Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 333 Want To Run? [Please Order In Full]

"what have you done!"

Dongchen, the Seventh Layer Origin Realm strongman from the Weird Clan, yelled at the Chaos Demon God.

Originally, the Chaos Sword Master had killed the Heavenly Sword Venerable, which had already made him very angry. Now that he was imprisoned by the power of the Great Dao, he was so angry.

The Chaos Demon God ignored Dong Chen, but glanced at the Chaos Sword Master who quickly left the battlefield, and the aura in his body continued to rise.

At the same time, the Chaos Sword Master left the battlefield with the origin of the Heavenly Sword Venerable, choosing to devour the origin and become the sword master.

And on the other side.


A loud noise erupted, and the star that had been struggling to support was blown away again, spurting blood.

Killing Heavenly Venerable looked at the stars that fell to the ground in the distance, and sneered: "I, Yama Hall, have so many strong men, how could you have expected that."

"You weird people don't really think that I am the only strong person in Yan "153" Luo Palace."

The words reached Tianxing's ears, which made Tianxing a little angry after discovering the appearance of the Chaos Demon God. Now when he heard the words of Killing Heavenly Venerable, he jumped up suddenly, suspended in mid-air, staring at Killing Heavenly Venerable.

"So what if the two origin realms are the same!"

"This still cannot stop your Yama Palace from being destroyed."

"As long as you dare to enter the chaotic battlefield, you will die!"


Killing Heavenly Venerable let out a light ooh, looked at Tianxing and said with a strange look: "Haha, our Yama Luodian has more than this fighting power. You could have lived for a long time, and maybe you could still see "It's a pity that you don't have this opportunity!"

As soon as the words came out.

Click, click, click!

The violent winds were swirling between heaven and earth, and the raging winds were mixed with the overwhelming breath of killing.

On this day, the sky was turned into a blood-red color, and the palm of his hand turned into a knife and suddenly struck towards the stars.

The sword light transformed from the palm of his hand bloomed in the sky instantly, and fell like a crushing force.

Looking at the huge sword light, Tianxing's expression changed. From the moment the Chaos Demon God appeared, he realized that the matter was exposed and had no intention of continuing to entangle.

He originally fought against Heavenly Venerable, but he also knew clearly that he was not his opponent. He originally wanted to delay Heavenly Venerable.

Who wants to kill a Chaos Demon God halfway, but now Tianxing has already given up.

Looking at the bloody sword light falling rapidly, Tian Xing Zhi used Divine Ability to turn into an afterimage and shoot towards the body of Chaos battlefield.

"Want to run?"


Killing "Heavenly Venerable" came out of his mouth, and his whole body violently tore apart the space and started to kill toward the stars.

Now is the best opportunity to kill him. If the opponent really runs into the weird clan's base camp, it will be really difficult to kill him.

Although Tianxing used Divine Ability, he himself was seriously injured after all, and there was a gap between his cultivation and the Heavenly Venerable, which resulted in the two people approaching quickly.


Killing Heavenly Venerable shuttled through the void and locked on the star below. With a thought, blood suddenly appeared, and a streak of blood streaked through the sky of Shattering Void, killing towards the star.

Tianxing suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up when the murderous intention came, and his instinctive reaction made him speed up.

Unfortunately, his speed was still too slow, and the bloody cold light was about to fall on him.


Just when the bloody light fell, a wisp of black breath penetrated directly into the void and appeared above the stars.

This also led to the killing. Heavenly Venerable's blow fell directly on the black aura.

The color of blood fell, a crisp sound came, and the black breath shattered like a mirror.

Turning to the distance, the space shattered, and a mirror as black as ink cut through the sky, falling rapidly with infinite Great Dao power.

"Another Seventh Layer origin state!"

"Good guy, there are quite a few strong people from the Origin Realm dispatched by the Weird Clan this time."

“Including the powerful ones from the Origin Realm who fought against the Chaos Demon God, there are already two Seventh Layer Origin Realm powerhouses.

"And there is also a Sixth Layer origin realm, and two Fifth Layer origin realms."

"Is the killing of Heavenly Venerable going to be one against two again?"

"The next battle may be really hard to predict."

When the world changes, a strange clan of Seventh Layer Origin Realm strongman appears.

Sensing the arrival of the other party, Tianxing showed a smile on his face, rose up, and stared at the Slaughter Celestial Clan, his eyes full of confidence.

The Killing Heavenly Venerable looked at the two of them quietly, with a very calm expression on his face, and did not have any panic because of the appearance of an additional Seventh Layer Origin Realm powerhouse.

On the contrary, there is an extremely terrifying killing aura rising crazily on the Killing Heavenly Venerable.

This also means that the current killing Heavenly Venerable has planned to fight with the two original meanings in front of him...

Feeling the killing Great Dao rising from the body of the Heavenly Venerable, this Seventh Layer Origin Realm powerhouse also activated the power of the Great Dao.

There are black mirrors flashing all around it. The mirrors are extremely dark, giving people a very deep feeling.

Under the flickering mirror, an ominous atmosphere swirled in it.

"Go together!"

There was a sound, Tianxing nodded, and moved all the strength in his body.


The strong wind swept across, and the huge skeleton appeared again in the sky.

While the skeleton was breathing, it exuded an intoxicating aura, and gray light shone in its empty eyes.

In a blink of an eye.

The void shook violently, and two gray rays of light shot out from the hollow eyes of the skeleton, passing through the sky and heading towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

The Seventh Layer Origin Realm also changed its hands, and the black mirrors around it also changed rapidly with his changing hands.

Black lines are connected from each mirror, and these mirrors directly form a huge cage in mid-air.

Although it is formed of mirrors, it gives people an indestructible feeling.

The cage made of mirrors was so huge that it almost encompassed half of the sky. It then tore apart the space and blasted towards the killing Heavenly Venerable.

The two powerful men at the Origin Realm level took action at the same time, killing Heavenly Venerable. His eyes narrowed and he stretched out his blood-red hands.

After getting down, he grabbed it with both hands in front of him.

Next 2.6 ticks.

Click, click, click!

The space is shattered and the power of the killing Great Dao is instantly dispersed between heaven and earth.

And in the hands of Killing Heavenly Venerable, two bloody rivers appeared.

With a wave of Killing Heavenly Venerable's hands, the bloody river instantly spread toward the mirror, wrapping the black mirror.


The collision between the blood and the black mirror caused an extremely deafening roar, and extremely terrifying shock waves also spread in all directions when the two collided.

When two rivers of blood enveloped the black mirror, the two beams of light emitted from the skeleton arrived at the same time.

However, these two beams of light were directly swallowed by the bloody river.

Killing Heavenly Venerable Looking at the struggling black mirror, his right hand suddenly clenched in vain.


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