Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 343 Everything Is Over [Please Order]

The light blooms and shines. Under the bright light, the power of the Great Dao of Time continues to distort the space.

Ye Cheng's entire body was suspended above the chaotic battlefield, his eyes staring straight into the distance.

The common people have long noticed Ye Cheng's actions.

It's all because of Ye Cheng's self-confidence. After all, this is a chaotic battlefield, a chaotic battlefield that will be wiped out.

But this Yecheng is so confident, waiting for the arrival of the Divine Child of Yama Palace.


Suddenly, the sound of morning bells and evening drums resounded throughout the world, turning into boundless visions.

Infinite air waves rise, and billions of stars twinkle, condensing into a dazzling Galaxy, connecting the sky above the chaotic battlefield from the universe.

On that Galaxy, all the people saw a figure walking across the sky and the earth.

The figure looks a bit ordinary, but his whole body exudes a terrifying aura that can destroy the world with just one move.

This person is naturally "310" Feng Chen.

Feng Chen's eyes blinked, as if encompassing everything, he came to the sky above the chaotic battlefield under endless visions.

There are also four extremely terrifying auras behind him, including the Chaos Sword Master and the Lord of Reincarnation.

When seeing the arrival of these four origin realms, the eyes of all the people in the world are unanimous.

The stomping of these four origin realms was an existence that shook the Myriad Worlds, but this time they appeared at the same time.

There are also people who are puzzled. It is just a Great Dao battle. With Feng Chen’s strength, he can definitely crush Ye Cheng. Why would the four of them appear together?

"I thought you were going to be a coward and didn't dare to come."

While the people were looking at the four Chaos Sword Lords, Ye Cheng's provocative voice suddenly sounded.

At this time, Ye Cheng was suspended in the air, looking directly at Feng Chen, his face full of confidence.

"But now that you are here, I think you are already ready to dedicate yourself to your origins."

As the words rang out, Feng Kong couldn't help but smile.

"I really don't know how confident you are."

"Is it a weird clan?"

Feng Chen's words fell into Ye Cheng's ears, and Ye Cheng's eyes suddenly froze, and then flashed away.

"Huh, I'm enough to deal with you."

Although that moment of confusion flashed by, it was still captured by Feng Chen.

As expected, Ye Cheng has indeed joined forces with the Weird Clan.

However, I have nothing to be afraid of.

"Suffer death!"

Three words sounded from Ye Cheng's mouth.

Without any temptation, Ye Cheng directly mobilized the power of the Great Dao in his body and used Calendar.

He locked eyes with Feng Chen and thrust out his palm fiercely.

The palm of his hand expanded rapidly in the air, and the tyrannical power of the Great Dao rose rapidly, piercing through the void tyrannically.

The huge palm blinked hundreds of millions of feet, with a terror that would shatter the entire chaotic battlefield.

This palm, carrying the roaring wind, blasted directly towards Feng Chen.

Feng Chen stared at that palm without any panic. With a thought in his mind, the aura in his body rose.

The aura instantly filled the entire world and turned into an endless wave, roaring away with raging force.

Turning around, Feng Chen's hands changed, and a divine rainbow condensed in front of him.


The divine rainbow changes, blooming a dazzling light, and the aura fluctuations contained in it are even more terrifying.

At this moment, this divine rainbow became the most dazzling color in the world.

Facing that huge palm, he suddenly walked away.

When the two came together, it was this earth-shattering offensive.

Under the gaze of the common people, they collided directly with each other.


There was a roar, smoke and dust billowing, and the terrifying shock wave spread towards the surroundings like a catastrophe.

Under this vision that filled the sky, the huge divine rainbow directly shattered the huge palm with a crushing force.

After shattering his palm, the power of Shenhong remained unabated, pointing straight at Ye Cheng and blasting away.

The impact of the collision caused Ye Cheng's eyes to freeze.

He had thought that he was no match for Feng Chen, but he never thought that the other party's strength would be so terrifying, since he used the power of the Great Dao to attack.

Feng Chen resisted it so easily.

Although he was shocked, Ye Cheng's reaction was not slow. He watched the divine rainbow roar and continued to hit one after another with Divine Ability.

In an instant, the entire sky bloomed under the rendering of Divine Ability.

Then the common people heard the roaring and collision sound that kept ringing, which was the collision of Divine Ability and Divine Rainbow.

Under the collision, mushroom clouds bloomed and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds.

But this time, after activating countless Divine Abilities, the Divine Rainbow was finally offset.

But even so, Ye Cheng's entire body was directly shaken back.

Seeing this scene, all the people's faces were filled with shock.


Before they could be shocked by Feng Chen's terrifying strength.


The terrifying vibrations erupted again. After being repelled once, Ye Cheng was planning his next killing move.

The breath roared, and the energy in Ye Cheng's whole body rose up, instantly rushing into the sky.

Under the billowing vision, a wolf hair as white as jade appeared in Ye Cheng's hand.

Holding the wolf hair in hand, Ye Cheng seemed to have changed into a different person, and the fluctuations in his aura became even more terrifying.

It is true that the wolf in his hand is anything but ordinary.

Ye Cheng glanced at Feng Chen, and then waved the wolf hair in his hand in mid-air.


For a moment, the sky and the earth roared, strong winds rose, and as Ye Cheng waved, beams of light continued to shoot out from the wolf hair.

Each beam of light contains the power of the Great Dao of the coming time. Even when the surrounding space touches the beam, it is directly imprisoned.

The smoke and dust caused by the previous collision were suspended in mid-air.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. When the power of confinement was emitted from the beam, the beams of light whizzed towards Feng Chen.

The beam of light was overwhelming, and the power it spread directly blocked the space around Feng Chen.

This also eliminates the possibility of Feng Chen leaving the space.

The speed of these falling beams is extremely fast.

Feng Chen looked at the falling beam of light, stretched out his hands, and slapped two palms in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the palm enlarged, and a terrifying aura erupted.

However, when Ye Cheng saw this scene, a thick smile appeared on his face. He was waiting for Feng Chen to use his attack to resist. 3.0 Under his gaze, the palm of his hand directly collided with the beam.

However, during the collision, there was no imaginary sound, instead everything was so calm.

Looking at Feng Chen again, his whole body was covered with a white halo.

It was the halo of light that made Feng Chen suspended in mid-air. He maintained the movements of his palms, as if he was imprisoned in the air.

"Haha! It's all over."

Ye Cheng laughed loudly throughout the world. He looked at the imprisoned Feng Chen, obviously he had expected this.

When the laughter rang out, Ye Cheng was also planning this terrifying killing move.

At this moment, the expressions of countless people changed.

"The Divine Child of Yama Temple seems to have been tricked."

"Can it be said that Ye Cheng can really kill him?"

"No way!".

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