Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 317 Killing Two Origin Realms, A Strange Ancestor God Is Born [Please Order]

The sudden burst of killing power, Heavenly Venerable, made the expressions of Dark Flame and the Lord of the Sun change drastically.

Originally, he was not the opponent of Killing Heavenly Venerable, but now that the opponent suddenly came to kill him, An Yan immediately gave up the attack, turned around and ran away.


He was already seriously injured, how could he run away? A clang sounded, mixed with the aura of killing that destroyed the world, piercing through the dark flames fiercely.

"Weird Ancestor God, save me!"

An Yan looked towards the boundless sky while escaping, and issued a cry for help.

This was the last word he could say, and then his body was torn apart, and the origin was suspended in the air.

An Yan, who was already seriously injured, was focused on running away. How could he withstand the killing blow of Heavenly Venerable?

One blow solved the darkness, and the killing Heavenly Venerable looked at the golden light that was coming, and waved the God-killing Spear to smash it into pieces. In an instant, a spear light was outlined and condensed, and it blasted towards the Lord of the Sun.

At this moment, the Lord of the Sun felt a threat, a death threat originating from the depths of his soul. As an instinctive reaction, he used his Divine Ability to resist as much as possible.

Click, click, click!

However, his Divine Ability seemed so fragile under this spear light, and was directly pierced by the spear light.


The spear light fell hard on the Sun Lord, and the Sun Lord's blood continued to spurt out, and he fell rapidly from the high altitude. At the same time, his original Seventh Layer origin realm cultivation also fell rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he became It has become the origin state of Third Layer, and there are still signs of decline.

When countless creatures saw this scene, they were shocked and speechless.

With one against three, this means killing three of the origins in a row.

Killing Heavenly Venerable's eyes flickered, and he also focused on the Lord of the Sun, whose realm had plummeted. He quickly passed by, intending to kill him.


Right now.


The entire chaotic battlefield emitted a sound of morning bells and evening drums, as if the years were reversed, the universe collapsed, and time was as terrifying as a kappa shattering.

At the same time, there was an aura that was superior to all living beings coming from a distance.

This breath instantly hung in the sky, permeated the entire chaotic battlefield, and spread in the sky.

In an instant, all the creatures in the sky trembled, and they felt boundless fear.

Even those powerful beings in the Origin Realm of God and the Lord of Reincarnation trembled in their hearts.

The spread of this terrifying aura is far beyond that of the Origin Realm. Even if the oppressive Origin Realm strongmen activate the power of the Great Dao, they are somewhat unable to resist it.

"Weird Ancestor God!"

The Lord of Samsara exclaimed, this is an extremely powerful existence, he never expected that this strange ancestor god would appear.

Under countless horrified gazes, in the chaotic battlefield, all the colors between heaven and earth dimmed instantly, and only the black shadow that kept floating towards them had a ray of brilliance.

This black shadow seems to carry all the darkness between heaven and earth, suspended in mid-air like a god's mansion.

The appearance of the strange ancestor god could not tolerate the shock of the creatures. He directly stretched out his illusory palm and slapped it towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

The palms blinked and magnified in the air, hundreds of millions of palms covered the sky, and the thick ominous atmosphere was even more intense at this time.

The huge palm has lines lingering around it, really as if it is going to destroy the world.

The powerful force oppresses the space and continues to fragment it, crushing the sky with terror.

Seeing the huge palm falling rapidly, the killing Heavenly Venerable at this time also had a solemn face, stimulating the killing Great Dao in the whole body and instilled it in the God-killing Spear.

Facing this big hand that covers the sky, he mobilized his whole body's strength and continuously waved the gun light in the air.

The spear light flashed, and each spear light was no weaker than the previous blow.

Boom! Boom!

The gun light all over the sky collided with the huge palm in the sky. The two extremely violent and terrifying forces continuously shattered the surrounding space when they collided, plunging the entire chaotic battlefield into boundless chaos.

Under the constant sound of sonic booms, everyone saw that the gun lights were barely able to compete with the palms.


Under a wave of more harsh sounds, both offensives dissipated between heaven and earth.

Although it was only a brief collision, everyone saw the power of this strange ancestor god.

The attack that someone randomly triggered had already caused Heavenly Venerable to use all his strength to resist it. If the opponent used all his strength, Heavenly Venerable would not be able to resist it at all.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the phantom.

The eyes of the suspended shadow were very hollow, suspended in mid-air, and even the eyes looking at the killing Heavenly Venerable looked so dull.


And after this palm attack, the strange ancestor god did not take action again. He suspended in mid-air for a moment, and the phantom palm came out again, taking out the killed Dark Flame body, its origin, and the seriously injured Lord of the Sun. take away.

"He seems to have a problem?"

"Although the combat power is extremely terrifying, it seems to be just a phantom."

"And it's not in the right state."

"Could it be said that he is a Tao clone?"

Some strong men saw something was wrong with the strange ancestor god and started a discussion.

At this moment, the huge shadow of the strange ancestral god had slowly dissipated between heaven and earth.

The moment everyone thought the war was over, a stern voice suddenly sounded like a master.

"Heavenly Venerable, Heavenly Venerable! I remember you.

"This revenge will be avenged in the future!"

The sound was like a strong wind, echoing continuously in the chaotic battlefield.

And it seems that he is not the same person as the phantom just now, which is a bit weird.

Killing Heavenly Venerable heard this sound, first for a while, then without any fear, he looked at the source of the sound and shouted loudly.

"The Yama Temple is never afraid of making enemies. Those who have become the enemies of the Yama Temple since ancient times have all died."

The reason for the pause was that Feng Chen's voice came to his mind just now, and it was also what the other party said.

The other party snorted coldly, and the cold snort was mixed with deep hatred.

A word of cold humming spread throughout the world, which also heralded the end of this war.

This battle started by the Lord of the Sun ended with the intervention of Yama Palace.

And the result of the final battle was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally, the Lord of the Sun and the Lord of Ice teamed up to deal with the Heavenly Venerable, but in the end, with the help of the strange family's origin realm, they powerfully killed the two origin realms and severely damaged the Lord of the Sun.

At this moment, with the end of the war, the eyes of countless creatures turned to the killing Heavenly Venerable, as well as Feng Chen who was protected by the Chaos Sword Master and the Tyrant Sword.

Now, no one dares to underestimate the Yama Hall or the Divine Child of the Yama Hall.

From the beginning to the end, this war brought them too much shock!

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