Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 134 Emperor Weapon Wishes Everyone In Yama Palace To Lend A Helping Hand! [2/10]

"We have sacrificed our whole life for the sake of heaven and earth, and in this life we ​​only live for ourselves!"

Eternal Supreme roared angrily, terrifying energy spread out, and a divine light burst out from Eternal Mountain. It was a long spear, completely black, with the lines of a real dragon. You could still vaguely hear the real sound. The sound of a dragon roaring.

This is the ultimate weapon of the Eternal Supreme, which has been suppressed in Eternal Mountain.

The long spear Emperor Weapon has followed the Eternal Supreme for countless years. After the Eternal Supreme created the Eternal Mountain, he disappeared from the sight of living creatures.


The sharp edge of the spear is still there, and it still has the grace to sweep through the world.


With the spear in hand, Eternal Supreme erupted with astonishing fluctuations, and its unrivaled domineering power filled the air, as if it had returned to countless years ago.

Back to the time when he overlooked thousands of creatures and achieved the supreme state.

this moment.

He is the Great Emperor of all eternity, sweeping across the world and invincible.


The sword of immortality clanked, and the astonishing sound of the sword resounded throughout the Myriad Worlds. The astonishing edge was like cutting off all at once.


The two extreme weapons faced each other tit for tat, like the auras of two emperors clashing, shaking the world and making countless living beings feel terrified.

Even the powerful people from the Quasi-Emperor Realm, who have half-stepped into the Great Emperor Realm, have changed their colors.

Although it is related to the Emperor, 27 is not the complete Great Emperor after all. It cannot be glimpsed and cannot enter that level.

Half a step apart, but a world of difference.

"Whether there is any fault, it all depends on one's heart."

The Immortal Supreme sighed, although he didn't like the ancient Supreme who cut himself with a knife, because cutting himself with a knife meant giving up his Great Dao.

This is a big taboo for practitioners!

To this.

He didn't like it very much.

But then I think about it, these ancient Supremes have no way to reach the highest realm and find the destiny to become immortals.

They can only kill themselves and become the ancient Supreme. Wait for countless years, and maybe they will have a chance to see the road to immortality begin.

Otherwise, after thousands of years.

Even the Great Emperor has to sit down.

The road is cut off and there is no way forward. Incarnation as the ancient Supreme is their best choice. The immortal Supreme has nothing to say.

"You have transformed into the ancient Supreme and transformed into a restricted area. If you had not been born, I would not have cared about it. The path to becoming an immortal opens up the path to immortality. This is the lifelong pursuit of monks of my generation. I will never cut off the path of others."

"Unfortunately, you made a mistake and should not have joined forces with those forces to deal with us and the Yama Palace.

Changsheng Supreme said word by word, and at the same time, he took steps, and the aura on his body became stronger.

Not long.

The vast pressure has overwhelmed the Eternal Supreme, making him feel a sense of oppression.

In this world, the weak and the strong prey on each other, and everyone is prey. If you are not strong enough, you will eventually be preyed upon by the stronger. "

"To us, you are prey, and you are also hunters. If we lose, we can only blame our inferior skills."

Eternal Supreme's tone was cold, without any regret. When he took action, he thought about the consequences.

I just didn't expect the consequences to be that big.

There is actually a perfect Great Emperor sitting in the Yama Hall.

This makes the Eternal Supreme not understand that the Great Emperor cannot be sealed by the divine source, and the Great Emperor was not born in this world.

How did Supreme Supreme enter this realm?

Eternal Supreme's eyes flickered, and he realized a possibility.

Could this group of people come from the legendary Immortal Domain?

If there is no immortal Supreme.

Eternal Supreme also believed that these people were resurrected from a long time ago, but saw the eternal Supreme.

He didn't believe it anymore.

Due to the rules of heaven and earth, it is impossible for the Great Emperor to sleep. Once he becomes the Great Emperor, he must survive for endless years.

I can only cut myself off with one knife.

Want it.

Come to this world from another world, such as the legendary Immortal World.


Eternal Supreme shouted low, the black spear clanked, and the divine light burst out with monstrous power, like a true black dragon, rushing towards Eternal Supreme.


A violent roar resounded, the Eternal Sword was radiant, and endless sword energy burst out, blocking the spear Emperor Weapon in front of him.

"If you were in your heyday, you could give me a fight!"

"You are not qualified now."

The Immortal Supreme shouted low, the Immortal Sword vibrated, and a sword energy burst out. The sword slashed the sky and the earth, and directly knocked the black spear away.


Immortal Supreme's energy and blood rolled like Wang Yang, vast and boundless, shaking the world. He punched out and hit Eternal Supreme directly on the chest.


Although it is not an unparalleled physique, the strength of the physical body is no worse than that of an unparalleled physique, or even better.

There was a bang.

Eternal Supreme's eyes widened, and his chest instantly exploded, with blood flying into the sky.


Eternal Supreme took advantage of the victory and pursued it, grabbing it with his huge palm, like a long sword, directly cutting off Eternal Supreme's arm.


Eternal Supreme's arm fell, bursting out with endless light. Every drop of blood had amazing power, causing Star Domain to be destroyed and turned into powder.

This is the power of the Great Emperor, the power of a drop of blood can destroy the world.


The two were fighting together, but Eternal Supreme couldn't compete at all. It didn't look like they were on the same level.

Eternal Supreme hits directly.

The body was covered in bruises and blood.


Another punch.

Eternal Supreme was knocked away directly. He coughed up blood and had a cold light in his eyes.

At the same time, I had some palpitations in my heart.

This immortal Supreme has unparalleled combat power, making him feel like he is fighting.

Not on the same level.

"You can only sublimate to the maximum. If you don't sublimate to the maximum, I am no match for him." Eternal Supreme whispered in his heart.

Although he has power comparable to that of the Great Emperor, after all, he is just an ordinary Great Emperor, facing a giant Supreme like the Changsheng Supreme.

Hard to contend with.

To contend.

He can only rise to the highest level and return to the peak of his prime.

if that is the case.

He can compete with the Immortal Supreme.

But in this case, his situation is also very dangerous, and it will not last long.

"They're not over yet?"

Eternal Supreme looked into the distance and found that although he had some advantages on the battlefield over there, there was not much progress.

In general.

It won't be over anytime soon.

"Damn it, do you really want me to be as sublime as possible?"

Eternal Heart cursed in his heart. If he didn't sublimate to the extreme, he wouldn't have to wait until those idiots killed Dacheng Physique. He would probably have been beaten to death by the Eternal Life Supreme.

But if it is extremely sublimated, his state will also be very dangerous.

The road was even cut off.

He was unwilling to do so.

at this time.

Qianhua Supreme was suppressed by four people, while Meng Qiangu and others were at a disadvantage, almost in a state of being suppressed and beaten.


Among the three, only Li Azure Lotus has Yakuza weapons, while the four ancient Supremes all have Yakuza weapons.

Right now.

A roar sounded

"Everyone in the Hall of Yama, I, the Zhang family's Ji Dao weapon, will help you out. I hope that we can kill the ancient supreme evil."

The words fell.

Then another voice sounded

"The Nine Tailed Celestial Fox clan is willing to send out the ultimate weapons to help you!"

Two figures fell.

Among the ancient stars, two rays of divine light burst out, with terrifying pressure, just like the resurrection of the Great Emperor.

Astonishingly, they are two extremely powerful weapons!

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