"Dream Qiangu, where is the King of Hell in the Yama Palace? Let him come out and die quickly!"

Long Aotian transformed into a black true dragon, his figure entrenched above the starry sky, his pair of eyes like the sun looked down at Meng Qiangu and Li Azure Lotus, their posture was filled with arrogance and arrogance.

The condescending attitude was not at all the embarrassment of running away overnight.

Backed by two major penalty areas.

This time, Long Aotian was extremely arrogant and arrogant, and did not take Meng Qiangu and Li Azure Lotus~ seriously at all.

"Why do you need me to kill you?"

"How dare a bunch of homeless dogs bark like this?"

Hear the words.

Meng Qiangu's face was completely stunned, and all the Dacheng Hegemony exploded out, and the terrifying aura swept across the starry sky.

He took a step forward, moving across the void as if instantly, and struck Long Aotian with an iron fist surrounded by black divine light.


"In the past, it was only me who had a broad mind, so I let you go, but this time you don't know what's good for you, and you dare to kill people indiscriminately, and bloodbath all forces!"

"We will never be silent this time!"

"Today, we will help all the creatures in the Canglan Realm, destroy you and others, and help the Canglan Realm get rid of the cancer of Yama Palace!"

Long Aotian snorted coldly, and with full confidence, he took Dragon Race's ultimate weapon and bombarded Meng Qiangu.

His talent and combat power are already extremely powerful, coupled with the help of the Heavenly Emperor's will and the ultimate weapons.

Long Aotian's combat power soared, and every move made the boundless starry sky tremble.


Meng Qiangu's concise words were horrifying, and he spat out only one word. He was surrounded by black divine light, full of evil aura, and punched out, overwhelming the nine heavens and ten earth, causing the whole world to tremble.


The two collided together, endless brilliance burst out, the void exploded, and countless stars exploded and completely turned into fireworks, appearing in front of everyone.

This is an unimaginable power, destroying the world and destroying the earth, as if the world can be turned upside down with just one move.

There was a bang.

Meng Qiangu punched through ten thousand ways and punched Long Aotian's body.

In an instant.

Long Aotian let out a scream, the huge dragon body creaked, and explosions sounded rhythmically.

It spread from beginning to end, and then followed by a huge sound.

Long Aotian's huge dragon body exploded completely, and blood mist filled the starry sky.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

The Dacheng Hegemony is indeed powerful. With Long Aotian's cultivation level and the help of Ji Dao weapons, he is still unable to compete with Meng Qiangu.

This terrifying combat power made their scalps numb.

"Hurry up and help Long Aotian, he alone is no match for Meng Qiangu." Luoshan shouted.

The words fell.

The three major forces charged in with extremely powerful weapons.

These three people are not as good as Long Aotian, but their level is not low either.

They all start with Quasi-Emperor Sixth Layer.

There is also a Quasi-Emperor Eighth Layer.

"How dare a group of ants come here!"

Meng Qiangu wanted to look at it with cold eyes, and there were Dao marks in his hands. Although he was unparalleled in physical form, his research on secret techniques was not bad.

It can even be said that his understanding is excellent.

It's just that after the hegemonic body is completed, the physical body can sweep everything, so there is no need to use the secret technique Divine Ability.

"Punch breaks the sky."

Meng Qiangu punched him

With a roar, the entire starry sky was shattered like a mirror, and the three extreme weapons clanked like a mournful cry.


A strong man from Quasi-Emperor Seventh Layer had fear in his eyes, screamed, and turned directly into blood mist. His soul was directly crushed by Meng Qiangu [The life essence that burst out was directly matched by Meng Qiangu Shizhong.

In the past, Saint Realm was inferior to dogs.

Now Quasi-Emperor is worse than a dog.

Even in the Quasi-Emperor Seventh Layer realm, facing existences of this level, they are still vulnerable and easily wiped out.


Only the Quasi-Emperor Eighth Layer was better. Although it was severely damaged, it was not wiped out, but the other strong man with a heavy Quasi-Emperor was not so lucky.

It was directly obliterated.

"Let's do it together!" Cai Bing shouted.

They can't drag it out like this, as it will only make the other party become more and more courageous in the fight, and both sides will suffer a lot.

Many strong men are not fools either.

Naturally you know this.

The moment Cai Bing finished speaking.

The will of the twelve Great Emperors pressed towards Meng Qiangu and Li Azure Lotus.

………Please give me flowers…0

at the same time.

Luoshan, Cai Bing, Long Aotian[Feng Qingtian]

These top Quasi-Emperor Ninth Layer experts took action at the same time.

Although Long Aotian was severely injured, his own combat power did not have much impact.

Right now.

An astonishing aura suddenly rose up, like the might of heaven shaking the starry sky. The terrifying majesty spread, making Long Aotian and others unable to help but change their faces slightly and shrink their pupils.

At this time.

A figure surrounded by golden divine light walked out of the void, like the unparalleled Divine King. The golden energy and blood boiled like Wang Yang, and every ray was as heavy as a thousand pieces, making everyone feel scared.

"Dacheng Sacred Body!" Long Aotian stared at the golden figure walking out and said each word through gritted teeth.


Another great physique.

How many great adult physiques does this Yama Hall have?

They don't quite understand.

Why do strong men with great physiques succumb to the Hall of Hell?

How charming is the King of Hell?

"Let me do this Sacred Body!"

"We are both Sacred Body, and we should end up as Sacred Body."


A sound came from the depths of the universe, shaking the starry sky.

Follow closely.

A slightly older figure walked out slowly, with gray hair and an old look, but the energy and blood in his figure could not be underestimated.

This is also an accomplished Sacred Body.

When two Dacheng Sacred Bodies were born, old man Tianji and many other powerful people were shocked.

This is the Sacred Body that sleeps within the Divine Court.

Because of what happened today, I have completely recovered.


Luo Shan, the Lord of the Divine Court, said respectfully to the old man.

This is the ancestor of Shenting, and it is also their heritage.

The divine court has been able to occupy the boundless starry sky for so many years, and this Dacheng Sacred Body ancestor has made a huge contribution!

"Old guy, you are already old, why are you seeking death?"

Gu Wushuang was surrounded by this divine light, looking at the Dacheng Sacred Body that came out, and told the truth in a calm tone.

Sacred Body, the master of Shenting, is old. Although he has the power of the past, he is not as good as Gu Wushuang, who is still in his prime.

This time he steps out and is certain to die. .

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