Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 112 True Immortal’S Remnant Soul? [10/10]

"Tang Yuan, be careful!"

"There are enemies!"

Tang Yuan was walking on the road.


His teacher's voice rang in his ears.


He heard a roar and a figure appeared in front of him.

Look at the figure in front of you.

Tang Yuan's pupils shrank and his body trembled a little. This was not fear, but the excitement of seeing his enemy.

Feng Chen.

The Divine Child of Yama Palace has a face that Yuan will never forget in his whole life.

Why did he attack me?

Tang Yuan didn't understand.

Do they know that I hate them?

Not too possible.

Although his father is a Saint Realm strongman in Taiyi Sacred Land, he is not famous, and before that, his talent was mediocre and not worth mentioning.

The people from Yama Palace will not keep an eye on him.

The same is naturally true for the Divine Child of Yama Temple.

And he was wearing a mask and did not reveal his identity.


Feng Chen would not do anything to him.

but now.

Feng Chen did attack him, and he had murderous intent.

Tang Yuan reacted quickly, and a hazy divine light appeared around him, and then the surrounding space seemed to spread out like water waves, ripples appeared, and spread far into the distance.

Follow closely.

Tang Yuan's body submerged into the water waves and disappeared in front of Feng Chen in an instant.

Void body?

Feng Chen's eyes flashed. This is an extremely special physique. He is born with shortcuts and has a direct understanding of the Great Dao of space.

It can be regarded as a supreme physique born to cultivate the space.

It is also a type of unparalleled physique.

After Dacheng.

Not much worse than the Dacheng Hegemon Body.

"It's a pity you met me."

Feng Chen whispered in his heart, a divine light appeared in his palm, and he pressed it towards the void

"Void Blockade!"

In an instant.

A ray of divine light burst out, then merged into the void and turned into a mysterious force.

This is the magical art of the Feng family, and it is also the use of the Time Dao Body ability.

The Feng family's magical skills are extremely powerful. Not only can they seal souls, they can also seal the Great Dao, including the void.

But the void body is special after all, and has an extremely terrifying affinity for space, making it like a fish in water.

It is a bit difficult to seal the void and seal them.


With the addition of Feng Chen's Time and Space Dao Body, it's completely different.

Time and space Dao Body is originally the supreme constitution of the two supreme laws of time and space, and the talent of space attributes.

The Time Dao Body is not inferior to the Void Body, it can even be said to be even better.


The mysterious power was injected, and the void seemed to be solidified, and Tang Yuan's body was directly squeezed out.

"Teacher, what's going on?"

Tang Yuan was completely confused.

This was the first time that she was forced out of the space by someone after awakening her void body.

in the past

No matter what the secret technique of void sealing is, he can unblock it.

And this time.

He actually failed.

It's unbelievable.

"The other party's physique is not ordinary, and his use of space is no worse than yours. Moreover, the secret technique used by the other party is not like the secret technique of the lower world."

"Isn't it a secret technique from the lower world?"

"Teacher, is it a secret technique from the upper world?"

Tang Yuan was shocked.


"This is the sealing secret technique of the Immortal Domain. It should be that this guy got some chance and got this secret technique."

"Don't take it lightly, this guy is very strong, and you can't compete with him.

"He has entered the realm of a sage."


The voice of Grandpa Ring came out.

Almost the next moment.

Feng Chen came over and slapped him directly.

See this.

Tang Yuan's whole body was hairy and he subconsciously hit him with a palm.


As if it was not the same level of power, Tang Yuan's palm instantly turned into a blood mist.


See yourself defeated.

Tang Yuan was palpitating in his heart and quickly used his secret technique to leave.

The void has frozen.

He cannot use the void body to leave.

But only the void here is frozen.

The void elsewhere must be intact.

To this.

Tang Yuan wanted to leave this place and go somewhere else, as long as he found a void that was not frozen.

He had the first chance to leave here through the void.

"The escape was pretty quick."

Feng Chen frowned.

Although the void is blocked.

But Tang Yuan was still dissatisfied with his speed.

in a blink.

Already ran thousands of meters away.

"It's really troublesome."

Feng Chen murmured and pressed his fingers

"Void transfer."

The next second.

A terrifying power spread, and boundless divine light erupted.

Tang Yuan, who was thousands of meters away, was suddenly surprised.

…Please give me flowers…

I saw countless divine lights emerging from the void around him.

He was very familiar with this force.

Because this is the power of space.

Seeing that the space seemed to be lifted, Tang Yuan subconsciously used his void body to rush towards the space.

"Don't touch this power."

The old man with the ring was anxious because he shouted.



Tang Yuan touched the light and subconsciously moved the void body.

next moment.

The light flickered.

Tang Yuan came to Feng Chen.

"How can it be."

Tang Yuan was stunned.

Didn't he use the power of the void body to leave?

How could he come directly to Feng Chen?

"You are not as strong as him and cannot suppress his power, so you were teleported here by him."

The old man with the ring said helplessly.

Hear the words.

Tang Yuan was a little annoyed.

Almost at the same time.

Feng Chen slapped Tang Yuan with a slap, as if he wanted to kill Tang Yuan directly.

"Let me do it. If I can't kill you this time, you will be doomed!"

It's a pity that my power hasn't been restored for long, and now I have to use it again. I don't know how long I will be asleep.

The old man with the ring sighed, and then his consciousness dominated Tang Yuan's body.

that moment.

A powerful breath burst out.

Although very weak.

But it is more terrifying than anything else.

Like a True Immortal resurrected.

Almost at the same time.

Bai Qingcheng and Li Azure Lotus rushed over.

"The breath has changed, has the body changed?"

"Does this destined son have a ring, Grandpa?"

Feeling the change in Tang Yuan's aura, Feng Chen suddenly remembered the useless fantasy novels he had read before.

Generally, when a protagonist with a ring grandfather encounters danger, the ring grandfather will take over his physical body and take action.


The same is true for Tang Yuan.

"This aura doesn't look like an ordinary soul. Why does it feel like there are True Immortal soul fluctuations? Although it is very weak, it is more powerful than Supreme!"

Could it be the remnant soul of True Immortal?

Feng Chen's eyes flickered, and at the moment of Tang Yuan's sudden change, he pulled away.

Follow closely.

Li Azure Lotus and Bai Qingcheng stood in front of him.

PS: I’m so tired. The tenth update has finally been completed. Please vote for flowers, give me rewards, and give me monthly votes, especially monthly votes. If you have one and think this book is good, please give it a vote.

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