Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 340: A Dream For Hundreds Of Years, Half-Awakening To The Origin [Please Order]

"Does it really take my husband a thousand years to break through?"

In the realm of Yama, the bright moon in the east looked at Feng Chen's retreat and said.

Gu Yunshi on the side smiled and said: "It's already very good that my husband can break through half a step of the origin realm within a thousand years, okay, it's only four hundred years now."

"If a four-hundred-year-old husband can break through, he would be too evil."

Qin Rumeng nodded slightly and said, "Yes, but my husband said before retreating, let us take care of the Yama Realm."

"Now that I'm taking care of things very smoothly, I suddenly feel bored."

Dongfang Mingyue nodded repeatedly: "I heard that the Star Conference in the Star Dao Realm will be held in two days. I think I will go out for a walk."

Gu Yunshi seemed to have thought of something and smiled: "I remember that this Xingchen Dao Realm said before when it surrendered that it wanted to invite my husband to visit the Xingchen Dao Realm and have a good look at this prosperous age."

"If my husband doesn't wake up, how about we sneak out?" At this time, Qin Rumeng was like a little girl.

It's no wonder, after all, it's normal to be bored after staying in the Yama Realm for four hundred years.

After the words fell, the Japanese girl looked at each other.

Just when they were about to speak, suddenly.


The sound of morning bells and evening drums suddenly resounded throughout the Yama Realm, and an aura of boundless terror spread instantly. This aura rushed directly into the universe, causing the Galaxy to tremble.

The sudden vision caused the Chaos Sword Master, Heavenly Venerable, and Ba Dao to arrive one after another.

However, their eyes were all looking at the same place, with smiles on each other's faces.

"Your Majesty, it seems we are about to break through."

Only Ba Dao had a wry smile on his face: "No, does it mean that I will be protected by your Majesty in the future?"

"Your Majesty, wait for me. I can become the sword master by absorbing another one."

Ba Dao was naturally helpless. After all, in the past four hundred years, he had devoured another half-step master of swordsmanship in the Origin Realm, and now he was only one short.

He neither wanted to be surpassed by Feng Chen nor wanted to be surpassed by Feng Chen.

He is naturally happy to be surpassed by Feng Chen, but it also means that his strength cannot keep up with me and he cannot protect me.

As for not being surpassed, he can seize the time to become the sword master and protect his lord.


While Ba Dao was thinking, the sky was suddenly torn apart, and the bright stars fell one after another, turning into a Galaxy in mid-air.

Galaxy is connected to the sky, and the one connected below is naturally Feng Chen's retreat place, as if waiting for registration in the divine residence.

In the bright Galaxy, Feng Chen's figure slowly appeared.

Feng Chen took a step forward and appeared on the Galaxy. The aura in his body was steaming endlessly, exuding a heaven-destroying aura, as if he was the master of the entire world.

Taking the second step, the sky shook, the universe was in an uproar, and the people in the Myriad Worlds came to watch one after another, looking at Feng Chen standing on the Galaxy.

After taking the third step, everything rose and fell. Feng Chen, wrapped in infinite bright light, became the focus of everyone's attention.

That figure that traverses the sky and the earth, standing in the Galaxy, seems to want to dominate for eternity and become an unparalleled god.

Three steps, just spread out and directly step on the Galaxy to appear in the universe.

Even hundreds of millions of stars are willing to bow down and be stepped on by Feng Chen. It is unimaginable how terrifying the aura exuding from Feng Chen's body is now.

The billowing vision shook the heavens, Myriad Worlds, and attracted the attention of countless people.

"Hiss! In four hundred years, from the top Immortal King to the half-step source realm, is this true?"

"As expected of the Divine Child of the Yama Palace, it took only four hundred years to reach a height that others could not reach in thousands of years.

"The power of Yama Palace will be strengthened again with the breakthrough of this Divine Child."

"This kind of talent is really enviable."

"Now that the Divine Child of the Yama Temple has become the half-step origin state, it means that the half-step origin state of the Great Dao of time and space must be careful.

"The previous Tianzhou ran to the battlefield of chaos. It is estimated that the two of them will have a battle soon."

"A war is inevitable."

Under the gazes of horrified eyes, Feng Chen in the universe was shrouded in thousands of strange images, and the dense light continued to bloom with brilliance.

In the bright light, Feng Chen's eyes flickered, as if encompassing everything.

Feeling the changes brought about by this breakthrough in his body, Feng Chen unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

Although he is only in the Half-Step Origin Realm now, he can feel powerful, and he can even fight against some people who have swallowed up several Great Dao in the Half-Step Origin Realm.

"It seems that these four hundred years of seclusion are worth it."

Feng Chen sighed and immediately followed the Galaxy slowly back to the realm of Yama.

Countless gazes from God also turned away at this moment.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for breaking through half a step of the Origin Realm."

"Congratulations to your husband for your breakthrough."

Just after returning, Dongfang Mingyue and others congratulated him with smiles on their faces.

And when he felt Feng Chen's half-step Origin Realm cultivation, he also had a smile on his face.

Seeing the power of His Majesty, he was naturally sincerely happy, but at the same time he was also a little anxious. He was anxious about where exactly was the half-step origin state of the last Sword Master?

Feng Chen looked at everyone and smiled slightly: "Thank you for your hard work during this period."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Rumeng hurriedly smiled and said: "Husband, in two days the Xingchen Meeting in the Xingchen Dao Realm will be held.

"When I surrendered to the Xingchen Dao Realm before, I said that I would invite my husband to see the prosperity of the Xingchen Dao Realm. This time you just made a breakthrough. Can we go and have a look?"

Although Dongfang Mingyue and Gu Yunshi on the side didn't say anything, they blinked their beautiful eyes and looked at Zhao Yun with a hint of expectation.

Feng Chen also groaned when he saw this: "It's okay, it's okay to go out and relax."

When the three girls heard this, they all had deep smiles on each other's delicate and pretty faces.

Actually, it’s nothing to relax this time. I just made a breakthrough and am in a good mood.

Moreover, we can also guess how hard and boring the three girls have been during this time, so there is nothing wrong with them taking a break.

After making up their minds, the four of them went straight to the Star Dao Realm.

They were talking and laughing with each other along the way.

Feng Chen also learned about the development of the Yama Dao realm during this period from their mouths.

It can be said that the current Yama Dao Realm has truly become the top force in heaven, without a king.

There are almost 30% of the powerful people in the Yama Domain, not to mention the Immortal King and the Heavenly Emperor.

"I must take a good stroll this time when I go to Xingchen Dao Domain." Qin Rumeng said.

"Me too, I'm going to buy something by the way."

Seeing them talking and laughing, Feng Chen also showed a knowing smile on his face.


The next moment.

Feng Chen's eyes suddenly condensed and he looked in the direction of the chaotic battlefield.


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