Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 342 This Is Not Betrayal, This Is Cooperation [Please Order]

Feng Chen's words resounded throughout the Myriad Worlds, attracting the attention of countless creatures.

As soon as this Ye Cheng broke through, he started talking wildly about wanting to compete with Feng Chen for the Great Dao. They couldn't think of anyone who would give Ye Cheng the courage.

However, when everyone heard Feng Chen agree, they all understood that there would be a big battle on the Chaos battlefield.

In this battle, they will definitely see how powerful the Divine Child of the real Yama Temple is.

While countless people noticed, Feng Chen in the Star Dao Domain glanced at the three women.

"You guys go shopping first, I'll go back."

The three girls didn't say anything when they saw this, but the moment Feng Chen left, they all got up and went back.

Although they finally got out of hundreds of years of boredom, their husbands were about to start a battle over the Great Dao, and they were in no mood to continue shopping.

At this time in the chaotic battlefield.

Ye Cheng's figure slowly fell.

When the time came down, a burst of laughter came.

"Junior brother, you did a great job."

The person who spoke was Tianzhou.

Ye Cheng also looked at Tianzhou, with a look of caution on his face. Although they were both from the Time Dao Realm, in order not to engage in the Great Dao dispute, he had already left the Time Dao Realm, and now they are thousands of years apart. No, they are both cultivators of the Great Dao of Time, so Ye Cheng is naturally on guard.

Tianzhou, on the other hand, looked indifferent: "Don't worry, I said I won't attack you first."

"After Feng Chen is resolved, you and I can start the Great Dao battle again."

Hearing this, Ye Cheng was a little suspicious: "Have you suppressed your cultivation?"

Tianzhou nodded: "Yes, Feng Chen is always cautious. If you and I break through at the Chaos battlefield at the same time, he will definitely be on guard."

"But now, you are the only one making a breakthrough, so naturally he won't be so cautious."

When the words came, Ye Cheng frowned slightly and continued to ask: "But, there are three origin realms beside Feng Chen. You and I can indeed suppress Feng Chen together, but if the origin realm behind him takes action If so, how can we resist?"

In this regard, Tianzhou still behaved so calmly.

"You can rest assured of this."

After the words fell, Tianzhou's mind moved, as if he had informed someone.


In an instant, wisps of space waves rippled out, turning into an extremely terrifying momentum and spreading towards the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, four figures appeared under the twisted space, and these four figures were all strong men from the Sixth Layer Origin Realm. However, they were all shrouded in darkness and exuded an ominous aura. They were members of the weird clan. Strong.

The moment he saw the powerful man of the strange clan, Ye Cheng's eyes suddenly froze, and the power of the Great Dao surged through his body rapidly.

"Don't be nervous, they are here to help us."

Tianzhou chuckled.

As Tianzhou's words fell, these four Sixth Layer Origin Realm powerhouses all rose into the air, each other's hands changing rapidly.

When they changed their hands, wisps of space waves created weak ripples, and the immortal auras from the four of them gathered in the void ahead, obviously preparing some kind of formation.

"Have you colluded with the Weird Clan?"

Ye Cheng glanced at it, flashed his eyes hurriedly, and stared at Tianzhou.

Tianzhou didn't care about this: "This is not called collusion, it can only be called cooperation."

"Just kill Feng Chen with the hands of the Weird Clan.

"These four powerful men of the strange clan are the top formation masters. Now they personally perform the formation. Not to mention half-step of the origin state, even the origin state cannot crack it.

"As for Feng Chen, as soon as he steps into the formation, he will be directly obliterated, and he will not give Killing Heavenly Venerable and the others a chance to take action."

After the words fell, Ye Cheng fell into deep thought.

Although he is unwilling to cooperate with the weird clan, he knows that he will not be Feng Chen's opponent.

And Feng Chen is a practitioner of the Great Dao of time and space, and sooner or later there will be a war between them.

I am not Feng Chen's opponent now, and I will certainly not be his opponent in the future. This opportunity is indeed the best opportunity to kill Feng Chen.

After pondering for a while, Ye Cheng looked at Tianzhou and nodded: "I will try my best to lead him into the formation by then."

"Haha, you are such a good junior brother of mine." Tianzhou laughed loudly. What Ye Cheng didn't know was that when Tianzhou laughed, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Yama Dao Domain, Yama Hall.

When Feng Chen returns, Kill Heavenly Venerable and they are also waiting for Feng Chen.

Because they also saw the vision of God before.

…………Please give me flowers…………

"Your Majesty."

"This Ye Cheng is so confident, I think things are not simple." Chaos Sword Lord said: "The previous Heavenly Sword Venerable was like this.

Feng Chen nodded slightly when he heard this: "I've thought of this too."

"This time, please come with me. I always feel a little uneasy."

Chaos Sword Master and others nodded.

Even Feng Chen felt uneasy, and they all became cautious.

"I'll go with you."

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of Samsara sounded, and then the Lord of Samsara appeared in the hall.

"The battle for the Changhe Artifact is about to begin in more than ten years. This time Ye Cheng is so confident, things are indeed not simple. I will accompany you to make sure nothing goes wrong.


The Lord of Reincarnation spoke.

Feng Chen nodded, and he could make a rough guess when the other party said that. The first thing was to ensure that nothing went wrong, and it was also the battle for the body of the river after the war.

Now that the Lord of Samsara is taking such initiative, it means that the fight for the Long River Weapon will be even more troublesome.

As for Ye Cheng in front of him, with the appearance of the Lord of Reincarnation, he no longer has to worry.

Unless the strange ancestor god, the transcendent one, awakens, there will be no danger for the four strong men in the origin realm.


The spaces here overlap, and wisps of supreme aura are continuously twisting towards the void, which is the realm of space.

On that palace, the Lord of Space frowned slightly, first looking in the direction of the Chaos battlefield, and then his eyes stayed in the direction of the Yama Dao Domain.

Ye Cheng's breakthrough and self-confidence made the Lord of Space a little confused.

Originally, he had no intention of appearing in any subsequent occasions related to the Yama Temple. After all, he was a little wary of a force that supported the three origin realms. He had always had a bad relationship with the Yama Temple, and the existence of the three powerful men. , the Lord of Space knows that the Yama Palace will take action on the Space Dao Domain sooner or later.

But Ye Cheng's sudden appearance of self-confidence forced him to reconsider.

"Is there really a back-up plan?"

The Lord of Space did not believe that the other party had no preparations.

After weighing it again and again, his eyes flickered and he headed straight to the battlefield of chaos. .

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