly formed a long line, and without exception, Gu Shaoshang and Hai Fan became the last two again.

But taking advantage of this time, Gu Shang is also the youngsters in front of Dahuangqi.

They walked up to deacon one by one, and deacon took out a brush, dipped it in the powder in the urn, and drew a few strange lines on the palms of the teenagers one by one.

Gu Shaoshang could recognize that the few sea people he met in the Devil's Burial Land before were the Devilish Qi controlled by these strange lines.

Especially the bald man painted so many lines, even his face, but these teenagers just painted on their palms.

It didn't take long before it was Gu Shaoshang's turn. He looked at the black lines drawn on his palm, and immediately felt a strange tactile sensation, as if his entire left hand had become a little colder.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed it lightly, and found that after the lines were painted on, they seemed to blend into the skin immediately, and there was no way to remove them easily.

Seeing this, Haifan said, "Don't be afraid, it's normal to feel uncomfortable when drawing for the first time."

Gu Shaoshang frowned and said, "I'm just curious, how to control Devilish Qi."

Haifan was a little surprised immediately, and asked, "Didn't your parents tell you?"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head.

"Okay then!" Hai Fan thought for a moment, then imitated the appearance of the elders in the family, and said: "This is called the magic pattern, and it uses the blue-grained wood from the magic burial ground to burn into charcoal, and then uses human blood as the Auxiliary, it can ensure that the texture will not be lost and dissipated."

Gu Shaoshang was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "So what you did just now was just to ensure that the lines won't disappear?"

Haifan nodded logically and said: "That's right, the way to control Devilish Qi is to rely on these symbols, and what I did before was just to keep this symbol from disappearing."

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but paused, and looked again at the weird lines on his palm.

"What is this? Can you control Devilish Qi just by using these symbols?"

Old King Taling appeared at this time, and said slowly: "It reminds me of something [spirit!"

While Gu Shaoshang was shocked, he couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but he always had a strange feeling.

It seems that these symbols on the hands are very familiar, but they can't tell what they are.

'..Don't be dazed, it's our turn to go in soon, remember to keep up!"

Haifan gave Gu Shaoshang a push, and then he was in the center of the line.

And Gu Shaoshang could only let go of the doubts in his heart temporarily, and walked forward with the team.

Everyone left the martial field of the shrine and headed towards the cliff behind.

The road here is very narrow and steep, and it looks very unsafe. It seems that if you take a wrong step, you will fall into the abyss below.

Fortunately, no one seemed to be so stupid, and walked all the way along the narrow ramp to a cave behind the cliff.

As soon as he entered, Gu Shaoshang felt countless eyes staring at him, and this feeling made him uncomfortable.

And there was more than one young man like him, but none of them dared to make any big moves [He whimpered, everyone knows that the guardians guarding here are closely monitoring the three ministers.

As he walked farther and farther in the cave, the surrounding light dimmed unconsciously.

In the end, only the sound of silent footsteps could be heard in the cave, as well as the flames in the hands of the deacon leading the way.

I don't know how far I went, when suddenly there was the sound of crashing waves in front of me.

Gu Shaoshang was taken aback for a moment, and at the same time he vaguely sensed Devilish Qi outside.

"Entered the burial place of the devil!"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help clicking his tongue, he didn't expect that they could walk to the magic burial place just by walking in the cave behind the shrine!

"So the bays outside are actually a cover, and the entrance to the tunnel of the real magic burial place is actually under the shrine all the time!?"

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help shaking his head, and at the same time looked up in a daze.

"So the top of this dark cave is now the sea!".

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