Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 132 Heaven And Earth Weep, Supreme Falls! [10/10]


In ancient times, the Supreme hunted creatures and devoured billions of creatures, which was irresistible.

Even Saint Realm, even Quasi-Emperor.

In front of such beings, they are just like ants. In a moment, they turn into life essence and are swallowed by the ancient Supreme.

There are many miserable beings in Star Domain, how can they compete with the ancient Supreme running rampant?

"These beasts certainly allowed the ancient Supreme to be born!"

"When Supreme was born in ancient times, no one could stop it. Wouldn't this bring disaster to hundreds of millions of living beings?"

The old man Tianji looked directly at the tragedy outside the starry sky, with tears streaming down his face, and his face seemed a bit older.

Somewhat powerless.

Supreme is running rampant, how can you resist if you are not Supreme?

at this time.

In order to restore himself, the God of War Supreme passed through one Star Domain after another, causing countless creatures to collapse.

Even the powerful men and disciples in the Divine Court have become the target of the God of War Supreme.

"Ancestor, I am your disciple."

"No, ancestor."


The sound of mourning spread across the starry sky, but the God of War Supreme was extremely indifferent, even to the point of being inhumane. He did not waver at all, but instead sped up.

in a blink.

All the powerful men in the divine court were devoured.


No one in Shenting expected that they were not destroyed by Yama Palace, but were killed by their ancestors.


The God of War Supreme sneered and cut himself with a knife. After becoming the ancient Supreme, their friendship had long been destroyed.

Nothing big-hearted.

There is only selfishness, then selfishness towards oneself.

The life and death of hundreds of millions of creatures have nothing to do with them, nor do the descendants of their bloodline. As long as they can become stronger and enter the legendary fairyland.

It's all worth it.

To a certain extent, in ancient times, Supreme had no so-called friendship after experiencing countless years of brilliance.

There is only ruthlessness.

"You stop them and I'll kill them!"

Seeing the God of War Supreme washing hundreds of millions of lives with blood, the Immortal Supreme frowned. He was also a Great Emperor. In his world, he also saw the ancient Supreme patrolling the heavens in order to survive.

Killing hundreds of millions of creatures just to restore itself.

For these people.

Immortality Supreme has always been disgusting.

in particular.

It would be even more unbearable if the God of War Supreme took action in front of him.

Directly call Meng Qiangu, Li Azure Lotus and Gu Wushuang.

Dacheng's physique is no worse than that of the ancient Supreme.

It may be a bit reluctant for three people to compete with four.

But there is no need to worry.

Because he ended it quickly.

And among the ancient stars, there are also people from the Yama Palace.

The real dragon Supreme, and their lord.

If anything happens.

Changsheng Supreme believes that they will take action.

So no need to worry at all.

The Immortal Supreme stepped on the void and spanned the boundless void in an instant.

in a blink.

He came to a Star Domain, the Eternal Sword in his hand fell, and the boundless sword energy burst out, heading towards defeating Supreme.

Facing this sword.

Defeat Supreme's face changed slightly.

Almost at the same time.

Eternal Supreme shouted: "Stop him!"

The deafening sound resounded throughout the nine heavens and ten places, and the words were very anxious.

He couldn't be in a hurry.

If the six of them take action, it will be difficult for the Changsheng Supreme to kill them.

But there is only one word.

The probability of death is very high.

Even if it is extremely sublime, Eternal Supreme still feels very uneasy.

"Where to go!"

Seeing these ancient Supreme want to support.

Gu Wushuang and the others might let these guys go.

Moreover, the three of them were all of mature physique. These guys ignored them directly, which made Gu Wushuang and the others feel furious.

In ancient times, Supreme dared to ignore them?

"Get away!"

Eternal Supreme took action in anger, and slapped him directly.

He is very anxious now, where will he have time to fight these guys?

"court death!"

Meng Qiangu was furious. As a hegemon, he was always arrogant. He always told others to go away. When did he let others talk about him like this?

And the ancient Supreme dared to speak to him like this?


The sword energy spread vertically and horizontally, and the boundless sword energy spread out, like a storm, the God of War Supreme appeared with countless wounds, blood burst out, and the starry sky was bloody.

"Damn it!"

The God of War Supreme was angry. The injuries he had just recovered from devouring hundreds of millions of creatures were all wasted at this moment.

The injuries even became more serious.

"Don't force me to ascend to the extreme, otherwise I will die with you even if I die!"

God of War Supreme's eyes were full of anger and resentment. Looking at the immortal Supreme, his eyes revealed a murderous intent, and his words were full of threats.

He really doesn't want to fight the Immortal Supreme now, as he has to devour billions of living beings to recover from his injuries.

"Are you worthy of dying with me?"

……Please give me flowers………………

"Don't think too highly of yourself!"

"Even if you are extremely sublimated, in my eyes you are not much different from you now!"

Changsheng Supreme said with a sneer.

"You forced me!"

After defeating Supreme's roar, a terrifying light erupted from his body, and an earth-shattering pressure filled the air, shocking the entire universe.

All the heavens and all the realms are mourning, and the void is trembling.

To the utmost sublimation, return to the top.

Another Great Emperor appears in this universe.


God of War Supreme's whole body erupted with bright light, and his aura continued to rise, and then returned to its peak.

The constant oppression of the Immortal Supreme made the God of War Supreme completely let go and return to the top at all costs, even if he might die or be seriously injured after being fully sublimated this time.


He doesn't care anymore.

Because he has no way out.

If it is not sublimated to the fullest.

He's going to die here.


After returning to the top, the God of War Supreme roared angrily and charged towards the Immortal Supreme.

Returning to the Great Emperor Dao Fruit, God of War Supreme has the power to fight.

"What about the Great Emperor?"

"I don't know how much emperor's blood was stained under my sword, but you are just the weakest among them!"

‘Extremely sublimated just because you can compete with me?


"Eternal life!"

The Immortal Supreme sneered again and again, terrifying pressure erupted, endless divine light flashed down, and the aura continued to rise.

At a certain moment, the aura swept across the entire universe, and even the God of War Supreme was killed by him.



An extremely terrifying sword energy fell down, as if it filled the entire universe and fell in a mighty manner.

Facing this sword energy.

The God of War Supreme was completely panicked.

After a while.

The sword energy flooded the entire Star Domain, including the God of War Supreme.


The God of War Supreme's figure exploded to pieces, and his immortal soul exploded like a bubble in the boundless sword energy.

Follow closely.

Heaven and earth wept, and blood rained down.

This is the true death of Supreme!

Not like Dacheng Sacred Body.

"The first fallen Supreme appears."

Old Man Tianji's eyes were full of disbelief and he murmured to himself!

PS: Ten updates have been completed. Please give me flowers, review votes, and rewards. There are still about ten to sixty rewards left. I hope everyone can help to deal with him. Well, please give me a small monthly ticket!

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