There are strange images between heaven and earth. The two gray rushes filled with a strong ominous atmosphere are crossing the sky and earth, falling towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

Facing the attack of Tianxing, Killing Heavenly Venerable is just a little volley with the index finger.


The surrounding void twisted crazily, and with the killing of Heavenly Venerable, a streak of blood instantly became all the colors in the world.

And in this rich bloody light, there is a terrifying breath of killing.

In the blink of an eye, a bloody finger condensed and shot towards the two gray rainbow lights forcefully.


The two offensives collided instantly, and a huge roar erupted in the sky and earth, triggering billowing smoke and dust. The surrounding space was shattered into pieces under this violent collision.

However, at this time, he did not pay attention to the vision that filled the world. He focused on "960" at the center of the collision.

All living beings saw that the Killing Heavenly Venerable finger was too terrifying. At the moment of collision, it shattered that star's offensive with a devastating force.

And the blood-colored finger lost its power and blasted towards the stars.

The power of a finger bloomed, and there was no surprise on Tianxing's face. Looking at the rapidly coming finger, he moved the huge skeleton in front of him with a thought.

Tianxing seemed to use a huge skeleton to resist this finger.

In full view of everyone, his fingers suddenly landed on the hole.


There was another loud explosion, and a finger passed directly through the center of the skull, leaving a hole in the forehead.

At the same time, Tianxing's body also retreated several steps.

The injury to the skeleton obviously took a toll on himself.

The brief collision between the two caused the whole world to be filled with strange images, which was so terrifying.

After a collision, Heavenly Venerable looked at the stars in the distance.

"You have this little ability? How dare you come out and make noise?"

As soon as the words came out, Tianxing was not timid at all, but stared at the killing Heavenly Venerable and said coldly.

"You have the nerve to say that to me? Aren't you the only ones who have been here for a few moments?"

"Isn't it rumored that you once fought one against three? How come you can only use this little power to deal with me, a Sixth Layer origin state?"

When he finished speaking, Tianxing's whole body was stimulated by the power of Great Dao again.

And at this time, he seemed to be integrated with the huge space above, with wisps of gray light constantly connecting him to the holes above.

When the sky star connected with the skeleton above, the ominous aura emanating from the huge skeleton also surged crazily.

In an instant.

The skeleton opened its empty mouth.

The moment his mouth opened, boundless visions once again erupted throughout the world.


The wind roared, sand and rocks flew, and visions rolled in. As the huge mouth opened, a force that swallowed up the heaven and earth erupted from it.

The sand and rocks below and the towering mountain peaks all moved at this moment, heading crazily towards the skeleton's open mouth.

In an instant, a chaotic scene appeared, and the huge skeleton was suspended in the center of the sky, looking as terrifying as if it was about to swallow up the entire chaotic battlefield.

At this moment, feeling the terrifying devouring power, countless onlookers retreated.

However, the Killing Heavenly Venerable is quietly suspended in mid-air. This powerful devouring power is useless to him.

Moreover, there is some confusion about killing Heavenly Venerable. What is the other party trying to do?

The next moment.

Killing Heavenly Venerable narrowed his eyes slightly, and he discovered that Tianxing's attack did not stop there. Where the huge cave mouth was, the countless sand and stones between heaven and earth that were swallowed up, as well as the huge mountain peaks, were directly hit by the gray ominous aura. The package was directly assimilated by the gray aura.

This also caused the power in the gray aura to absorb the sand and stones between the sky and the earth, and the mountain peaks rapidly strengthened the next attack.

Killing Heavenly Venerable was not in a hurry, just hanging in mid-air [calmly watching the aura of Skeleton Dazhong surge rapidly.

Tianxing also noticed this scene, and a sneer appeared on his face.

In a blink of an eye.

"Go to hell, arrogant people!"

Tianxing yelled at the killing Heavenly Venerable.

After swallowing the sand and stones between heaven and earth, the skeleton's huge mouth finally exploded into an attack.

It was a huge gray light beam, like a light beam reaching the sky, blooming in the originally empty gray mouth.

The gray beam of light, along with the violent roar, erupted in the world with a power that could destroy the world...

The huge gray beam of light rolls, crushing one side along the way. The terrifying and ominous atmosphere permeates the chaotic battlefield and is scattered in every corner of Myriad Worlds.

At this time, everything in the entire sky was blocked by this huge sky-reaching light pillar. Among the countless living beings, only this monstrous light pillar kept roaring towards the murderous Wuzun below.


"Hiss! This blow is really terrifying."

"Although we are so far apart, I still clearly feel the strong threat."

"As expected of a strong man in the Sixth Layer Origin Realm."

"And this attack does not consume much for him. He has absorbed the power of heaven and earth and then transformed it into his own attack.

"Come on Killing Heavenly Venerable!"

"Don't worry, the killing power of Heavenly Venerable is so terrifying. Although Tianxing's attack is not bad, it can definitely withstand it.

"That's right! After all, Heavenly Venerable has a record of one against three, and it also killed two origin realms."

The sentient beings stared at the rapidly falling beam of light that reached the sky, and talked among themselves.

After all, Killing Heavenly Venerable is God and is a strong man in the Yama Palace. The people fighting him now are people from the Weird Clan. They are naturally on the side of Killing Heavenly Venerable and will definitely support Killing Heavenly Venerable.

In full view of everyone, Killing Heavenly Venerable looked at the huge sky-reaching light pillar and also moved.

Everyone saw that at this time, the bloody light all over Killing Heavenly Venerable was rising infinitely, and it was very 1.9 rich, shrouded around Killing Heavenly Venerable, and it was so rich that it seemed to be materialized.

Not only is this heart-stopping blood mist steaming, but in this thick blood mist there is also the aura of the killing Great Dao that makes all the people in the world and the weird clan in the chaotic battlefield tremble.

Immediately afterwards, blood mist filled the air, and with the thought of killing, Heavenly Venerable directly put a bloody battle suit on him.

At this moment, the huge sky-reaching light pillar in the sky fell violently with the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, Killing Heavenly Venerable moved.

Wearing a blood-red battle suit and killing people all over his body, the Great Dao was rising, his eyes staring at the huge pillar of light reaching the sky.


Killing Heavenly Venerable left a blood shadow in the air. Instead of avoiding it, the whole person rushed directly towards the huge sky-reaching light pillar.


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