Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 312: Looking At The Direction [Please Order]

"not good!"

The Ice Lord secretly screamed, but it was already too late.


A terrifying force quickly approached, and in an instant, it landed hard on the source device, which was the mirror.

With a terrifying power explosion, the original weapon belonging to the Ice Lord withstood the killing blow from Heavenly Venerable. Traces of cracks appeared directly, as if it was about to break at any time.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of the Sun came, and at the same time, it was mixed with a series of Divine Abilities that could destroy the heaven and earth, and crazily moved towards the back of the killing Heavenly Venerable.

In his opinion, if Killing Heavenly Venerable attacks the Ice Lord's origin weapon with all its strength, his attack will definitely succeed.

But for a moment, what made him unable to react was that when the Divine Ability was about to fall from the sky, the Killing God suddenly turned around.

After turning around and killing Heavenly Venerable, another palm shot came out.

Click, click, click!

The sky trembled, and the endless killing aura surged crazily. The palm shot blinked in the air and enlarged, almost covering the size of the world. The target was the Lord of the Sun.

The Lord of the Sun did not expect to kill Heavenly Venerable at all. After almost shattering the Ice Lord's origin realm, he could react so quickly that he could not avoid the huge palm.

As for the Divine Abilities he displayed, they were unable to withstand the slightest bit of resistance under this sky-shielding palm, and they fell towards him forcefully.


Everyone heard a loud noise, and then they saw the Lord of the Sun, who was unable to escape, receiving the killing palm of Heavenly Venerable head-on, and the whole person flew out instantly.

With the blood splattering, half of the Sun Lord's face was shattered!

With one against two, they did not fall behind, and even had an absolute advantage. The occurrence of this scene has shocked countless creatures so much that they cannot be described in words.

The Lord of Space was even more astonished.

The Lord of Reincarnation on the side saw this scene and smiled: "It seems that the outcome of this war will be beyond your expectations."

"Two origin realms joined forces and actually let others have the upper hand, haha."

Listening to the Lord of Reincarnation's words, the Lord of Space's expression became even more ugly as if he had eaten shit.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, in the center of the battlefield, the Sun Lord and the Ice Lord stabilized their bodies and looked at each other solemnly towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

The Ice Lord shouted fiercely: "If you still don't use the Origin Device, both of you and I will perish in this battle!"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the Lord of the Sun changed and became indescribably solemn.

He also noticed the power of Killing Heavenly Venerable, which was far beyond his expectation.

Without any other option, the Lord of the Sun crossed his hands and activated the source device directly.


The space in front of the Lord of the Sun trembled, and a scorching high temperature rose crazily.

At the same time, there were wisps of extremely vast aura spreading around.

In an instant, a huge sphere appeared in front of the Lord of the Sun. The entire sphere was golden in color, and there were wisps of flames dancing faintly, making it look like a miniature version of the sun.

In the source vessel of the Lord of the Sun, there is also a strong breath of the Great Dao spreading rapidly, constantly shaking the sky, and the terrifying breath has already rushed to the nine heavens and ten earth.

The moment the source device appeared, the Lord of the Sun directly activated it.

The mighty breath turned into a shock wave, and the golden shock wave spread towards the surroundings.

This shock wave containing the breath of the supreme Great Dao fell on the killing Heavenly Venerable.


Killing Heavenly Venerable faced this mighty shock wave and was directly knocked away.

And this was also the first time that Heavenly Venerable was sent flying.

Seeing the Heavenly Venerable being sent flying, the Lord of the Sun showed strong confidence on his face.

"This is just the beginning."

"The next step will be your end!"

As he spoke, the aura throughout his body surged wildly, and the source device suspended in his hand also shined brightly in Xu Xu.

At the same time, the Ice Lord also activated the nearly broken Origin Device.

In an instant, the mirror was directly enlarged, with a huge volume of tens of millions of feet, suspended in mid-air.

As the Ice Lord activates, light rises from the mirror, and wherever the light in the mirror shines, the place where it is will be directly frozen.

The Ice Lord activates the source device and shines towards the Killing Heavenly Venerable. You can clearly see a ray of light falling rapidly towards the Killing Heavenly Venerable.

Wherever this light passed, the space had already been frozen.

The source device in the hands of the Lord of the Sun was naturally extremely powerful. When activated, rounds of blazing sun appeared directly on the sky.

In the blink of an eye, nine rounds of blazing sun appeared directly in the sky.

That terrible high temperature, even some strong people in the Origin Realm felt extremely hot, and they constantly urged the breath of the Great Dao to resist.

This is true for even the strong ones in the Origin Realm, let alone some Heavenly Emperors and some people who are half a step closer to the Origin Realm.

At this moment, with the nine-round blazing sun appearing in the sky, they felt as if they were in a furnace, and even more terrifying.

For a time, the vast world was shrouded in endless visions.

First, the light emitted from the mirror, as well as the swaying sun that was rapidly setting in the sky, both exuded power that could destroy the heaven and the earth.

Seeing the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of Ice joining forces to activate the Origin Realm and moving towards the Heavenly Venerable to kill, the Lord of Space's expression changed and he smiled.

"This time, I want to see what he can do to resist."

After saying this, the Lord of Reincarnation naturally retorted without leaving any room: "Don't forget, they are not the only ones with the original weapon.

"The original device that kills Heavenly Venerable has not yet been released. As long as he uses the original device, the situation will definitely change."

As soon as the words rang out, Killing Heavenly Venerable seemed to hear the words of the Lord of Reincarnation. With a wave of his hand, the sun's divine rainbow flashed past.

Killing The God-killing Spear appears in Heavenly Venerable's hand.

The God-killing Spear appeared in the world and was held by the powerful Heavenly Venerable. At this moment, an incredible power shook the entire heaven.

At this time, the killing Heavenly Venerable was suspended in mid-air, completely like a master, a master in charge of killing.

With the blessing of the God-killing Gun, the aura erupting from the whole body of Killing Heavenly Venerable has reached a peak, and the combat power it can unleash is unimaginable.

That endless aura rushed up to the nine heavens and ten earth, causing all creatures who sensed it to tremble continuously. A strong aura of death threat rose from deep in their hearts.

Killing Heavenly Venerable holds the god-killing gun, and his blood-red eyes lock on the two killing moves driven by the source device between heaven and earth.

In an instant, the God-killing Spear was swung.

Rumble! .

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