Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 336 Eighth Layer Origin Realm [Please Order]

The Great Dao was sealed, and the origin was sealed. At this time, Dong Chen, the strong man of the strange clan, no longer had the previous confidence on his face.

Especially when looking at the Chaos Demon God coming at a rapid pace, a look of horror even appeared on his face.


Now Dongchen is completely an ordinary person, and the Chaos Demon God came to him in the blink of an eye.

His hands changed rapidly, and wisps of immortal runes fell on Dong Chen from afar.

Driven by the power of the Great Dao, every strand of immortal runes contains the powerful power of the Great Dao. Every strand of immortal runes is enough to destroy the world.

In the blink of an eye, Dong Chen's whole body was wrapped in thick runes, making it difficult to see where his body was.


Suddenly, a crisp sound came, and Dong Chen realized that the source in his body could be used. Without any hesitation, he shot directly into the distance.

Immediately, he crazily activated the Great Dao power in his body, trying to expel the immortal runes from his body.

But that's so easy.


A deafening roar suddenly resounded throughout the world, and mushroom clouds bloomed where Dongchen was.

At the same time, blood was sprinkled from the air.

When the smoke and dust slowly receded and the creatures in the sky saw Dong 530 Chen again, they all had thick smiles on each other's faces.

At this time, Dongchen's body was full of ulcers, and even in some places where the injuries were serious, naked bones could be seen.

Even though the Chaos Demon God's attack did not kill the opponent, it still severely injured him.

"Why is this person so strong?"

"In just a moment, it even blocked the Great Dao and sealed the origin."

"This can't continue like this. He's too strong."

As for the Weird Clan, the powerful men looked at the battlefield with solemn expressions on each other's faces.

Suddenly, a cold snort sounded.

All the strong men looked at him, and their eyes were fixed. This was the top strong man among them.

When they looked at each other, the person turned into an afterimage and shot towards the battlefield.

"I'll go there too."

As the strong man went, another voice came.

At this time in the battlefield.

The Chaos Demon God locked eyes on Dongchen condescendingly, his eyes changed, and his hands reached out again.

When he saw the hands of the Chaos Demon God reaching out, Dongchen felt bad.

The shadow brought by the Chaos Demon God's attack just now was too terrifying for him, and he did not dare to give in anymore. Instead, he jumped up and appeared directly in the black king's sun rolling in the sky.

He immediately activated the Great Dao power in his body, intending to suppress the Chaos Demon God first.

With the stimulation of Dongchen's Great Dao power, Rolling Wang Yang was boiling at this moment.


The next moment, Wang Yang collapsed, spread across the sky, and poured down, turning into black rain.

The rain was extremely terrifying. Wherever it passed, it directly shattered the void and fell on the earth, causing wisps of black smoke to rise from the earth.

The overwhelming rain was directed at the Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon God was planning an attack originally, but now he noticed the falling black rain and waved his right hand at will.


The immortal runes were condensed, and a bright light burst out. The breath of eternity spread out, and the blooming runes appeared directly above the Chaos Demon God.

After doing all this, the Chaos Demon God stared at Dongchen and grabbed him fiercely in the void.


The sword roar sounded, and at the same time there was a sharp breath that destroyed the world, and a long sword wrapped in infinite runes appeared in the hands of Chaos Heavenly Venerable.

The long sword is somewhat illusory and is made of the Great Dao.

Holding the rune sword, the Chaos Demon locked onto Dongchen and struck down.

Click, click, click!

The rune sword suddenly enlarged in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it was enveloped by a rune sword in mid-air.

Tens of thousands of rune swords roared directly towards Dongchen as if they were going to shatter the entire chaotic battlefield.

As for the rain all over the sky, it only passed through the root (chae) of the Rune Long Sword and could not have any impact on the Rune Long Sword. When the rain fell on the Chaos Demon God, it was directly absorbed by the immortal rune above his head.

"How can it be!"

Finding that his attack was once again unable to hurt the Chaos Demon, Dongchen instantly lost his composure.

Especially when looking at the rune swords coming from the sky, the whole person continued to use his Divine Ability to resist.

However, he discovered that these rune swords were as if they were hollow and could not fall on the rune swords at all.

Seeing the rune sword getting closer and closer.


A loud noise suddenly exploded from the sky and the universe, and the world shook suddenly. Countless creatures in the chaotic battlefield were all shocked in their hearts by this loud noise.

Even powerful men like the Lord of Reincarnation and the Lord of Space felt a strong aura of danger.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were looking towards the sky.

Everyone saw a shooting star passing by.

Next breath.

The meteor that passed by at this moment actually blasted directly towards the chaotic battlefield below.

"Well done!"

The three-character shout suddenly sounded, it was Heavenly Venerable.


Killing Heavenly Venerable holds the god-killing gun and locks on the rapidly falling stars. The power of the killing Great Dao increases crazily and points directly at the meteorite.

The moment the Heavenly Venerable was about to collide with the meteorite, he let out a loud shout and poured all his strength into the God-killing Spear.


The God-killing Spear collided with the meteorite, making a sound of morning bells and evening drums, shaking the world.

Look at the meteorite that suddenly landed. Under the blow of Killing Heavenly Venerable, it directly shattered, scattering rubble.

Killing Heavenly Venerable is suspended in mid-air, looking into the distance.

There was a black figure shattering the plane, with a high aura, towering over all living beings, and its whole body was surrounded by stars.

He is like a controller in the universe, who can break mountains and rivers with a single move and destroy the terror of the universe.

Eighth Layer Origin Realm!”

"Hiss! I thought the battle was about to end, but unexpectedly another strong man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm appeared.

"Oh my God, is today going to be a battle between the tower and the weird clan?"

"The Weird Clan must have sent too many strong men."

The moment the powerful man from the Eighth Layer Origin Realm appeared, all the people exclaimed.

The Killing Heavenly Venerable stares at the opponent, with murderous intent steaming through his body, without the slightest fear.


At this moment, a clanging sound suddenly came, and looking around, Dong Chen, who was originally suspended in mid-air, fell from the air like a fishing net full of holes.

He failed to resist the attack of the Chaos Demon God, causing his already seriously injured injury to worsen again.

When Dongchen fell, the sound of breaking through the air came again, and another strong man of the Origin Realm appeared behind Dongchen.

"Lord Dongchen.".

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