"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting five dragon veins!"

After hearing the voice, Lu Yu was not disappointed. Now is the time to change this world.

And the dragon veins are the most important, as long as there are enough dragon veins.

This side of the world should be able to upgrade.

After thinking about this.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Lu Yu's face.

Then, he walked forward step by step.

With each step, the ground vibrated.

And the army of the human race, at this time, has already begun to siege the city.

I saw a mysterious rune flashing above the capital of the Chixiao Heavenly Court, and it was extremely bright at this time.

Reflect the entire void.

Even the stars are inferior to them.

However, the bow and crossbow of the human race could not damage the city in the slightest.

After seeing such a scene, a smile appeared on the face of Emperor Chixiao at this time.

"Human Sovereign, the background of my Chixiao Heavenly Court is also what you can imagine.

Although your human race is not weak now,

But the background is too bad.

Tell you the truth.

I am Chixiao Tiangong, it cannot be broken unless it is a quasi-sage! "

When his voice sounded, there was a hint of hideousness and a touch of pride.

After all, after fighting for so long, there is finally something that can suppress the human race.

How could he be unhappy.

But, just when his voice just fell.

Lu Yu laughed.

"Oh, can't be broken unless you are a quasi-sage, there seem to be quite a few quasi-sages of my human race!"

When his voice sounded, there was an amazing murderous intent.

And at this time.

Guangchengzi moved at this time.

He stood in the sky, with holy light rippling around him.

Then, the Heaven-shattering Seal in his hand smashed down in an instant.

When it breaks out of the sky, it blooms with amazing light.

Almost blinding the sun.

Then, towards the city, it fell instantly.


Wherever he passed, even the surrounding space was directly smashed to pieces.

During the vibration, there were astonishing ripples.

Then, it landed in the sky above the Chixiao Temple.

At this moment, an amazing scene happened.

I saw that when the Heaven-shattering Seal had just fallen.


It collided with the rune shield above the city in an instant.

In an instant, all the runes turned into fragments at this time.

Countless powerhouses guarding the city even vomited blood.

The shock was almost scattered.

"how is this possible!"

Emperor Chixiao, who was still in charge of the city's protection just now, made an incredible sound in his mouth.

He almost collapsed.

Never thought this would happen.

"Quite, quasi-sage, how can a quasi-sage appear in the human race!"

When his voice sounded, there was a hint of shock.

Never thought this would happen.

But now, it is too late to say that.

Because, at the moment when the protection was broken.

Lu Yu's voice sounded at this moment.

"Kill me, after the city is destroyed, not a single one will be left behind!"

When his voice fell.

An astonishing murderous intent spread out at this moment.

When the city defense is broken.

It is not difficult at all for the human race to attack the city.

Has become the punishment of the human race.

At this time, it turned into a tall, solid muscle, like fine iron, where the arm was coiled with an evil dragon, majestic and powerful, he was the ancestor of the war king family.

Back then when he led his clan to conquer the sky and fought against the Hei family.

Originally, there was a chance to seriously injure the other party, just because the Emperor Chixiao gave the news.

That's why almost all of his family fell.

Now, of course, there is revenge.


When Xing Tian approached the city, he roared directly.

Jump up.

Then the battle axe in his hand slashed.


When the axe burst out of the air.

Rippling endless sharpness, as well as indestructible energy.

After seeing such a scene.

Emperor Chixiao's expression changed, and then he roared.

"The ancestor of the war king!"

"This general's name is Xing Tian!"

Xingtian's voice sounded, and the battle axe had fallen.

The blade in the hands of Emperor Chixiao couldn't stop such an attack at all.


The blade in his hand was shattered in an instant.

Then there is your body.

It turned into blood mist in an instant.

died on the battlefield.

Under the same realm, the group of people who defied the sky back then were invincible.

At the very least, their strength is absolutely formidable when confronting the people of all ethnic groups above the Xianwu Continent.

It can even be pushed horizontally.

And with the death of Emperor Chixiao in battle.

The smile on Lu Yu's face.

It was even more intense at this time.

After this battle, the name of the human race will be known to everyone.

He stared coldly ahead.

The sun and the moon alternate, and I don't know how long it will take.

The entire Chixiao Temple was covered with blood mist.

Corpses piled up on the ground.

Looking at such a scene, no one will not be shocked.

No one will not be shocked.

When the battle is finally over.

Lu Yu slowly walked towards the Heavenly Palace of Chixiao Heavenly Court.

Here, there is no one alive.

At the same time, within the Central Region.

The people of the major heavenly courts who were still fighting at this time also stopped fighting at this time.

Moreover, several heavenly emperors gathered together urgently.

Sitting in the hall of the Jiuyou family, their faces are sinking like water.

After staring for a while, Jiuyou Tiandi made a sound at this time.

"Everyone, the news that the Chixiao Heavenly Court was destroyed by the Human Race, you must have known that, in just two months, a Heavenly Court was destroyed.

Moreover, a quasi-sage appeared in the human race.

You say, what should we do? "

When the voice fell, there was a hint of inquiry.

At this moment, all the Heavenly Emperors felt that their hands and feet were cold and powerless.

They don't know what to do.

At this moment, Emperor Zixiao spoke up.

"It is said that the human race is very angry with me.

After all, the events of the year made many people have opinions on us.

Now that the human race has become a quasi-sage, I decided to leave this world. Since I can't beat it, I can always leave! "

After hearing the sound, the other Heavenly Emperors also nodded at this time.

After all, that's how it is.

However, Jiuyou Tiandi's face was even more ugly at this time.

"Everyone, aren't you ready to resist?

Quasi-sage, not necessarily invincible! "

When his voice sounded, there was a hint of ruthlessness.

And just when his voice just fell.

Emperor Zixiao said disdainfully.

"The quasi-sages are indeed not invincible, but in this world, they are invincible existences.

Together, we are not opponents.

What's more, the aura released by the quasi-sage of the human race is much stronger than the original Heizhe.

Do you consider yourself an opponent? "

After the voice fell, he stared at the people around him.

This time, even Jiuyou Tiandi couldn't speak.

Because, it is so.

But leaving, will Lu Yu really let everyone leave?

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