Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 133 Ancient Supreme? Just A Bunch Of Poor People [1/10]

Heaven and earth weep, and the Great Dao mourns.

A Supreme has fallen. Even if it was an ancient Supreme who cut himself off, he was still a Supreme and an unparalleled Great Emperor. He once stood at the top of the world, overlooking thousands of creatures.

The rain of blood fell down, and countless creatures could feel the screams coming from all around. This was a sad emotion.

The world is saddened by the fall of Supreme!

"Supreme has fallen, and the whole world is saddened!"

"This is a war that is destined to go down in history. The ten major forces joined forces in the restricted area to destroy the Yama Palace. The Supreme was born in ancient times, but was killed in the starry sky by the Great Emperor of the Yama Palace.

"Shower the Supreme blood, sweep the restricted area with the sword, this is the real Great Emperor, unparalleled, sweeping everything."

"The Great Emperor is unparalleled and invincible. Even if there were many Supremes in ancient times, they could not withstand the majesty of the Great Emperor!"

Countless Star Domain "130" creatures were shouting and making their voices heard.

They were too desperate before. The ancient Supreme hunted, and hundreds of millions of creatures were turned into life essences. They were used as energy by the ancient Supreme and swallowed as food.

And today, the Great Emperor of Youwuque emerged from the sky, faced six ancient Supremes, and beheaded one Ancient Supreme under the starry sky.

Killing the Supreme with the sword is such an honor. It is destined to be passed down for centuries and remembered by countless creatures. The creatures after this war will inevitably spread this news.


Changsheng Supreme's action is the savior for them.

He is a great benefactor.


Watching the God of War Supreme fall in front of them, but they are unable to do anything, which makes Eternal Supreme and others unable to accept it.


Several people burst out with extremely terrifying power, and the Eternal Supreme seemed to have returned to its peak. When he became the supreme Great Emperor of the past, the brilliance shone on Myriad Worlds, and the Great Dao behind him shook, making the world tremble.

"Get away!"

Eternal Supreme slapped Meng Qiangu on the chest, sending Meng Qiangu flying away.


Meng Qiangu vomited blood in the starry sky. His chest was almost bursting and covered with blood. You could almost see the flesh and blood and bones like divine iron inside.

The domineering physical body is unparalleled and can compete with the extreme weapons.

And at this time.

But Wangu Supreme broke his chest. You can imagine how terrifying the blow from Wangu Supreme was.

"Has he reached the highest level of sublimation?"

Meng Qiangu was shocked and uncertain, shouting towards Li Azure Lotus and others with some uncertainty.

Only he knows how terrifying the palm of the Eternal Supreme was. There is no doubt that it was the power of the Great Emperor, not the ancient Supreme.

If it were Supreme in ancient times, it would never be able to do that.

"not at all!"

"This old guy doesn't seem to be simple. In the past, he might have been a Supreme giant like Changsheng Supreme, a monster among Supreme."

Gu Wushuang's mind took a look at the aura of Eternal Supreme. Although the aura had improved somewhat, it had not completely sublimated.

This is a terrible thing.

There is no ultimate sublimation, but it has the power of the Great Emperor. It is hard to imagine how powerful the Eternal Supreme was in the past.

Perhaps it is true as Gu Wushuang said, the Eternal Supreme was not as good as the Eternal Supreme in the past, but was one of the best among the Supremes.

Even if he only regained some breath, he could already compete with the Great Emperor. This kind of person is definitely rare to see in billions of years.

In this world, there are definitely real monsters.

"No wonder he dares to claim the eternal name. This guy is not simple."

"Be careful. Wangu Supreme is not one of those trash Supremes. Don't get caught up in his ways."

Meng Qiangu reminded everyone.

"rest assured!"

Li Azure Lotus and Gu Wushuang nodded.

In fact, they don't need to say it, they can also feel it, smashing Dacheng Ba Ti's chest with one palm.

What kind of power is this?

Could it be those people from Qianhua Supreme?

"I'm going to stop the Immortal Supreme. You first kill these three adults to restore yourselves, and then join forces to deal with the Immortal Supreme."

Eternal Supreme's face was as gloomy as thunder, and his whole body exuded a chill, which caused the temperature around him to drop to zero, and even frost had already condensed.

He quickly made a decision and planned to let the other ancient Supremes kill Dacheng's physique first to restore themselves.

As long as the three Dacheng Physiques fall, they absorb the life essence of these three Dacheng Physiques.

The remaining ancient Supremes will definitely be restored to 90% of their peak period. Even if there is no heyday, 90% is enough.

Can unleash the power of the Great Emperor.

"Eternal, why haven't those guys from the Star Realm come out yet!"

Qianhua Supreme's face darkened. The war has been going on for so long. The ten major forces have long been dead. Even Supreme has fallen...

But there is still no news about Supreme in the star world.

"Those guys want to take advantage of you, be careful when you start. Physical fitness is important, but life is equally important. In the eyes of the ancient Supreme, "Only the ancient Supreme is the most beneficial."

Eternal Supreme reminded him coldly.

Everyone nodded silently.

Although the ancient Supreme seems to be neither human nor ghost now, when it comes to the essence of life, no Quasi-Emperor can compare with it, and even a mature physique may not be able to compete with it.

Because these Supremes have transformed, the level of living beings has reached a higher level.

"Do it!"

The Eternal Supreme gave a low shout, rushed over, and directly stopped the Eternal Supreme.

"Stop, your opponent is me!"

Hear the words.

The sword of longevity in Supreme's hand clanked, and the sound of the sword echoed across the nine heavens and ten earths, resounding throughout the Myriad Worlds, causing the heavens and the earth to tremble.

"You were no weaker than me in the past, but it's a pity that you let yourself down and became such a human being!"

Immortal Supreme stares with eyes, Eternal Supreme may not be worse than him, he is definitely a rare evildoer.

Unfortunately, I still took the wrong path.

"Hahaha, are you willing to fall for yourself?"

"We are just hanging on, but in order to find the hope of cutting off the road, so what if we practice for thousands of years, become the supreme Great Emperor, and be respected by all spirits? What if the road ahead is cut off, there is no way to go, but we still have the energy to move forward to a higher level. But because of 5.2, the way forward is cut off and there is no way forward!"

"If I can't step into the Immortal Domain to take a look, how can I be content if I don't step into the fairyland and become immortal?"

"We transformed into forbidden areas and became the ancient Supreme, but we were just poor people trying to become immortals.

"We have done enough for this world in the previous life. Now we only live for ourselves and just want to find a chance to enter the fairyland. Even if our bodies are broken into pieces, our souls are destroyed, even if we are insulted by all spirits for countless years, I will wait for you. No matter what.

Eternal Supreme said angrily.

What's wrong with them?

During the time of the Great Emperor, they did everything they could.

Now they just want to fulfill their wishes, enter the Immortal Domain, and become a True Immortal. There is no immortal fate to be seen. They have been sleeping for countless years, just waiting for the opportunity.


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