Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 339 The Lord Of Destruction [Please Order In Full]

In the battle on the Chaos battlefield, the three deities in the Yama Palace had completely become the top forces in the entire heaven.

Some forces, large and small, are shaking the power of Yama Palace.

At the same time, this also made Yama Luodian busy.

At this time, in the Yama Hall, although the Chaos Sword Master was the sword master, he was still very busy.

The same goes for Ba Dao.

Unlike in the past when they took the initiative to recover, now they only need to stay in the Yama Road.

Because there will be a steady stream of forces coming to surrender.

After all, everyone knows that you can enjoy the shade by leaning against a big tree.

This is especially true for those strong men who are only half a step into the Origin Realm.

They want to surrender to Yama, so that the next time there is a battle for the Great Dao, the presence of Yama will intimidate the other party.

Below, the place where statistics are collected from the Yama Dao Domain.

Chaos Sword Lord looked at the crowd in front of him with a smile on his face: "This is the benefit of being strong.

Ba Dao on the side also nodded: "Well, we don't need to go at all, they came to surrender on their own initiative."

"I have to say this is very convenient."

Ba Dao finished speaking and couldn't help but look at the Chaos Sword Lord: "I must improve my cultivation as soon as possible, otherwise, your Lord will surpass me."

"27 When your master's cultivation level exceeds mine, how can I protect you?

The Chaos Sword Master nodded slightly.


Just when he was about to speak, there was a violent earthquake in the sky above Yama Palace.

Click, click, click!

Extreme coldness was scattered in the air, freezing the space in an instant, and two half-step Origin Realm figures appeared directly on the sky.

Each of these two people exudes a strong breath of coldness, and they are clearly two half-step original realms of ice.

The two people in the air looked at each other and activated the power of the Great Dao to start a battle.

The sudden battle surprised the Chaos Sword Lord.

But they also understand that after all, it has been some time since the sword master fell, and they all want to compete for the position of the sword master.

"I remember that both of them are people who surrendered to the realm of Yama."

"The battle between these two people will definitely destroy the Yama Realm. Do you want to tell your Majesty?"

Ba Dao just finished speaking.

A vast voice suddenly resounded through the sky, shocking everyone.

"No matter who you are, Yama Luodian will not participate in the Great Dao battle. At the same time, if you want to have a Great Dao battle, go to the Chaos battlefield!"

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of the people in the Yama Dao Domain changed. They looked at each other at the main hall, their eyes full of respect, because they knew that the person who spoke was the Divine Child of the Yama Dao Palace, and he was the existence they looked up to.

However, even if Feng Chen spoke, the two people in the sky were still fighting. After all, the battle in the Great Dao was so fierce, how could it stop.


Seeing the fierce collision of Great Dao power above, the Chaos Sword Lord snorted coldly.


The whole person jumped up, stretched out his fingers, and a sword shadow passed by.

The terrifying sword energy instantly tore the space into pieces, and the Great Dao power instantly enveloped the entire Yama Dao Domain.

This terrifying sword shadow, as if it was going to destroy the world, blasted towards the two people who collided.

Feeling the terrifying sword shadow and the terrifying Great Dao power contained in it, the two men's expressions instantly changed.

However, the two killer moves have collided together, making it impossible to avoid them.


The sword shadow fell, and a column of smoke and dust billowed up. The terrifying power directly blasted away the killing moves of the two people at the same time, and knocked them away.

When everyone was shocked by the terror caused by the Chaos Sword Master's casual attack, the Chaos Sword Master's figure flickered and appeared directly in the sky.

"Your Majesty has already said that fighting is not allowed in the realm of Yama. Can't you two hear it?"

A word rang out, and the expressions of the two people who were knocked away instantly changed. Although it was just a short sentence, they felt a strong threat, as if the Chaos Sword Master was willing, they would do it on the spot. Generally being killed.

The two of them were too afraid to speak.

The Chaos Sword Lord blinked in mid-air and scanned the people below.

"Let me say it for the last time, Your Majesty's words represent an absolute command in the realm of Yama."

"This time, it's just a warning. If there is a next time..."

There was no need for the Chaos Sword Lord to finish his words. Those people felt the murderous intention of the Chaos Sword Lord and shuddered. They also knew what the result would be if there was a next time.

Neither of them dared to raise their heads to look at the Chaos Sword Master.

The Chaos Sword Lord's eyes glanced around, his face full of majesty.

Finally, he slowly descended and came to Ba Dao, shaking his head: "There are too many people, it's too troublesome."

Ba Dao smiled.

When he was about to say something, Feng Chen's voice came from their minds.

The two looked at each other and shot towards the main hall.

At this time, in the main hall, the Chaos Demon God, Killing Heavenly Venerable, and the girls of Dongfang Mingyue were all present.

Feng Chen looked at everyone and said.

"Next, I will retreat for a period of time, which can be as short as a hundred years or as long as a thousand years, and strive to break through the half-step source realm in one fell swoop."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at him.

Feng Chen turned to look at the Killing Heavenly Venerable: "If I haven't come out when the battle for the Long River Weapon starts, you can go to the Chaos battlefield with the Lord of Reincarnation by then, but you must

Killing Heavenly Venerable nods.

Immediately, Feng Chen looked at Chaos Sword Master and the others again.

"You should manage the Yama Dao Domain more during this period. If anything happens to the Changhe Weapon, the Chaos Sword Master will decide what to do on his own.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Followed by several women: "During this period, you will also have to work hard. After all, Yama Daoyu says that even gentlemen like them can't do it." 810

After listening to Feng Chen's words, Ba Dao grinned angrily.

The women nodded one after another to express their understanding.

Afterwards, some further development issues were arranged, and Feng Chen retreated.

As for the Chaos Demon God, although he has no arrangements, the other party also clearly knows that his task is the most difficult, and he needs to be responsible for Feng Chen's safety.

Chaos, destruction, violence, the space is constantly shattering and then collapsing.

This is the edge of the universe, and it is also a forbidden place in the eyes of all sentient beings.

Because this is the Domain of Destruction, where the Lord of Destruction sits.

The Lord of Destruction is a person from the same era as Ming Wushuang, and his strength has long been intimidating to everyone in the world.

At this time, in a huge palace, an aura of destruction was lingering all over the body. The skin on the whole body was dry, but the eyes were shining with an extremely deep light. The whole person stood quietly in the hall.

This man's body was covered with spider webs, as if he hadn't moved in a hundred years.

However, he seemed to sense something, and his eyes that had never been closed blinked slowly.


The whole palace shook violently.

A hoarse voice followed.

"A person who grew up relying on that fool Ming Wushuang has developed very quickly."

"Is that the Yama Hall?"

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