Fantasy: Start with 3,000 Saints and establish Yama Temple!

Chapter 352 The Opportunity To Dominate The Sword, The Battle Between The Sword Masters [Please Orde

In the chaotic battlefield, the roar continued, and this unprecedented battle has gradually reached a fierce stage.

All people in the world have their eyes fixed on every battlefield.

In this chaotic battle, what no one noticed was that a figure flashed rapidly and appeared under the treasures of heaven and earth.

This man's face was full of composure, and he was carrying a big sword on his back. He was clearly a strong man with half a step in the original realm of swordsmanship.

Daoyang, a master of swordsmanship who has been in the half-step original realm for a long time, has also been staying in the chaotic battlefield these years.

After all, Ba Dao's reputation was too great and his strength was terrifying, so he chose to stay in hiding.

Now, the main reason why he came out was because when the Samsara Pearl appeared, there was also a treasure that greatly improved the sword master.

As long as he obtains this treasure, he will be confident that he will have the upper hand in the Great Dao battle with Ba Dao.

With a thought in his mind, Daoyang's whole body flashed rapidly among the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the sky. He didn't pay any attention to those heavenly materials and earthly treasures. He only paid attention to the ordinary sword path treasure and an ancient sword secret left by other chaos. .

In a few flashes, after all, no one dared to snatch the treasures of heaven and earth in this chaotic battle, and no one disturbed Daoyang.

Therefore, Daoyang's search went very smoothly.

"found it."

After searching, Daoyang's face showed a deep joy. He looked at the ancient sword secret below that was emitting bright light, and then whizzed away regardless.


Just when he was about to get the secret of the ancient sword.

Click, click, click!

The surrounding void shattered crazily, and an extremely terrifying sharp breath shattered the void and swept towards him.

It was the shadow of a huge knife. The shadow of the knife flickered, as if it was going to tear the world into pieces, pointing directly at the sun of the knife.

The sudden attack made Daoyang's eyes freeze, but his reaction was not slow at all. The moment the knife shadow fell, he waved his big hand, and the big knife behind him appeared in his hand.

Then he shouted loudly, the sword in his hand bloomed with bright light, and he waved it out in the face of the huge sword shadow.


A harsh clang sounded, causing the sky to tremble, and a terrifying shock wave spread towards the surroundings.

This powerful force swept across, causing Daoyang to be directly knocked back.

On the other hand, Ba Dao looked down at him.

"I finally found you."

"You kept me waiting for too long."

Originally, Ba Dao was still fighting with the strange clan strongman of the Four Origin Realm, but when the killing moves of both sides were about to collide, he suddenly sensed the aura of the sword path. Without any hesitation, Ba Dao moved forward directly. Come.

And when he saw Daoyang, the smile on his face was so full.

He has waited for too long for a half-step origin state of swordsmanship.

Dao Yang also stared at Ba Dao with a solemn expression in his eyes.

He knew that he was no match for Ba Dao.

But now, the battle for the Great Dao has begun. In front of Ba Dao, it is impossible for him to run away.

Knowing that he couldn't run away, Dao Yang did not flinch, but mobilized the power of his whole body, releasing the brilliance of the Great Dao, and the long knife in his hand bloomed with light.

At this moment, he has decided to start a Great Dao battle with Ba Dao.

The two looked at each other, with a strong fighting spirit shining in each other's eyes.

"Wow! The last sword master has appeared."

"That is to say, today Ba Dao and that sword master are going to have a Great Dao battle."

"Similarly, the battle between the two of them will also represent the ownership of the final sword master."

"Good guy, another sword master is going to appear before you know it."

"This is good news to our God."

"Ba Dao has devoured three half-step origin realm beings. It is absolutely easy to deal with this person."

"That's inevitable. Today I may be able to see Ba ​​Dao become the master of the sword with my own eyes."

Under the excited gaze of all living beings, Ba Dao and Dao Yang looked at each other.

They turned to each other and raised the long knives in their hands, intending to attack.

"Hmph, you dare to start a Great Dao battle against me. You are so arrogant.

Just when the two sides were about to start a battle, the strong men from the Third Layer Origin Realm of the strange clan who had originally fought against Ba Dao roared over with murderous intent, staring at Ba Dao.

Turning around, the strong man looked at Dao Yang: "Today you and I will join forces to kill him and help you become the master of the sword."

When Dao Yang heard this, he set his sights on the strong man of the Weird Clan, without answering or refusing.

As a person who is half-step to the Origin Realm, he has a very clear understanding of his own strength. If he fights alone, he is definitely not the opponent of Ba Dao.

…Please give me flowers…

But now, with the addition of this powerful man from the Origin Realm, he naturally has confidence.

Even though he was criticized by all living beings, he still knew how to choose between death or becoming a sword master.

Defaulting to Daoyang, the whole body's aura is steaming, and this strong man of the strange clan locks the tyrant sword.

"Today is the day you die."

"Ba Dao, let me help you."

At this moment, a figure full of fighting spirit shot out. It was a three-origin realm in the realm of reincarnation.


Just when the opponent was about to arrive, Ba Dao gave a loud shout.

"Need not!"

"To deal with the two of them, I'm not weak enough to need help!"


The voice was full of arrogance, sweeping across the sky and falling into the ears of countless people.

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was staring at him.

Listening to Ba Dao's words, both of them were deeply shocked.

Although the words were very domineering, the faces of the people watching in the distance showed worries.

Of course they also know how powerful the tyrant sword is, but now facing a Third Layer origin state and a half-step origin state of sword path, how can they not be worried.

Under their worried gazes, Ba Dao's eyes flashed, and the sword in his hand bloomed with light. With one against two, and with the gap in cultivation level, Ba Dao took the lead in attacking and killed the two of them directly.

I saw the long sword in Ba Dao's hand flashing with light, and Ba Dao brandished two knives in succession.

In an instant, the knife shadow flickered, and the terrifying knife shadow pierced through the void forcefully, causing the world to fall into violent shaking.

In a blink of an eye.

When the two huge knife shadows exploded, they rapidly enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in the blink of an eye, they were as large as 100 million square inches.

The huge knife shadow carried an unstoppable attack and blasted towards Daoyang and the strong men of the Weird clan.

The terrifying power was released, shattering the void, and falling rapidly as if destroying the heaven and earth.

The strong man of the weird clan snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and rippled the space, condensing into a dark and ink-like divine rainbow in mid-air, and turned towards the huge knife shadow.

At the same time, Daoyang also attacked and suffered losses. .

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