Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 316 Can You Escape? [Please Order In Full]


In the universe, Myriad Worlds, a deafening roar instantly sounded in the nine heavens and ten earths.

It was a heaven-defying collision of four Great Dao in the chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, countless creatures only felt their eyes temporarily deafened. They could not see what was happening in front of them at all. They could only hear the astonishing explosion.

This strong explosion sounded like it was going to destroy the universe, and it was extremely terrifying.

The terrifying shock wave spread in all directions, instantly knocking away the creatures in the chaotic battlefield, and some weak ones were severely injured by this shock wave.

The creatures that were originally watching had retreated far away, but they were still filled with the aftermath and were violently blown away.

At this time, the chaotic battlefield seemed to have turned into a picture, a picture of the end of the world, with an extremely huge mushroom cloud rising to the top of the sky.

The sonic booms that destroyed the world continued to sound, and the momentum after the collision of the four Great Dao became even more powerful, causing some origin realms to urge the Great Dao to resist.

Under the gaze of all living beings, the darkness in front of me gradually became brighter.

The first thing they saw was a body that was directly penetrated by the God-killing Spear and violently torn into pieces.

That body was none other than the Ice Lord. As the weakest among the four, he was the first to bear the brunt and could not withstand the killing blow of Heavenly Venerable.

After the Ice Lord, who was the Origin Realm, was torn into pieces, only one Origin 020 was left.

This announced the complete demise of the Ice Lord.

The original realm fell, and the world and the earth fell into endless shock.

There was a wisp of ice crystals suspended in the sky, and the ice crystals exuded a heart-stopping chill, which represented the death of Shui Sheng.

Ice Lord is also the first Source Realm powerhouse to fall in several epochs after Dao Wushuang and Ming Wushuang.

And the Ice Lord's fall was just the beginning. Before countless creatures were shocked by the Ice Lord's fall, they clearly saw that the Sun Lord's falling offensive was directly penetrated by the God-killing Spear, and then the glory of the sun disappeared. The Lord of the Sun's entire chest was directly penetrated by the God-killing Spear.

As the Seventh Layer of the Origin Realm, he was not directly obliterated. The huge wound on his chest was clearly visible. Although the Lord of the Sun wanted to use the Great Dao to repair the wound, it was a full blow that killed the Heavenly Venerable, and it was still The God-killing Spear severely damaged it, and it was impossible to repair it.

When the arrows fired by the strong men of the strange clan collided with the God-killing Spear, they were unable to compete with it and were smashed to pieces by the God-killing Spear.


Along with a sound, the God-killing Spear fiercely passed through An Yan's body, leaving an indelible wound.

After obliterating the Ice Lord, severely damaging the Sun Lord and Dark Flame, the figure of the Killing Heavenly Venerable slowly walked out of the God-killing Spear.

At this moment, the originally catastrophic world slowly returned to calm.

But what cannot be calmed is everyone’s heart.

All the creatures present had their eyes fixed on the killing Heavenly Venerable.

"Oh my God! How powerful is this strong man who killed Great Dao?"

"In the battle between the origin realms, one against three, one can be killed and two are seriously injured at the same time. It's terrible. 7

"Not to mention that we didn't expect it, I'm afraid even the Lord of the Sun didn't expect it."

"With such fighting power, he can almost challenge the heavens."

"However, the blow just now took a heavy toll on him. I don't know how the next battle will be. y


Exclamations rang out, indicating their shock.

However, the aura emanating from Zhen's whole body was much weaker, and even the hand holding the God-killing Spear was trembling.

And this scene was also seen by the Lord of the Sun and An Yan.

The two ignored their injuries and looked at each other from a distance.

The Lord of the Sun shouted: "He is dead! This is our chance. If we don't kill him today, we will have no chance in the future!"

Why didn't An Yan know this? He mustered up the last breath of the Great Dao that he could use in his body, and covered his palms with jet-black flames, heading towards the Heavenly Venerable to kill, piercing through the void in an instant at such a fast speed.

The Lord of the Sun is also not slow, and all the strength of his body (chee) is gathered on the index finger of his right hand, shattering the void under the bright light, and heading towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

The two men launched another attack, and the power exerted by each of them was so terrifying that the whole world was once again plunged into billowing visions.

"not good!"

Originally, those origin realms who came from the sky were still shocked to each other by the power of the Killing Heavenly Clan, but suddenly, the two of them attacked directly at the weak Killing Heavenly Venerable, causing their expressions to change.

Without any hesitation, each other urged the Great Dao's power to blast towards the battlefield below.

The Lord of Space sneered when he saw this scene, because he could see that it was too late for these Origin Realms to take action now.

The Lord of Reincarnation on the side is not like this. He looks at the killing Heavenly Venerable with a look of worry in his eyes.

At this moment, all living beings became worried.

In the battlefield, An Yan and the Lord of the Sun each had thick smiles on their faces.

"go to hell!"

The Lord of the Sun shouted loudly.


Just when he thought that this finger of golden light could kill him, something suddenly happened.

The originally weak aura of the Killing Heavenly Venerable suddenly burst into unprecedented power at this moment. After a moment of recovery, he once again became the master of the entire world.

Killing Heavenly Venerable looked at the dark flames shot by the explosion and the Lord of the Sun in the distance, with a sneer on his face.

"I'm lying to you, how could I be so weak!"

"No! This is absolutely impossible."

Seeing the sudden resumption of killing Heavenly Venerable, the Lord of the Sun was full of disbelief: "With such a terrifying blow, how could you still have such terrifying fighting power? This is absolutely incredible.

Not only him, but also the dark flames that burst out were also stunned. Admittedly, Heavenly Venerable was very shocked by the sudden return of killing momentum.

"If not, how could you continue to stay here?"

"I'm afraid he may have escaped long ago."

The Lord of the Sun trembled when he heard this. Indeed, if the aura that killed Heavenly Venerable just now was still so strong, he would run away without hesitation.

When the Lord of the Sun was shocked, the aura of Killing Heavenly Venerable surged throughout his body, and the overwhelming aura of killing spread crazily around. The god-killing gun in his hand surged, and his eyes locked on the killing Dark Flame and the Lord of the Sun. Awe-inspiring killing intent surged out. Entering the God-killing Spear, an attack that was almost as powerful as the previous strike suddenly erupted from the God-killing Spear.


Killing Heavenly Venerable holds the god-killing gun and shoots rapidly with the power of destroying the world and destroying the world directly at Dark Flame.

Feeling this terrifying aura, An Yan's complexion changed drastically. He didn't even dare to attack and kill Heavenly Venerable anymore, so he turned around and ran away.

"Can you run away?".

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