Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 126 The Power Of The Blood Killing Order, The War Begins! [4/10]

This time Feng Chen almost poured out all his strength. Not a single one of the more than 3,000 Saint Realms was left behind, and all were sent out to execute the bloody killing order.

Dao Alliance, Divine Court, Dragon Race, Immortal Phoenix Clan and many other ten major forces have all become the targets of the Blood Killing Order.

This was a bloodbath that swept across the entire starry sky, involving countless living beings, the number of which was outrageous.

It was several months ago since the last blood killing order.

At that time, only the Golden-winged Dapoc clan was killed, and not more than 1,500 Saint Realms were dispatched.

Most of the Saint Realms actually didn't take any action, and they were all trying to destroy the Gan clan who helped the Golden-winged Dapoc clan.

The rest of the people actually didn't do much, at least most of them were idle.

And at this time.

More than three thousand Saint Realms poured out, and the number of strong men and creatures they faced were completely different.

The ten major forces, as well as the top ancient royal families such as Longfeng, Dao Alliance, and Shenting are still good in the boundless starry sky.


This time the Saint Realm of Yama Palace is dispatched to baptize blood in the boundless starry sky. The time and difficulty required are not the same.

In just one week.

The blood-washed power of Yama Temple has made countless living beings feel fear.

Almost all over the starry sky, almost at the same time.

Countless 877 creatures from the ten major forces have fallen, whether they are ordinary monks, Saint Realm, or even Quasi-Emperor experts.

Without exception.

All became the targets of Yama Hall, and no one survived.

Even if these forces mobilize top experts, it will still be useless.

Within a week, the creatures in the boundless starry sky finally realized the horror of Yama Palace, which made their hearts frightened and their scalps numb.

They can't imagine.

What kind of force is it that can take on the ten major forces in a short period of time? Moreover, even the powerful Quasi-Emperor cannot escape the bloodbath of Yama Palace.

Even Quasi-Emperor is no longer safe, which scares everyone

They also have a new understanding of the Blood Killing Order.

"When the bloody killing order comes out, there will be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!"

"The Palace of Hell is really terrifying. How many strong men do they have? In this week, Saint Realm is not as good as a dog, and the true king is like an ant. Saint Realm has lost more than a hundred people, and the true kings are countless. Quasi-Emperor Three of them also fell!"

"Someone has roughly ruled. The powerful men dispatched by Yama Luodian this time are all saints, and the number of dispatched has reached two thousand, or even more than three thousand."

"Three thousand Saint Realms?"

"Is this a joke?"

Everyone was stunned.

Three Thousand Saint Realms, what is this concept?

One Saint Realm already has the power to destroy heaven and earth. If three thousand Saint Realms gather together, that's okay.

As the lives continued to fall, the ten major forces were completely frightened, and all gathered their clansmen to huddle in their lairs, not daring to move out.

at the same time.

The Jidao weapons revived directly, fearing that the powerful men from Yama Palace would come over and kill them directly.

during this time.

The strong men of the ten major forces felt aggrieved, but also very scared.

There are too many powerful men in Yama Palace, three thousand Saint Realms, so many that it makes their scalp numb.

In a deep space.

The spiritual thoughts of the leaders of the ten major forces gathered together

"Long Aotian, when will we take action over there in the restricted area!" A cold voice sounded. This was the voice of Cai Bing of the Taoist Alliance.

During this period, the Dao Alliance suffered heavy losses. Dozens of Saint Realm fell. The sheer number made him feel numb.

In thousands of years, the fallen Saint Realm has not lasted more than a week.

And this is just for Saint Realm.

There are also realms such as True King and Law Manifestation, as well as some geniuses and monsters from the Tao Alliance, who have also become the targets of the Yama Palace.

As soon as the blood killing order was issued, almost all the disciples of the Dao League became targets without exception.

Even though many disciples retreated to their old nests, the amount of losses made Cai Bing regret it.

But there is no turning back from these things. They and Yama Luodian will fight to the death. Either you die or I die.

The only way to stop all this is to start a war.

Destroy the Yama Palace.

The situation was so urgent that they had no time to spy on the spies from all sides. (chch)

"I already know what happened to everyone. Not only your Dragon Race also suffered heavy losses this time, and I am not in a better mood than them.

"But you can rest assured that the two restricted areas have agreed to take action. Now we only need to take the extreme weapons to the ancient star and destroy the Yama Palace in one fell swoop!"

"I think everyone knows how powerful the Yama Temple is, and the creed of the Yama Temple has always been to launch blood-killing orders to exterminate ethnic groups and annihilate orthodoxy."

"I believe everyone knows this, so I would like to remind you, "Don't regret it."

After destroying the Yama Palace, the next target is the traitor. "


Yama Palace launched a bloody killing order against the ten major forces, which shows that their plan has been known to Yama Palace.

This means that there are spies among them.

Originally, Long Aotian planned to interrogate these spies.

It's just that His Majesty Yama was too cruel and there were too many strong men, so they didn't have time.

To this.

He can only remind some people here.

Don't take it as a defection

"We all know it, so take action quickly!" Luoshan couldn't help it anymore.

Too many people died.

His hatred for Yama Luodian has reached a level that is impossible to disintegrate.

We can only wash the Yama Palace with blood.

"Do it!"

Not long.

In the lair of the ten major forces, each has a terrifying aura that spreads to the starry sky, like the resurrection of the unparalleled Supreme, shocking the hearts of the people, and the Myriad Worlds Great Dao mourned for it.

The top ten ultimate weapons were completely revived.


The ten ultimate weapons headed towards the ancient star at extremely fast speeds.

See this scene.

Countless powerful men were stunned for a moment.

Then there was a turmoil in my heart.

The ten major forces couldn't bear it anymore and were about to take action.

This war that may sweep across the entire starry sky has completely begun.

Not long.

Long Aotian brought the Ji Dao weapons to the sky above the ancient star, and shouted at the ancient star, "Where is the Hall of Yama?"

The words fell.

The twelve ultimate weapons were completely revived, each with a Great Emperor's will coming out, with different faces, but the aura was undoubtedly the will of the unparalleled Great Emperor who has dominated the world.

The powerful majesty swept across the entire ancient star, making countless living beings feel fear.

The Dao League has a total of three Ji Dao weapons, and this time they are all deployed, which has twelve characteristics.

The quantity is the same as last time.

"A bunch of bereaved dogs are finally being given up!"

An angry shout sounded.

Meng Qiangu and Li Azure Lotus stepped on the void, spanning tens of thousands of miles of void in one step, and came to Long Aotian and others, looking at the will of the twelve Great Emperors.

Their faces were cold and arrogant, showing no trace of fear.

knowledge. .

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