Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 311 What About The Two Original Realms? [Please Order In Full]

In the chaotic battlefield, the terrifying aura of killing spread crazily, and the blow cast by the Heavenly Venerable directly smashed the attacks of the Sun Lord and the Ice Lord into pieces.

"How can it be!"

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Space exclaimed, with a look of shock on his face.

Just now he faced the attacks from the two origin realms of the Space Lord and the Ice Lord, and even he didn't have the confidence to be able to withstand them.

But now, the killing Heavenly Venerable not only resisted, but even smashed the two's offensive!

The Lord of Samsara on the side saw this and sneered: "I have long said that the Palace of Yama is not as simple as you seem.

The Lord of Space did not make any response when he heard this, but just stared at the killing Heavenly Venerable.

Not just him, at this moment, all the creatures who saw this scene had a look of horror on their faces.

Killing Heavenly Venerable This blow shows a powerful combat power that is too terrifying.

At this moment, outside the universe, the Chaos Sword Lord looked at the Killing Heavenly Venerable. When he was shocked, he said with envy: "In the future, I will definitely become a being like the Killing Heavenly Venerable, and sweep away the enemies for your Majesty."

After listening to the words of the Chaos Sword Lord, Feng Chen smiled slightly and consoled him: "According to your talent, you will definitely be the next sword master one day. It is only a matter of time before you become as powerful as the Killing Heavenly Venerable."

While the two of them were talking, and under the horrified gazes of countless creatures, the battle in the chaotic battlefield officially began.

Killing 317 Heavenly Venerable The breath of the whole body rose, and the terrifying breath of killing spread endlessly towards the surroundings.

His eyes blinked and locked directly on the Lord of Space and the Lord of Ice.

Before the two could attack, Heavenly Venerable took the lead in attacking.


Killing Heavenly Venerable stretched out his big hand, the blood-red palm condensed into a fist, and suddenly blasted towards the Lord of the Sun.

The bloody fist rose instantly in the sky, and the blood in the sky was reflected in everyone's eyes.

The moment that huge fist blasted out, the endless blood in the sky and the earth condensed crazily, directly condensing into an extremely huge fist in mid-air.

The fist was completely bloody, and there was a destructive power surging crazily from it.

In an instant, the fist whizzed past, streaking through the Shattering Void sky, shaking the chaotic battlefield, and threw it straight towards the Lord of the Sun.

Wherever the huge bloody fist passed, the void shattered crazily and shook the world.

Ever since the Heavenly Venerable's killing blow had neutralized the attack between him and the Ice Lord, the Sun Lord had been a little surprised. Now looking at the fist that exploded, his eyes were condensed, not daring to be careless at all, and his whole body was radiant. The sky rose, and the scorching high temperature also broke out.

Facing the fists that were about to fall, Divine Ability continued to strike out one after another.

Divine Ability bloomed in mid-air, and in the blink of an eye, like fireworks in mid-air, brilliant Divine Ability condensed and headed towards the huge bloody fist.

In front of everyone, the bloody fists and the sky-filled Divine Ability collided with each other.


The ear-splitting collision sound erupted directly, causing the world to tremble, and at the moment of the collision, the huge bloody fist erupted with extremely terrifying power.

The blood-colored fist smashed the killing moves performed by the Sun Lord with a devastating power, and fell hard on him with the unexpected look on the Sun Lord's face.


The Lord of the Sun saw this and activated the breath of the Great Dao throughout his body to resist.

The fist fell, and there was a dull sound. Even though the Lord of the Sun was prepared, he was still knocked away by the terrifying punch of Killing Heavenly Venerable.

At the same time, at the moment when a punch was blasted, Heavenly Venerable waved his hand.


The wind howled, and the powerful killing aura shrouded the Ice Lord.

Looking at the invisible strong wind, the Ice Lord quickly activated the Great Dao.

Click, click, click!

When the strong wind fell, the Ice Lord's strength was already much inferior to that of the Sun Lord. Even the Sun Lord could not withstand the attack of Killing Heavenly Venerable, let alone the Ice Lord.

The sound of breaking continued to be heard, and the breath of the Great Dao all over the Ice Lord's body had no effect at all on the killing Heavenly Venerable's attack.

Bearing a killing blow from Heavenly Venerable head-on, the Ice Lord was shot with blood arrows all over his body, directly injuring him severely.

With one person facing two people, Killing Heavenly Venerable still gained the advantage, which shows how terrifying the combat power is.

After defeating the two men, Killing Heavenly Venerable's eyes flickered and looked at the Lord of the Sun who was stabilizing his body.

"Original realm? Nothing more than that!"

The words rang out, causing uproar again.

With one against two, they still have the upper hand. The common people no longer know how terrifying the person in front of them with the aura of killing is.

At this time, in the battlefield, listening to the words of Killing Heavenly Venerable, the Lord of Space and the Lord of Water felt their faces burning with pain.

They joined forces. In the battle, not only did they not repel the Killing Heavenly Venerable, but they were given the upper hand by the Killing Heavenly Venerable. How could they not be angry?

The Ice Lord's eyes were fixed on the killing Heavenly Venerable, and the anger in his eyes burned crazily.

In an instant, he glanced at the Lord of the Sun from afar, and nodded as if he had made some kind of decision.

The next moment.

The Ice Lord waved his hand, and the space under his palm was shattered. Immediately, a strong aura that made everyone suffocate was rapidly released from the Ice Lord's palm towards the surroundings.

This aura is extremely strong, and people can feel it immediately. This is a powerful weapon.

Sure enough, as the Ice Lord waved his big hand, a mirror appeared in his hand.

A mirror that looks no more than the size of a palm.


"The Ice Lord actually used the Origin Device."

"It seems that even if the two of them join forces, they can't deal with the killing Heavenly Venerable. They plan to use the original device."

"This is the real battle."

Exclamations continued, and a mirror appeared in the Ice Lord's hand, attracting everyone's attention.

The Sun Lord in the distance also saw the Origin Device in the Ice Lord's hand, with a smile on his face.

However, what surprised the Ice Lord was that Yin Yangzhi did not take out his original device.

Seeing the smile on the Sun Lord's face, the Ice Lord instantly understood that the Sun Lord wanted his original device to test the true combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Venerable.

"How cunning!" The Ice Lord cursed secretly, but there was nothing he could do. After all, his strength was the lowest. If he didn't use the source device, he would most likely be seriously injured in the subsequent collision.

"Go together!"

The Lord of the Sun suddenly shouted loudly, not giving the Ice Lord too much time to think.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sun lord's whole body radiated light again, and the blazing sun in the sky also vibrated, as if echoing the sun well below.

The Lord of the Sun's hands changed, and a series of Divine Abilities were displayed.

At the same time, the breath of the Ice Lord Great Dao was activated, instilling everything into the source vessel.


However, before the source device could be fully activated, a mutation suddenly broke out.


The Ice Lord suddenly felt an extremely terrifying and dangerous aura, causing his expression to change suddenly.

Before he could react, he saw a line of blood piercing the sky, approaching rapidly with a terrifying breath of killing.

"not good!".

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