Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 332 The Chaos Demon God Of Yama Palace [Please Order The Full Version]


The sounds of morning bells and evening drums rang from the sky and the earth. Under the endless light, a figure that seemed to have stepped out of the long years slowly condensed.

The figure is suspended in mid-air, with stars twinkling around it, swirling around, and the terrifying power of the Great Dao is flowing continuously, as if it has ruled for eternity and suppressed the terror of the Myriad Worlds.

The world shook, and visions arose. Under the endless visions, before all the creatures had time to be shocked as to who this terrifying being was, they saw the other party slowly reaching out a palm.

Click, click, click!

The sky and the earth turned around, the sun and the moon lost light, and the shadow of the palm condensed in mid-air, wrapped in wisps of immortal runes, and at the same time there was a power of the Great Dao.

The moment the palm condensed, it penetrated the plane at a terrifying speed. When the huge water droplet was about to fall on the Chaos Sword Master, it hit the water droplet hard.


The huge water droplet that originally made the Chaos Sword Master helpless was directly shattered by the immortal runes on the palm when the palm fell.

Huge water droplets evaporated directly in mid-air, and the tyrannical power spread to the surroundings. At the same time, a force also took away the Chaos Sword Master.

The sudden scene caused the expressions of all the creatures in the world to change drastically.

Everyone's eyes are on the Chaos Demon God.

Especially the Lord of Space, who was full of anger and hatred.

"What a waste!"

He was angry that this strange clan's Seventh Layer Origin Realm powerhouse did not kill the Chaos Sword Master. What he hated was who was this powerful man who suddenly appeared.

"who is he?"

On the other side, Tianxing, who was knocked away, did not bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He stared at the Chaos Demon God with shock on his face.

"When did God create such a strong man?"

The Killing Heavenly Venerable sensed the breath of the Chaos Demon God, smiled slightly, and started to kill Tianxing with concentration.

This battle was carefully prepared by the Weird Clan, and they were naturally paying attention to the battlefield.

It turned out that one of their Chaos Sword Masters was about to be wiped out.

But the sudden appearance of this powerful man caused their expressions to change.

"Who is this person?"

"I have never heard of such a strong person in the sky."

"Does it mean that he is not from God?"

"But if it wasn't from God, why would he help Chaos Sword Dao?"

"Does it mean that our plan will fail today?"

"Another Seventh Layer Origin Realm! When did God have so many strong men?"

The moment the Chaos Demon God appeared, the strong men of the Weird Clan panicked.

Although their plan was well prepared, the sudden appearance of a powerful man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm was something they never expected.

Not only the sentient beings, but also the powerful man of the strange clan at this time was also staring at the Chaos Demon God, his face as gloomy as black coal, and he almost killed the Chaos Swordsman just now.

It's all him!

"Who are you!"

The strong man from the Weird clan shouted angrily.

And his inquiry was also the confusion of the people watching at this moment.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Chaos Demon God blinked his eyes, as if encompassing the Myriad Manifestations, and said calmly: "Yam Luo Temple, the Chaos Demon God.

One sentence, just this sentence sounded, and the whole world fell silent.

Both the creatures in the sky and the powerful men of the strange clan were all horrified.

"When did the Yama Palace have another strong man from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm?"

"Is this the King of Hell?"

"No way, I've never heard of it."

"But if it's not the King of Hell, wouldn't there be a more powerful King of Hell in the Hall of Hell?"

"Hiss! How many strong men are there in this Yama Palace who have not taken action?"

"The killing of the Heavenly Venerable Realm caused a sensation in the entire heaven, and now there is another Chaos Demon God?"

"But no matter how you say it, this is a good thing. The Yama Palace is one of the top forces of God. The appearance of another strong man in the Origin Realm will also greatly increase the combat power of our God.

"Yam Luo Palace is no longer one of the top forces from now on. It has two origin realms and one origin realm that will become the sword master. Now Yama Luo Palace is the top one in the world.

The power of!"

At this time, the Lord of Samsara also heard the words of the Chaos Demon God, and after the shock, a thick smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, he was also a little shocked by the number of powerful people in Yama Palace.

After being shocked, the Lord of Reincarnation looked at the Lord of Space who looked gloomy and was about to drip.


"You can stop me properly. I'm completely useless in this battle."

The sound reached the ears of the Lord of Space, causing the anger on the Lord of Space's face to rise even more. If eyes could kill, the Lord of Reincarnation would have died countless times.

When the Chaos Demon God revealed his identity, no one noticed that the Chaos Sword Lord did not wait there.

Instead, he went straight towards Heavenly Sword Venerable.

At this time, Heavenly Sword Venerable didn't notice at all, but stared at the Chaos Demon God in the sky in horror.


When the two words came out, Heavenly Sword Venerable's whole body suddenly trembled, and a dangerous aura that made his soul tremble instantly enveloped his whole body.

Heavenly Sword Venerable's expression changed drastically, and now it was too late to resist.



One word rang out, and this word became the last word that Heavenly Sword Venerable could say.


The Immortal Executing Sword fell, Heavenly Sword Venerable's body was directly torn into pieces, and the river of time behind it began to fragment.

The next moment, an origin filled with sword power was suspended in mid-air.

Looking at the origin of Heavenly Sword Venerable, the Chaos Sword Master also showed a smile on his face, and took the origin away with a wave of his hand.

"you wanna die!"

After the Heavenly Sword Venerable was killed, the strong man from the strange clan above noticed that his whole body was filled with rage, and the black Wang Yang in the sky was boiling.

Then, in the boiling black Wang Yang, there was a huge and pitch-black palm, filled with endless anger, grabbing at the Chaos Sword Lord below.


When the Chaos Demon God saw this scene, he was a little confused. Did he not take him seriously?

Immediately, the hands of the Chaos Demon God changed, and whirlpools condensed in front of him. The whirlpools seemed to connect the heaven and the earth, and also seemed to connect the Nine Netherworlds, making people feel palpitated at a glance.

And these whirlpools are also outlined with immortal runes, penetrating the void silently and shrouding the bodies of the powerful men of the strange clan.


Shrouded in the whirlpool, the huge black palm shattered directly.

But at this moment, the strong man's eyes suddenly froze. He felt that his movements were restricted at this time, and he was unable to move the partition.

And the more he wanted to leave the control of this vortex, the more terrifying this controlling force became.

"What did you do?"

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