Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 128 The Great Emperor Is Born, And The Whole World Is Shocked [6/10]

"Although I am old, killing you is enough!"

Sacred Body, the great master of the Divine Court, is also a ruthless person and directly refutes Gu Wushuang's words.


"I hope you can do it."

Gu Wushuang laughed loudly, and a bright golden light erupted all over his body. The Dacheng Sacred Body completely exploded, like a ray of light.

in a blink.

Across countless Star Domains, he came to the Sacred Body of Shenting Dacheng, and punched it directly, as if it contained countless Great Dao, the Dao patterns gathered, and the Great Dao roared, shaking the entire starry sky.


Although Sacred Body, the great master of Shenting, is old, his posture is not much weaker than that of Gu Wushuang. The terrifying energy bursts out, making even strong men like Old Man Tianji tremble with fear.

Follow closely.

The old man's face began to change, his white hair turned into black in the blink of an eye, and his old face returned to a heroic and youthful appearance.

this moment.

He seemed to have returned to his prime, in that era when all eras were swept away and all spirits were honored.

At this time.

It is no longer the old Sacred Body, but the Dacheng Sacred Body in its heyday, which is almost the same as Gu Wushuang.

"Use secret techniques to force yourself back to your youthful state, and your lifespan will not last long.

"Doing this will only make you die faster."

Gu Wushuang's expression didn't change much. No matter if he returned to his youthful prime, he still couldn't be his opponent.

"I don't blame you for being young and frivolous."

"I just hope that until I die, I will not regret that my assistant abused me and became a subordinate of Yama Palace."

The Sacred Body of Shenting seems to have returned to its youthful state, with an extremely arrogant and arrogant attitude, as if he has returned to the era when he dominated everything.


The two fists collided, and both became the Sacred Body. It was also the peak period. The terrifying power spread out, the void exploded, and the stars exploded one after another, turning into the most brilliant light.


Shenting Dacheng's Sacred Body was directly knocked out, one arm exploded, and he was bleeding on the spot.

“Dacheng Sacred Body also has a gap!”

‘Old man, don’t live in the past. Your past glory was just that you didn’t meet a stronger person. In front of a stronger person, you are worthless. "

‘Just like now.

Gu Wushuang took advantage of the victory to pursue, and hit the head of Shenting Dacheng's Sacred Body with a palm, sending out endless wandering, as if the end of the world was coming, the stars were ignited, and the bright light bloomed.


Shenting Dacheng Sacred Body shouted angrily. He was pressed down and beaten by a junior, so he felt uncomfortable. But now this junior actually wanted to break his head, which he couldn't bear.

Suddenly, Shenting Dacheng's Sacred Body erupted with terrifying light, and his fist was blocked in front of his head.

The power of the two Dacheng Sacred Body collided. The expression of Shenting Dacheng Sacred Body changed slightly, as if it was in disbelief.

As if to say.


There was a bang.

The head of Shenting Dacheng Sacred Body was completely blown to pieces and turned into a ball of blood mist.

However, Dacheng Sacred Body's energy and blood were so strong that it was fully recovered the moment the head exploded.

"You dare to kill me even if you have the strength?"

"Don't think too highly of yourself.

Gu Wushuang shouted loudly, his face filled with cold light, like an angry Divine King, the power erupting from his actions could destroy the world.


Shenting Dacheng Sacred Body seems to be unable to compete, or perhaps Dacheng Sacred Body also has a gap and cannot parry Gu Wushuang at all.

After dozens of battles, Shenting Dacheng's Sacred Body screamed repeatedly, its body was scarred, and its golden blood flowed all over the starry sky.


Seeing that his ancestor was so severely injured, Luoshan's heart tightened and he screamed sadly, even activating the Ji Dao weapons and wanted to go over to support him.

"Did I let you go?"

Li Azure Lotus shouted low, the Heaven and Earth Sword came out across the sky, and a shocking sword light burst out, as if it was going to wipe out the entire starry sky.

With one strike of the sword, Star Domain was destroyed. Luoshan could not move forward even half a step and could only stop there.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Meng Qiangu Li Azure Lotus, these two great physiques, actually withstood the will of twelve Great Emperors, as well as many strong men.

And Gu Wushuang actually hit the opponent Dacheng Sacred Body.

Although this Dacheng Sacred Body has entered an old age, he has used secret techniques before and has returned to his prime.

Normally, it should be no worse than Gu Wushuang.


did not think of.

Sacred Body, a great master of the Divine Court, was actually pressed down and beaten.

"If the King of Hell does not come out, the ten major forces are being dragged down. If the King of Hell appears, will this war still be suspenseful?"

A strong Quasi-Emperor said tremblingly.

The strong men of Yama Palace are too terrifying. The three masters with great physiques actually stopped so many people...

And there is no feeling of being at a disadvantage at all.

They all have some doubts, Long Aotian, do they really have a chance?


The secret technique seems to be unable to persist, and the aura of the Sacred Body of Shenting, a great master, has plummeted, and is no longer as strong as before.

Without the blessing of the secret technique, this Dacheng Sacred Body would be even less likely to be Gu Wushuang's opponent.


I saw Gu Wushuang slapped him, and the Divine Ability Dacheng Sacred Body's head exploded into pieces, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.


Gu Wu's eyes burst out with endless murderous intent, preparing to completely obliterate this old master Sacred Body.


At this time.

The ancient Supreme of Shenting cannot stand defeating Supreme.

Originally they wanted these people to force the King of Hell out, but who knew that facing the three people from the Yama Palace, the ten major forces did not gain the upper hand. Instead, Sacred Body, a great master of the Divine Court, was about to be wiped out.

Gu Wushuang ignored the words of the ancient Supreme. His mission was only to deal with people from the top ten forces.

As for Supreme?

Of course someone will solve it, there is no need for him to take action.


The ancient Supreme took action, and the terrifying Qi machine burst out, with a soaring light that swept across the thirty-third heaven.

The terrifying aura shook the heavens and made the heaven and earth tremble.

A moment.

One moment it rains blood, and another moment golden lotuses grow everywhere

All the creatures and monks in the entire Canglan world trembled.

When Supreme 5.1 was born, the Great Dao of heaven and earth screamed, all spirits respected each other, and all races in the heavens surrendered.


One hand stretched across several Star Domains and grabbed Gu Wushuang.

"Supreme has taken action, and Yama Palace is in trouble."

Seeing Supreme take action, everyone sighed.

The restricted area intervened after all.

Right now.

An astonishing energy spread from the ancient star, and the terrifying pressure caused all the world to scream, as if the master of heaven and earth had returned, and Fang Dao surrendered.


A sword light burst out from the ancient star.

In an instant.

Passing through countless voids, he chopped off Supreme's big hand. Blood rained down, leaving everyone shocked.

"Impossible, there is no perfect minister in this world."

The sound of victory over Supreme came from the penalty area.

The words were filled with shock.

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