Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 335 Seal The World And Suppress The Seventh Layer Origin Realm [Please Order]


The black Wang Yang was rolling, and Dong Chen, who was briefly imprisoned in mid-air by the whirlpool, was a Seventh Layer Origin Realm expert from the Weird Clan. The Great Dao power spread throughout his body and rose up.

Inciting Wang Yang's constant surge, Dongchen looked at the Chaos Demon God with a look of confidence on his face.

Although he also noticed that the Chaos Demon God was also in the Seventh Layer origin state, Dongchen still had the confidence to defeat the opponent.

In a blink of an eye.

The palm of his hand stretched out, and the space moved. The moment he waved his palm, Wang Yang above him directly turned into a waterfall, from which a black water wave as big as a Tuanchen poured out.

The water wave instantly enlarged, directly surrounding the Chaos Demon God.

When using Divine Ability, Dongchen found that the Chaos Demon God was not moved at all, as if he was not aware of his attack.

This discovery made the smile on Dongchen's face grow even stronger.

next moment.


Dongchen shouted loudly and resounded throughout the world.

Click click click.

The wave of sound came from the huge black water wave, very clear, and then there were palms struggling to reach out from it.

The palm looked so ferocious, and there was also a strong ominous aura.

In the blink of an eye, these densely packed palms covered the entire sky, frantically searching for the Chaos Demon God.

Facing the roaring palm, the Chaos Demon God still didn't make the slightest move, as if he really didn't notice it.

"Humph, you are so arrogant."

Dongchen looked at the unmoved Chaos Demon God and snorted coldly.

Although this blow was not his ultimate move, it was still an attack from the Seventh Layer Origin Realm, but the opponent was so arrogant that he ignored it.

He was confident that this blow would severely damage the Chaos Demon God.

At this moment, the people's attention was also focused on the Chaos Demon God. Doubts appeared on each other's anxious faces. They didn't know why the Chaos Demon God didn't dodge.

He never defended himself. 1

Some people even think that the Chaos Demon God is a bit too pretentious.

Just like that, in full view of everyone, densely packed palms fell down, and they were about to fall on the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God still made no move.

The next moment.


When everyone saw with their own eyes that one palm fell on the Chaos Demon God, a sudden change occurred.

Originally Dongchen's strength and the palm containing the extremely terrifying Great Dao power actually passed directly through the body of the Chaos Demon God without causing any harm to him at all.

"How is that possible~||!"

Dongchen's pupils froze, he never expected such a result.

It's not that he doesn't resist, it's that the attack doesn't fall on him at all.

At this moment, as the offensive passed through his body, the Chaos Demon moved.

The Chaos Demon God slowly stretched out his hands.

His hands shone brightly between the sky and the earth. In an instant, the hands of the Chaos Demon God became extremely dazzling.

At the same time, the power of the Great Dao on the Chaos Demon God surged crazily, and tiny vortices twisted the void, directly forming.

In a blink of an eye.

The Chaos Demon God's hands changed, and he immediately waved violently towards the surroundings.


Small whirlpools spread out in mid-air.

And during the diffusion, they actually connected with each other, forming a circular vortex.

Dongchen frowned as he watched the whirlpools sweep in. He felt too much pressure from the whirlpools, but his instinctive reaction still made him descend rapidly and distance himself from the circular whirlpools.

And not just him, the two powerful men of the strange clan who were fighting the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth in the distance also clearly felt this circular vortex.

Circular whirlpools swirled around, sweeping around like a catastrophe in the air.

Almost at the same time, Dongchen and the two Origin Realm powerhouses in the distance descended directly, which also allowed them to avoid the circular whirlpool at the same time.

Dongchen stabilized his body, looked at the whirlpool passing behind him, and couldn't help but look at the Chaos Demon God: "That's it?"

The Chaos Demon God made a soft sound from his mouth.

One word fell, and the hands were clenched at the same time.

Click, click, click!

The moment the Chaos Demon God clenched his hands, the whole world suddenly shook, and the terrifying power exploded crazily in the Chaos battlefield.

At this moment, everyone, whether they were the weird clan or the creatures in the sky, felt their hearts tremble violently, as if they felt an extremely terrifying danger.

Under the overwhelming power, the mid-air where the vortex originally passed through was directly affected.

A leaf was imprisoned in mid-air, because the power was too terrifying, and the gravel was suspended in mid-air without falling.

At this moment, everything in the world was directly imprisoned, as if someone had pressed the pause button.


Seeing the strange scene between heaven and earth, Dongchen's eyes suddenly condensed.

However, he just exclaimed secretly with these two words, unable to make a sound at all, because he could not make a sound now and was directly imprisoned in mid-air.

At the same time, the two powerful men of the strange clan in the distance were imprisoned with frightened expressions.

When such a scene happened, the expressions of all living beings who were imprisoned in the chaotic battlefield also froze.

They couldn't figure out what was going on.

"..."Do it!"

In the imprisoned world, the low voice of the Chaos Demon God sounded.

The two words fell into the ears of the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth, and their faces instantly showed a look of ecstasy.

Because they discovered that the only people who were imprisoned were members of the Weird clan, and the two of them were not imprisoned at all.

In ecstasy, they stared at each other's opponents. Now that they were imprisoned, they were completely like lambs to be slaughtered. Without any hesitation, they directly activated the Great Dao power in their bodies.

Execute the ultimate move that destroys the world.

For a time, a violent wind roared between heaven and earth, and the terrifying power of the Great Dao swept through the sky and shook the heavens. Myriad Worlds.

The killing moves of the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth fell towards the two Origin Realm powerhouses like they covered the sky.


A loud noise was heard, and the two powerful men were unable to move or defend at all, because their origins and the Great Dao were directly sealed.

Facing the killing moves all over the sky, each other could only show fear. This was the only thing they could do.

Loud noises roared and fireworks bloomed. The common people could clearly see that under this loud noise, facing the two killing moves of the Lord of Wind and the Lord of Earth, the two powerful men of the strange clan followed the explosion directly. Was bombed to pieces.

While they were performing their ultimate move 1, the Chaos Demon God also focused his attention on Dong Chen.

Although this power of sealing and confinement cannot last long against a top Origin Realm powerhouse like Dongchen.


Both of them are top experts. Whoever dares to have Spirit Partitioning in the war will be seriously injured, not to mention that the way of heaven is sealed now.

Dongchen looked at the Chaos Demon God with a look of fear in his eyes. .

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