Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 129 Six Ancient Supremes Are Born [7/10 Please Subscribe Automatically! ]

The voice of the God of War Supreme spread throughout the world, causing the heavens to shake.

Countless strong men were all shocked.

There is still a perfect Great Emperor in this world!

Doesn’t it mean that there is no longer a Great Emperor in this world?

Right now.

Gu Wushuang completely destroyed the soul of Shenting Dacheng Sacred Body.


The heaven and earth shook.

The rain of blood falls, and the whole world is saddened!

Dacheng Physique is already considered a different kind of enlightenment. To a certain extent, it is already considered a Supreme.

It's just not perfect, but it is recognized by the Great Dao in heaven and earth.

Now a Dacheng Sacred Body has completely fallen, causing the world to mourn. Blood rain pours down. Sadness spreads between heaven and earth, making countless creatures cry.


No one is paying attention to this at this moment.


Now I only focus on whether what the ancient Supreme said is true.

Is there really a Great Emperor in this world?

If there is, this means that there are already people in the Great Dao of Canglan Realm, which means that the imperial road is cut off and no one can compete.

Change to before.

The fall of Dacheng Sacred Body is absolutely earth-shattering.


The timing of his fall was wrong.

Facing the possibility of the emergence of the 27-perfect Great Emperor, his situation does not seem so important.


The heaven and earth shook.

Defeating Supreme, he tore the void apart and walked out of the Eternal Mountain. He wore a black armor and a stomach, and his black hair danced wildly. He had an unparalleled domineering power and unrivaled power that made everyone feel scared.

Even Quasi-Emperor felt suffocated and oppressed.

This kind of breath.

There is no doubt that it is the ancient Supreme. Even though it has cut itself off, the aura of perennial warmth and nourishment that occupied that level back then has not dissipated.

Almost at the same time.

Among the ancient stars, a qi machine that penetrated the sky and the earth rushed out, like a beam of light, penetrating the sky and shaking the heaven and earth.

It caused the Great Dao in the heavens to cry out in sorrow.

An old man slowly walked out of the ancient star, spanning tens of thousands of miles in one step. Every step was extremely heavy, and it was surrounded by the ears of countless creatures.

With every step he took, his Qi and aura became more terrifying and powerful.


He came to the Star Domain above the ancient star. This old man's energy had completely suppressed the entire world.

In front of him, even if it means defeating Supreme.

It also seems insignificant.

Zhu Qiang felt palpitated.

Even an unyielding figure like Long Aotian could only tremble when facing the Immortal Supreme: "The true and perfect Great Emperor."


He couldn't believe it, as if he was crazy: "This is impossible, how can there be a truly perfect Great Emperor in this world."

‘The imperial path is still continuing, and the Great Dao has not surrendered yet, so why does the Great Emperor still exist?

He couldn't understand.

It is also difficult to understand.

The imperial road has not been broken, and the thousands of Great Dao have not yet surrendered, so why does the Great Emperor exist?

He does not believe that the Immortal Supreme is the perfect Great Emperor, and thinks that it is just an ancient Supreme.

But the blooming Qi of Changsheng Supreme made him have no choice but to believe it.

This is the perfect Great Emperor.

Not an ancient Supreme.

"Are you the King of Hell in the Hall of Hell?"

After defeating Supreme, his expression was solemn and not arrogant. He had already reached this level and even lacked the power of the Great Emperor.

Even if he wanted to compete, he could only ascend to the highest level and reach the previous level before he could compete with this one.

At the same time he wanted to know.

Is this old man the King of Hell in the Hall of Hell?

He always felt like he wanted to say it, but he didn't feel like it.

It's not that the King of Hell has never taken action before, his aura is completely unlike the old man in front of him.

"I am not Your Majesty!"

The Immortal Supreme stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the ancient Supreme not far away, with a bird's-eye view in his eyes.

Almost at the same time.

As the words of the Immortal Supreme fell, countless creatures and powerful men were completely shocked.

After all, the Great Emperor is not the King of Hell in the Yama Palace.


This perfect Great Emperor is also a member of the Yama Palace and is surrendered to the King of Hell.

This made everyone feel unbelievable, as if they had seen a ghost

"How is this possible? The Great Emperor has swept across the world and is invincible. It is impossible for him to surrender to others."

"The Great Emperor must all surrender. Who is this King of Hell and what kind of strength he has.

"It's unbelievable that Lian Wuque, the Great Emperor, is just a member of the Yama Palace."

"Something that has never happened before."

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

in their images.

The Great Emperor is a towering existence that sweeps over everything, making heaven and earth surrender, and making all races tremble.

It is impossible for such existence to succumb to others.


The Great Emperor is the master of this world, and there is no one who submits to others.

And now.

However, a perfect Great Emperor appeared, and he still succumbed to others, which made many living beings and strong men feel that it was impossible.

at the same time.

They couldn't help but think.

How powerful is the King of Hell? Even the Great Emperor must submit to him, and he can even say the words "Your Majesty" from the bottom of his heart.

Could it be that the King of Hell is a legendary immortal?

Everyone's hearts skipped a beat and they couldn't help but think of this possibility.

This is an almost impossible thing that they would never have thought of before. 640

But now, the Great Emperor has succumbed to others, and this impossible thing has happened.

What else can't happen?

"As a perfect Great Emperor, why should you succumb to others?

Beat Supreme to feel the wrath of the machine.

The Great Emperor dominates everything and cannot submit to others.

But the person in front of him broke all this.

This made the God of War Supreme extremely angry.

as if.

The Immortal Supreme insulted the name of the Great Emperor.

"You don't deserve the title of Great Emperor!"

The God of War Supreme was furious and roared, shaking the world.

"Whether you deserve it or not is not up to you to decide!"

"What's more, what kind of person is your Majesty that can't be compared to you, the self-degenerate wastes?"

"It's nothing like the Great Emperor."

Changsheng Supreme snorted coldly.


He looked in the direction of Eternal Mountain and said calmly: "Since everyone is ready, why don't you show up directly? You may not have been hiding there."

As soon as these words came out.


Five terrifying qi machines spread out.

Follow closely.

Five ancient Supremes appeared again.

See this scene.

All creatures were silent.

The imperial war is about to begin!

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