"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and obtaining the Gonggong bloodline!"

After the sound of the voice, a smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

When he looked into the system space.

During the discovery, there was actually a drop of blood.

Inside stood a figure.

He had long azure blue hair.

He is tall and has a black water dragon roaring under his feet.

The cold light that burst out from his eyes was like a sharp sword.

At this time, it seemed extremely sharp.

Gonggong, the bloodline of this existence is extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu's eyes turned towards the front.

I saw the generals of the human race, and at this time, the siege of the city had already begun.

The general of the Scarlet Heaven Heavenly Court who guarded the city, although he was not weak.

If it was in the past, the Terran might not be able to break the defense, but now they are a little worse.

When the real Taiyi flew out.

The whisk in the palm of his hand smashed directly.

Amazing energy release.


The city, and even the generals guarding the city, were smashed to pieces by this blow.

Died directly on the battlefield.

Anyone who sees such a scene will be shocked.

The power of destruction is too strong.

The smoke and dust that splashed around almost made people unable to see things.

And at this time.

The surrounding generals also rushed into the city.


The warhammer in the palm of the Madonna of Fire Spirit smashed down directly.

The powerhouses that shrouded the Scarlet Heaven Heavenly Court made it impossible for the other party to react at all.

The whole person was smashed into blood mist.

died on the battlefield.

Today, the human race must have powerful generals.

Only in this way can the safety of this side of the world be guaranteed, so when fighting, almost no one stops, and no one shows mercy at this time.

All the armies of the human race, the only thing to do now is to kill.

Kill all the enemies in front of you.

A thick blood mist is rising from time to time.

The aura of killing is exploding.

While Lu Yu looked at everything in front of him, he didn't take it to heart at all.

This time, he is here to kill, to attack the city.

Today, the human race has absolute strength, and there is nothing to say with these people.

In ancient times, when foreign enemies invaded, they all chose to be traitors.

Now, he is thinking about competing for the world again.

It's really whimsical.

Over time, when people in the city, when there is no other voice.

A cold light flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

Then he said sternly.

"Continue to attack and directly enter the Tiangong of Chixiao Heavenly Court. I want them to know that being a traitor has to pay a price!"

Yes, this time Lu Yu came, he didn't even give these people the chance to surrender, he just came to kill.

And after his order was issued.

The armies that just ended the battle.

He didn't dare to stay at all, he led the army, and immediately continued to rush forward.

Their speed is extremely fast.

The breath that blooms from his body is even more powerful and shocking.

And Lu Yu, in the next battle, did not do anything.

Just sign in.

There are too many cities in the entire Chixiao Heavenly Court.

Enough to take his strength to the next level.

Sign in at the Red Liancheng Prehistoric Battlefield and get two dragon veins!

Sign in at Chifeng City's elite-level prehistoric battlefield, get innate spiritual treasures, and shoot the sun bow!


With the sound of the voice, two months later, Lu Yu came under the Chixiao Temple.

These two months are not too short to say, but in the world of Xianwu, two months are really short.

Even many people can't react.

After all, this place is vast.

Not what most people can imagine.

And just when they were just approaching the city, the sound of the system sounded in Lu Yu's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Luo Xuan, the general of the Fire Department, has reached the fifth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Lu Yue, the general of the plague department, has reached the fifth level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Yu Yuanxiu has reached the fifth level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Lei Zhenzi has reached the seventh level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Wei Hu has reached the sixth level of Da Tianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit has reached the seventh level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Huang Tianhua has reached the fifth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Huang Feihu has reached the fifth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Nezha has reached the seventh level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Yang Jian has reached the eighth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Marshal Tianpeng has reached the sixth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Dragon King of the South China Sea has reached the fifth level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the real Huanglong has reached the ninth level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Li Jing has reached the fifth level of Datianzun!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Four Heavenly Kings have reached the fourth level of Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the giant spirit god has reached the fourth level of the Great Heavenly Venerate!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the Grand Master Lingbao has reached the quasi-sacred first level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the red sperm has reached the first level of Quasi-Saint!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Taiyi real person has reached the first level of quasi-sage!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Guangchengzi has reached the second level of quasi-holy!"


After the sound of the voice, the smile on Lu Yu's face could hardly be concealed.

In two months, he pierced the Chixiao Heavenly Court with lightning speed.

Approaching the opponent's Heavenly Palace.

The harvest of signing in is naturally a lot.

However, the improvement in the strength of his subordinates is even more gratifying.

After this battle, the people of this side of the world are afraid to know the prestige of the human race.

However, just when his generals just broke through.

In his mind, the system sound sounded again at this moment.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have obtained the blessing of experience points from your subordinates, do you have a breakthrough now?"


Without any hesitation, Lu Yu spoke directly.

And just when his voice just fell.

Above the body, amazing energy radiated out at this moment.

The light that was released seemed to be able to devour everything.

Behind him, the phantom of the emperor appeared.

When standing behind, it can almost be flush with the opposite Tiangong.

The coercion blooms, reflecting the sky.

The momentum of the whole body is constantly growing.

Let him be like a true god.


After a roar sounded, a complete breakthrough was made at this time.

The cultivation base has reached the second level of Great Heavenly Venerate.

After feeling the vigorous energy above the body.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Lu Yu's face.

The destruction of a heavenly court brings a lot of energy to oneself.

Then, his eyes turned to the front.

I saw the current Emperor Chixiao, standing on the top of the city.

An astonishing light bloomed in his eyes.

The emperor's robe on his body rattled under the blowing wind.

The ugly face can drip water.

The Human Race's offensive was so crazy that even the Heavenly Court didn't react, and the other party came.

"Human Sovereign, do you really want to kill them all?"

"If my human race has no strength, will you be merciful? At this time, don't hold unrealistic fantasies!"

Lu Yu said lightly.

Then, he waved his hand directly, signaling the army to attack the city.

At the same time, the sound of the system sounded in his mind.

"Ding, does the host sign in at the elite level, the Great Wilderness Battlefield?"

"Sign in!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Yu spoke directly.

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