Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 111 Meeting The Son Of Destiny Again [9/10]

The boundless starry sky.

In a Star Domain.

Among the many Star Domains, there is an extremely huge star.

This is the Star Domain of the Luo family of Emperor Clan.

at this time.

In this huge star, there is a magnificent hall.

There were several figures standing with auras as deep as the ocean. These people were all senior members of the Luo family.

"The news just came that Feng Chen, the Divine Child of Yama Palace, killed Tian'er in Sirius not long ago."

A middle-aged man looked around at everyone, his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice.

This is Luo Tian's father and the patriarch of the Luo family, but he is only at the Great Saint level.

Hear the words.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

If it were other forces, or a few months ago, they would definitely be furious and want to take action.

But the shocking battle before appeared before their eyes, making them hesitate.

Because if they wanted to take revenge, there was nothing they could do.

Kill Feng Chen?

is it possible?

With Li Azure Lotus as the protector, it would be extremely difficult to kill Feng Chen, and with their background, even if they use extreme weapons.

The Great Emperor's will revives.

It felt like I was going to die in the past.

Li Azure Lotus's Dacheng Divine King body is unparalleled, not much worse than the Dacheng Hegemon body. It has only one ultimate weapon and only one Great Emperor's will. 067

I guess I was also sent to death in the past.


Feng Chen's identity is not simple. It can be seen that Dacheng Divine King's identity as a protector in the Yama Palace is evident.

It may be the bloodline of King Yama, the master of Yama Palace, or it may be a descendant.

If Feng Chen had any shortcomings, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Even if they really killed Feng Chen.

But what to do next?

The Luo family is no match for the Palace of Hell. Not to mention the King of Hell taking action, two Dacheng Physiques or even one Dacheng Physique can sweep away their Luo family.

An elder hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Clan leader, we should take revenge for the fall of Divine Child. However, the Palace of Yama is not a trivial matter, and Feng Chen's identity is not ordinary either."

"If we take action, the entire Luo family may suffer disaster."

"For the sake of the entire Luo family, I ask the patriarch to think twice."

As soon as these words came out.

The other elders also followed suit and expressed their opinions: "For the sake of the entire Luo family, please think twice."

Hear these words.

Luo Tian's father's face became angry and he roared: "That's my son." (chdh)

"We all know that, though."

They also want revenge.

But you can't do it.

Once he takes action, it will not be Luo Tian alone who will die, but the entire Luo family.

Even because of this matter.

The Luo family, which had existed for countless years, was wiped out.

"I understand, just pretend this never happened!"

"We also need to conduct a thorough investigation to see if anyone from Yama Palace has been invited to take action."

"Yam Luodian will not take action for no reason. The only thing that can make them take action is someone asking Yama Luodian to take action behind his back.

Luo Tian's father said in a deep voice.

Because of the special nature of Yama Hall.

As a result, countless people felt that if Yama Luodian took action, someone must have invited it, otherwise it would not have been possible.


The other elders responded quickly.

They can't move the Yama Palace, but their killing power is different.

"Luo Tianchi actually went one step ahead and went to Canggu Star."

"It seems that we can only speed up to Canggu Star."

"There happen to be three lucky people on Canggu Star. We can deal with it together!"

Feng Chen read the message from Feng Yu and then put it away.

Originally, he killed Luo Tianchi first and then went to Canggu Star.

who knows.

This guy Luo Tianchi actually took the lead.

Suddenly we passed Canggu Star.

Feng Chen had to change his itinerary.

Canggu Star Domain.

This is an extremely huge Star Domain, with countless stars shining brightly in the starry sky.

In the center of the Canggu Star Domain, there is a relatively unique star, surrounded by countless rays of light, with countless rays converging to form one large formation after another.

None of these formations exuded an extremely terrifying aura. Facing these formations, even the Great Saint was terrified.


If these great formations broke out in full force, what terrible power would be unleashed.

It is said that.

There was once a Quasi-Emperor who tried to force his way in, but was directly obliterated by the Canggu Star's formation.

Quasi-Emperor will fall in an instant.

Because of this incident, no one dared to force their way into Canggu Star.

There are several stars around Canggu Star.

Because of Canggu Star.

These stars have also been developed.

And every time Canggu Star is open.

These stars will be extremely lively, gathering all forces in the Canglan Realm.

There are the ancient royal family, the human race Sacred Land, and there are also races such as the Divine Court and the Tao Alliance.

at this time.

Feng Chen and Li Azure Lotus has just landed on a star.


I saw a charming woman coming towards me.

"Master Feng, long time no see!"

Bai Qingcheng of the Nine Tailed Celestial Fox clan.

"Clan Chief Bai, long time no see!"

Feng Chen glanced at Bai Qingcheng. This woman was really a fairy. She didn't use any magic, and she had an impulsive charm in her every move.

"Are you planning to enter Canggu Star?"

Bai Qingcheng responded: "There are many opportunities within Canggu Star, and naturally we will not miss such an opportunity!"


Several people stood side by side and walked towards the inner city.

This time, there was no one around Bai Qingcheng, not the Divine Maiden from the Nine Tailed Celestial Fox clan.

Several people were coming to a pavilion.


Feng Chen stopped.

His eyes looked in one direction.


A figure appeared in front of Feng Chen.

This is a young man, wearing a black robe, with a black mask on his face, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

What young people are like.

Feng Chen doesn't care.

In his eyes, the young man has a bright golden light, like a little sun, because he attracts Feng Chen.

Son of Destiny.

Feng Chen was happy.

He never expected that the Son of Destiny, whom so many people in Yama Palace were searching for, would actually appear in front of him.

Didn't think much about it.

Feng Chen took action directly. .

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