Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 327 Waiting For You For A Long Time [Please Order]


The boundless aura continued to diffuse from the chaotic battlefield. There was originally a battle between Ba Dao and the newly broken half-step origin realm, but at this time, a strange half-step origin powerhouse suddenly appeared, which instantly attracted the attention of countless creatures. .

Under the billowing vision, the boundless gray aura transformed into the figures of a strange clan, and at the same time, a hand as big as the sky fell from the sky.

The gray palm covered the sky and the sun, and exuded a strong ominous aura. The tyrannical power rippled and shattered the space, and it was blasted towards the sword wielded by Ba Dao.

The person who wielded the power of that palm was a strong man from the Weird Clan. His strength was so terrifying that he could definitely neutralize the Tyrant Sword with one strike, and could also severely damage the Tyrant Sword.

Seeing this scene caused an uproar among countless creatures.


When they saw with their own eyes the monstrous palm falling towards the cold light of the sword.


The whole world suddenly erupted with the sound of morning bells and evening drums. The sound rushed up to Yuan Yuan, shook the heavens, and turned into a rolling torrent, rising crazily in the world.

At the same time, in the midst of this terrifying aura, there was also an extremely tyrannical aura of murderous heaven spreading out.

The Great Dao of Killing penetrates the sky, and a streak of blood hangs high above the world, breaking through thousands of miles in an instant. This streak of blood directly penetrates every plane, and blasts towards the huge palm.

The sudden killing breath of the Great Dao made countless onlookers instantly guess the identity of the other party.

There is no one in the world who can contain such a terrifying and murderous aura as the Great Dao, except for the top strong man in the Yama Palace.

The strong man from the strange clan also sensed the power of killing the Great Dao. Instead of panic, he had a smile on his face.

In front of everyone's eyes, the rising blood in the sky, blessed by the terrifying killing aura, fell on the gray palms of the wolf.


A loud noise exploded in the sky, causing smoke and dust to billow below.

As for the huge gray palm, the moment it collided with the blood-colored light, there was no resistance at all and it shattered immediately.

The huge palm was destroyed with one blow, and no one could stop the strike of the domineering sword below.

In the midst of the whistling, a sharp chill spread across the sky and covered the ground, carrying a hair-raising aura, and suddenly fell on the man who was half a step into the original realm of swordsmanship.

Originally, he was already seriously injured and even lost the will to fight in the face of the tyrant sword. How could he still resist this sword now.

The knife fell.


Blood spattered, blood flowers fell from the air, and the knife fell hard on the half-step Origin Realm man, directly tearing his body into pieces.

Coupled with the characteristics of the chaotic battlefield, the opponent was directly obliterated, and the long river of time behind it began to collapse, and instead there was an origin suspended in the air.

Seeing the origin, Ba Dao also had a smile on his face.

With a wave of his hand, he accepted the source, glanced at the strange strong man appearing in the distance with a serious look, and immediately left the battlefield.

Although Ba Dao is arrogant, he is not stupid. Although he really wants to fight this powerful man from the strange clan in the Origin Realm, he is still only half a step into the Origin Realm, and is far from a Sixth Layer Origin Realm.

The next battlefield is Heavenly Venerable.

Ba Dao turned around and left, preparing to absorb this source.


As the Tyrant Sword left, blood filled the sky, and the figure of the killing Heavenly Venerable slowly condensed on the sky. His whole body was filled with thick blood, and he locked onto the powerful man of the strange clan from a high position.

"Tell me your name."

As the words rang out, the powerful man from the strange clan sneered and looked directly at the killing Heavenly Venerable.


"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

As the words came, a smile appeared on Heavenly Venerable's face.

"You're still waiting for me."

"Anyone who dares to touch my Yama Palace will be punished by death. You are so arrogant that you want to wait for me. It seems that your weird clan has been inflated recently.

The conversation between the two fell into the ears of countless people, which also caused doubts to appear on their faces.

Killing Heavenly Venerable is the Seventh Layer Origin Realm, while Tianxing is only the Sixth Layer Origin Realm. There is a gap just in terms of cultivation.

In addition, the previous Killing Heavenly Venerable was one against three in the chaotic battlefield, which made it even more famous. Who doesn't know how powerful the Killing Heavenly Venerable is.

And this Tianxing, now faced with the killing of Heavenly Venerable, is not afraid at all.

Indeed, Tianxing obviously knew the strength of Killing Heavenly Venerable, but there was no fear on his face. He looked at Killing Heavenly Venerable from a distance and sneered.


"It's just a small Yama Palace. What's there to be afraid of? My weird clan is many times stronger than your Yama Palace!"

The sound fell into Killing Heavenly Venerable's ears, and Killing Heavenly Venerable was also stunned.

Then he sneered: "In that case, I, Yama Luodian, welcome you, the weird clan, to take action."

"This will better demonstrate the power of Yama Palace."

"Sometimes, if you underestimate the enemy, the final result will not be very good."


"The battle has not yet begun, and we still don't know who will win and who will lose."

Tianxing snorted coldly, and the aura in his body began to rise, and the entire sky was instantly enveloped by the endless gray light.


At this moment, the entire sky was shrouded in thick gray, making the entire world look gray.

Moreover, in this gray sky and earth, there is a thick ominous atmosphere spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

Tianxing's eyes are locked on the killing Heavenly Venerable, and the power of the Great Dao in the whole body is directly activated.

Click, click, click!

At the moment when the sky star activated the power of the Great Dao, the gray light above that blocked the sky seemed to be guided and condensed crazily.

For a moment, the wind roared, and strange images appeared in the sky and the earth. The boundless gray light condensed directly into a huge skull in mid-air.

The skull is suspended, as if it is terrifying as it swallows the world, and the thick ominous breath is rapidly crushing towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.


Tianxing stares at the killing Heavenly Venerable, with a thought in his mind.

The huge skull shook suddenly, and a rainbow light burst out from the empty eye sockets.

The rainbow light that bursts out also shows a kind of gray color, and looks as if it is about to materialize, making people feel heart palpitations involuntarily at a glance.

Two rays of light pierced through the space forcefully, rolling down, carrying a force that destroyed the heaven and earth, and fiercely blasted towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

Looking at the two gray rainbow lights approaching rapidly, Heavenly Venerable's face was very calm. As the rainbow lights approached, he slowly raised his right palm.

The bloody palm was raised, as if to control the world, and then at the moment when the rainbow light was about to approach, the index finger reached out.

Om seven!.

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